Recruiting Forum Football Talk VI

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I'm a huge fan of data tables that don't even bother to explain what the hell the data is. "4-Year Prior" what? "2-Year Average" what? I can make up a data set that shows that Heupel is better than Saban and Smart as long as I don't have to actually say what the numbers represent.
Exactly. Cornbread was just blatant and bad at it here.

It has also gone on in nearly every program, including ours for decades.

Don't need to do it anymore with NIL. Yet, it will still happen and the NCAA will bring the hammer when it does if the participants are stupid about it. I'm thinking Danny plans to run a much cleaner operation since we are a leader in NIL with full support of the legislature.

and UT was great at it!
If we just fired Pruitt and paid his buyout then Fulmer maybe doesn't get fired. White maybe doesn't get hired. Maybe one of the early candidates like James Franklin takes the job because there's no NCAA investigation looming. Maybe if Fulmer stays we get Shane Beamer or one of the other goons on that list.

We did the right thing and we have the right outcome.
Jeremy Pruitt didn't just start those recruiting "techniques" when he got here. He's been doing these things at GA, AL, and FSU completely unchecked.

100%. PruittCo did what was done at other schools without a protective system in place. Casey had a compliance background... but FSU compliance is a far cry from UT compliance. Look at UGA. Whenever an SA gets in trouble, UGA has a fixer there quickly to mitigate damage and facilitate a desirable outcome. Most transgressions don't even hit the media. The local media is generally supportive and law enforcement tends to be lenient. Contrast that with UT where the local media can't wait to pounce and looks for a negative spin, and KPD is quick to arrest. Good or bad, there's a huge gulf between how things are handled at UT and in Knoxville vs other programs, where things get swept under the rug.

This is one reason UT doesn't aggressively recruit some high star recruits. Fans get upset and blame the coaches, but UT values academics and culture and doesn't want SAs with academic or attitude issues-- in any sport. Win-at-all-costs schools take recruits that UT does not want to pursue, and that's not going to change any time soon.
If we just fired Pruitt and paid his buyout then Fulmer maybe doesn't get fired. White maybe doesn't get hired. Maybe one of the early candidates like James Franklin takes the job because there's no NCAA investigation looming. Maybe if Fulmer stays we get Shane Beamer or one of the other goons on that list.

We did the right thing and we have the right outcome.

Shane Beamer would’ve absolutely come to Tennessee if Fulmer was the AD and he got the call and offer. He was a GA for 3 years under Fulmer and has fond memories of Knoxville. He said so himself. He was an assistant at SC for only 4 seasons too. He would’ve spun the same “I’m coming home. This is my dream job!” banter that he used when introduced at South Carolina.

I’m really glad that we didn’t have to face that reality.
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Says the fan whose football employees are literally killing their players, along with themselves. $8 million is chump change compared to that $40 million coming down the pike at UGA; not to mention what the OTHER football employee, the one who survived, will get.

I know it sounds crazy...but, depending on how ugly that gets down there...if it gets UGLY UGLY, even Kirby won't be able to survive it, imo. It was a terrible tragedy, brought on in a massive way, by someone who was on his staff, with another staffer seriously hurt, as well. What do you all think that girl is going to say about the whole shabangabang, UGA's going on's, not just about the accident, if she has to fight with her lawsuit? I'm not saying this is going to saying it has the potential to burn that place down.

This is a typical UGA response. They are infuriated that the media talks about the speeding and sexual misconduct. Not at the athletes, at the media. The same folks who whined for years about FSU, Miami, etc now can't conceive of the fact that people won't look the other way. They've sold their souls and lost control. Their downfall will eventually come and it will be nasty.
Shane Beamer would’ve absolutely come to Tennessee if Fulmer was the AD and he got the call and offer. He was a GA for 3 years under Fulmer and has fond memories of Knoxville. He said so himself. He was an assistant at SC for only 4 seasons too. He would’ve spun the same “I’m coming home. This is my dream job!” banter that he used when introduced at South Carolina.

I’m really glad that we didn’t have to face that reality.
That thought should stay in your should never even prognosticate or theorize that name in relation to our team.
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