Recruiting Forum Football Talk VI

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Bet the house on a Vols W! 😆
you heard it here first folks

I think Hooker will be the most beloved Vol since Peyton. Even over Iceman. Hooker was the All American QB that took TN out of our Football misery. TN was already on top when Clausen was QB.
Without a doubt he’s on Mount Volmore and the Pantheon of Potentate Pantone 151 Greats.
I've really started disliking night games.

Having to wait all day, watching these slow azz offenses piddle around like they're playing tiddly winks...this ain't real football. Give me pure octane 100 Heupel fuel fired real football or give me death!!

8 more hours 🥱
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Been at the ER with my husband all day. He had another episode last night where he can’t remember the day or events. Last night he couldn’t remember if he turned on the shower or got in, nothing about Christmas or that our son was in rehab. Then he had a seizure on me this morning. Lots of tests but we’re not able to do an MRI to see if there were mini strokes. Everything was fine except his sugar dropped really low while there. Doctor’s appointment next week. Y’all be praying please.
Prayers sent for you and your family. Stay strong girl
@mrMet @utvolmaniac @Z06VolinWV (and other bourbon aficionados)

Picked these up this week.

What's my sipper for tonight's game?

View attachment 527577
Start with ER as the single barrel picks are generally fire and it's an easy sipper to start any evening. Move to the Larceny BP (Have heard the C922 is the best batch yet, but have yet to crack mine) once the Vols start to roll Clemson. Nice haul!
Finally nutted up and got a record player (with USB/pre-amp for direct sampling too 🤩).

I'm thinking Nina Simone live albums would sound fantastic on vinyl. What are some others y'all think would be enhanced off a record player?

Kind Of Blue
Giant Steps
Dark Side of the Moon
Sgt Peppers
White Album
Zeppelin IV
House of the Holy
Whats Going On
Here My Dear
Hot Buttered Soul

My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy

I think that all of those are good, but would also benefit from the enhanced quality of vinyl
I get the premise, but unless there's a minor league system developed, 99.9% of high school kids are no where near physically or skillfully mature enough to play or make an impact in the NFL.
Could you imagine an 18 year old kid right out of high school getting tagged by Ray Lewis? Nothing good would come from it!
you heard it here first folks

This game makes me nervous to bet on.
Milton could light it up or flop. Our defense could let their new QB light us up or he could choke.

I think it's more likely Milton lights them up, having so much experience over the years and our system/coaches.

My parlay is Tennessee o26.5pts and Clemson o27.5. I think we win, but I feel pretty good both teams will get past those numbers.

I hate that DK isn't giving 1st qtr bets on parlays. Not sure they're giving 1st qtr bets at all. Cheezy.
The number of species on the brink of extinction saddens me. Think how many species have disappeared from the Earth in just the last few hundred years. It's important to find a balance between nature and the needs of man.

Exactly. Too much nature. Every time I see people building on every little inch of mountain footage here in Asheville I think, "it must be awful to have all those daggum trees ruining your view". I think we just need to raze all the trees so that we can have great views of other mountains and their respective houses. Those dang trees and wildlife always getting in the way of the real beauty.
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