Recruiting Forum Football Talk VI

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It's the little things that make me laugh.............Look at Troy try not to laugh................

When I was 16 working my first retail job, I tried to shake a dude's hand who was not trying to shake my hand. He was just gesturing a bit while I was talking to him, and I thought he wanted to shake hands, so I went for it (I was already nervous interacting with the public anyway).

I'll never forget the mixture of horror, disgust, and secondhand embarrassment on his face.
We’re 11 days away from kickoff of the 2023 Volunteer football season and I am caught up again.

This is concerning on many levels. There used to be so many posts that I had trouble keeping up or even within a week or so of being behind. Are y’all becoming complacent about our newfound football quality?

I admit that I became very complacent during the Fulmer years. I expected to win almost every game and really got down on the coaches when they didn’t win every single game. It was the wrong attitude for sure.

I subsequently learned a valuable but miserable lesson in the k/d/b/p coaching debacle years. I will never be complacent about our team and their performance again!

That’s why I am solidly in the

15-0 🤠

Camp. I’m realistic about that not actually happening (about 1% of doubt maximum). I’m 99+% optimistic about the chances of us running the table this year.
Come on VN post more and feel better!
Remember, this is our last year with the opportunity to go

15-0 🤠
🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡 You’re right. I’m wondering where everyone is. There doesn’t seem to be excitement. It’s almost football time in Tennessee!!!!
Yea the backwoods moonshine is a much better product than the company made shine just taste different....
A couple years ago I was driving down a backroad in Townsend, along the river. It had just started snowing. The road was closed up around the corner and I had to turn around. There was an old classic station wagon, looked like a Tempest, parked on the side of the road. I got out and looked at it, as the owner was out standing next to it. We talked for a minute and I said it looked like a bootlegger's car. He kinda laughed and we talked for a couple more minutes. I ended the conversation and started to leave. He said, "Hang on a second." Went inside and came out with a mason jar of white lightning. He tried to give it to me, but I paid. Only had $15 cash on me. It was some of the best moonshine I've ever had.

I don't know if he made it, sold it, bootlegged it, or if its was just coincidence that I said that and he had some extra.
Yes it's not my cousin works at the Ole Smoky in Newport each week they gave him some of the mini jars of flavored moonshine. He brought it to me I tasted it spit it out and said who made this crap lol...
One of the guys on my golf team at The Peay dated a girl from Meigs County...and she would bring us 1 gallon Milk Jugs of homemade stuff.

WOW! Burn the hair off yo chest.
I heard Mincey walked out of a meeting yesterday mad.. really hope he comes back
Sucks if true, but I’d bet he was frustrated he isn’t getting to start and needed to blow off steam.

I hope he will be patient and take advantage of the opportunity when it presently itself. Besides, it’s not like he can transfer a week before games start.
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