Recruiting Forum Football Talk VI

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Yep. Was pretty much raised on Kiss despite being born in 1996. Uncle showered me in Kiss memorabilia, dad took me to 10 shows over the course of my life. He even tried to take me front row to the farewell tour… mom said no since I was only 4 years old lol
I can remember getting an 8 track in my car back in the day. First 3 purchases were Kiss, Aerosmith Rocks and ZZ Top Fandango.
always gonna be stymied by academics
A school like ND might have a similar situation to that of the Ivy Leagues. They're allowed to take a certain number of kids who may not check all the boxes academically, but are within a certain range. Those exceptions are taken for the sake of the football programs. It's as close to getting a football scholarship as they have.
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