Recruiting Forum Football Talk VI

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See if @Jackcrevol will sell you his truck. I bet he's ready for a new one.

so small
We killed what 140-250 thousand total (high number taking into account those poor souls that died more slowly) with those two bombs?...what the idiots don't realize, or more likely they do and just refuse to acknowledge because they are perfidious, malodorous garbage anti-American trolls, is that likely 10-20+ million Japanese people (if not twice that many) would have died as they did in the horror of Saipan and Okinawa.

People don't understand, or they do and just flat dishonestly argue otherwise the mindset of the vaaaast majority of the Japanese people....they were planning on women and children fighting to the death with freaking bamboo spears in thousands of mass banzai attacks....they were going to do what they had done all the way across the Pacific...fight to the death suicidally or kill themselves before being captured.

And they would have taken God only knows how many American lives with them....Those bombs, which at that point in history and scientific advancement were inevitable, actually saved many many MILLIONS of lives.

Another thing...does anybody believe that the Soviets would not have developed them eventually if we hadn't first?...what kind of hellish world would be now if they had the bomb and we didn't in the years after WW2?...Does anybody really believe they would have refrained from destroying us with three same restraint we showed when we had the power to take over the world and rid it of our enemies by being the sole nuclear power on earth?
These are all tremendous points. If Togo and the rest of the Japanese militants, including Emperor Hirohito, had their way millions would have died.
A little side point to the atomic bomb, if Hitler had treated the Jewish people better, we would all be speaking German. I know that is a bit of a stretch, but not too much of one.
I shouldn't have sold my Challenger R/T but I do love my FJ cruiser. Don't even know what I'll get next. Have looked at the Panamera though.
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I went to the beekeeper because I am thinking of starting a colony of my own. After a long conversation with him, I decided to start with a very small colony, just to see how it goes. I asked him for 12 bees. He gave me 13 instead. I said, Sir, you gave me one extra. He said, "I know. That's a freebie."
Keep us updated. Thought about doing this myself
Having a little family get together having Ham,Turkey ,green beans smashed potatoes and Mac-Cheee for kids and stuffing deciding on dessert Red Velvet or Carrot Cake. I know sounds like a lot but ,12 people eating and I'm sure my sister and her friends will be blazing before dinner they will be hungry!!

@TrippieRedd is on his way.
July 16, 1941

"In time, of course, this fifty-sixth game would become known as the final game of Joe DiMaggio’s record hitting streak, but at the time it was just another game in a string that might go on forever. Newspapers and radio stations still carried news bulletins on DiMaggio’s at bats, but there was no longer a record to shoot for; the only question was how long he could continue the streak. On this day, the answer was the same as it had been for the previous fifty-five games: one more day.

As the Yankees were hammering Cleveland 10-3 and pushing the Indians five games back of first place, DiMaggio collected the final three hits of his streak. He singled to center in the first inning, reached again on a blooper that fell in front of the center fielder in the third, and stroked a hard double to left in his final at bat of the day."

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