Recruiting Forum Football Talk VI

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Unemployment Lady: And your reason for being out of work, Mr. Jones?
Butch: I sucked at being a head coach, so they fired me but didn't give me a big enough buy out to keep me going.
Unemployment Lady: Well, we don't just give out money, Mr. Jones. First we need some information.
Butch: I'd like to talk to your supervisor, please.
Unemployment Lady: I am the supervisor.
Butch: And, may I say, doing a fantastic job.

... Saban enters room.

Saban: Are you taking care of my bad boy over there?
Butch: No, she's being quite obstinate about this whole situation. I'm getting nothing!

Unemployment Lady: Well, unfortunately, Mr. Jones doesn't qualify for unemployment because he's never had a job.
Saban: Oh well, didn't he tell you about the job he was doing for me?
Unemployment Lady: No, what job?
Saban: You didn't tell her?

Butch: No-no, not specifically, I-I-uh...

Unemployment Lady: Well, that's important information, Mr. Jones. You working for Nick Saban makes you an employee.
Butch: Oh, I forgot.

Unemployment Lady: Well, what were your duties?
Butch: Well, I was in more of a consulting position.
Saban: Oh! No, no, no, no, no. It was not a consulting position, he was my assistant, he was like my little guy Friday. He would fetch things for me, I'd tell him where to go and he'd go running off, and fetching things for me. What were some of the things you fetched? You fetched like, uh-
Butch: Coffee.
Saban: Coffee, you'd get that. And sometimes you'd have to-
Butch: Get a hankie.
Saban: No, you'd pick up, you know-
Butch: Cleaning, his dry cleaning.
Saban: Yeah, you'd have to do that, and then.
Butch: Just when he didn't have time.
Saban: How about these guys down there, those are boots.
Butch: Nothing with the boots, I don't think there was-
Saban: Oh, there was something with the boots.
Butch: Polish them every once in a while.
Saban: Every now and then, he had to do that, too. He was a hell of a worker and I really, really needed him, because you know how busy I can get. But I had to can him!!

... Butch gets an unemployment check and Saban gives him a ride back home ...

Butch: Anyway, I appreciate what you've done, Nick, I really do, I'm-
Saban: Don't you worry about it, Butch, I'm happy to do it. Why don't you just get me a little wiper fluid, and we'll call it even, okay?
Butch: Okay, wiper fluid, you got it.
Saban: And also maybe a Kleenex caddy? I've always wanted one of those.
Butch: That's funny.
Saban: It is, but I'm not joking.
Butch: All right, one Kleenex caddy, and wiper fluid.
Fried Bologna sandwich with mayo and bananas is excellent. Throw on some siracha and pair with a fine glass of 2% Mayfield's cold milk.
I don't remember the actual first game I attended. The first game I specifically remember attending was '98 Florida. Nose bleeds, right under the 'V'. Terrible seats, but gave me the distinction of knowing that we won the game a fraction of a second before the rest of the view was right over the left upright of the goal post. Watching the UF kick sail left was glorious, and then watching the goal posts floating around on the orange pond was even more so.
1974 UT/Clemson....first game I remember.

I'm hungry now.
Bolognese! That's good stuff! Both from the same city.

Americans tend to say: bo lo nay see
Italians always say: bo lo nyay say
Due to the gn

When I was growing up in Tennessee, Bolognese was pronounced "Spaghetti Sauce." 😂 Red sauce with meat.

Funny. In New Orleans it's often call "Red Gravy." True story, bro.
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bologna - bo lo nya

gn in Italian is an n-sound followed by the consonant y-sound. I think it is the equivalent of ñ in Spanish but non parlo Spagnolo. (Spa nyo lo) (Spanish)

Consider lasagna as a model. Everyone learned the rule when they ate that dish! nya

Edit: Just realized that means the n in baloney is correct! Just replace ey with ya at the end and you're speaking Italian. 😂

But I would never say anything but boloney in this country, unless I was referring to an imported Italian bologna. Sounds pretentious imo.
when I think of Butch I think:

Georgia win
Losing the SEC
Car wash
Trash can
The point chart .... for why we didn't go for two after scoring a TD to take a 26-14 lead over Florida in 2015. No such chart exists, which says kick the extra point right there. It was halfway through the 4th quarter.
I haven't eaten in years. I subsist on grilled recruiting nuggets and the tears of opposing fans when the Vols whoop dat hind end.

Admittedly, I lost a lost of weight over the last 20 years but I am gonna get back to my fighting weight really soon.
You're like that monk that never ate and lived to be 200+ years old?
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