Recruiting Forum Football Talk VI

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Any of you have a recurring dream?

I've had one my whole life, since I was a kid. I use to get it about once a month, then about once a year. Now I've started getting it about once a month again.

It's night and I'm in a dark parking lot, out of breath and tired from running. I'm hiding beside a car trying to unscrew an old antenna off it to use as a weapon. As I'm unscrewing it, I hear a voice say, "You think that's gonna help?"

I look to the where the voice is and there is a werewolf/bigfoot (he looks like the bigfoot from Tenacious D video and seems pretty nice except he's hunting me, but I think he's a werewolf) that has found me hiding by the car. He always asks me "what do you think an antenna is gonna do to me, it's not silver?" I tell him it's gonna leave a mark on him that can be seen when he turns human again (I think I'll finally be able to know who he is, then realize I'll be dead). He laughs and says no one will know how he got the mark, then I point up at a security camera. He sees it and jumps back a few feet and says "you win, but I'll get you next time!". . . then runs off into the darkness.

Sometimes in a parking lot, sometimes in a field with a bunch of cars parked in it, sometimes in a parking garage, but I'm always exhausted from running and I'm always hiding by a car trying to get an antenna, 😆. It's always dark and foggy looking.

So weird, probably from a werewolf movie I saw as a kid in the 80s 90s. 🤷🤔

Are you sure he didn't say:


If so, one quick way to get rid of him is to simply say:

My recurring dream is that it's near the end of the second semester of my senior year of college, and I'm looking through some old papers and find my class schedule. While looking at it, I realize I'm still enrolled in a class that I haven't attended since the beginning of the semester. It's also a class I need to graduate. The rest of the dream is spent in a panic trying to contact the professor and find out if it's possible to salvage my grade.

Apparently it's an incredibly common post-college dream. I actually sort of lived it, but it wasn't a class for me, it was meeting with the graduation coordinator to ensure everything was good to go. I didn't meet with her until the last minute, and it was sort of up in the air until a day or two before graduation as to whether my name would get called.
It is very common, and I used to have it too until I became a professor at which point the perspective flipped. In my recurring dream it's near the end of the semester and I realize there's a class I'm supposed to have been teaching all semester that I've never been to. I also sometimes have one where it's finals time but I don't have enough exams for the class.
Must be a weight off your shoulders. I hope your spirits are lifted soon. Also, you'll be repping a new friend who can hold up his end of the friendship. I'm sure you'll build a strong bond.
He eventually showed up. But, my friend said he didnt understand what cloning was.

I said, that makes two of us.image.jpg
What could get you suspended for that? I don't understand.

I had to research it more. He didn’t say anything controversial. He apparently stated a fact and highlighted a stat that ownership didn’t like. It even sounds like the PR staff is the one who put out the game notes that he referenced. That is really thin-skinned. It seems this is not the first time ownership has punished broadcasters. The solution would be for no one to apply or even interview if the position became open.
seem to be missing on several kids lately... plenty of reasons or excuses... guess it's gonna take longer than expected coming off last season to build and get to the next level and stay there. I think we're really gonna truly see this upcoming season if this staff can develop our players as well as most think and expect...
Barnes is 10-9 vs KY. And will build on his lead this year!

Ah, thank you for correcting me. They lose over half of the time! To a historically pretty average basketball school and a coach that people said was taking a golden parachute coming here before retirement. What a program.
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