Recruiting Forum Football Talk VI

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Fried Bologna sandwich with mayo and bananas is excellent. Throw on some siracha and pair with a fine glass of 2% Mayfield's cold milk.
I would say that this sounds like something appropriate for a colonoscopy prep. However, it would never survive the trip to the appropriate exit. It would immediately be projectile vomited across the room.

I would say that this sounds like something appropriate for a colonoscopy prep. However, it would never survive the trip to the appropriate exit. It would immediately be projectile vomited across the room.

It’s a great traditional East TN meal, you! It goes back to Scots-Irish roots of frying their meat bananas and sipping it down with their cow’s white.
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If these are current Titans' players in Houston Oiler uniforms (as I suspect they are), this is yet ANOTHER sign of disrespect to Titans fans from the Titans ownership and management.
Whether or not it is Titans' players, it's obvious how much the admin and owners of the Titans wish they were still the Oilers.
They should've just kept the Oilers and allowed a new franchise for Tennessee.
Houston was sick of Bud Adams. They wouldn't build a new stadium for him but he wouldn't give up the Oilers history/ownership. NFL wasn't going to give a small market a new franchise but was fine letting Adams choose Nashville, then gave Houston a new franchise. I wish the NFL had forced Adams into the Art Modell deal. Modell surrendered the Browns "Name Image and Likeness" to the league, but took the employees and players to start the Ravens in Baltimore. If they'd done that, the Texans would still be the Oilers and the Titans would JUST be the Titans.
I've got a program on my pawn shop laptop that can take ANY video with a person in it, scan the video, let you select which person and perfectly overlay any AI generated character onto them with 1 button click. Takes weeks or months of professional editing to do what it can do in about 5 minutes. Insane. Called Wonder Dynamics. . . its really an online app that anyone can use for like $15/mo.

Wonder Dynamics

And human creativity dies...I hate this stupid crap.
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