Recruiting Forum Football Talk VI

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Y'all are letting an ankle biter affect you. He knows he took a subpar job at a subpar school. His only shot at appearing relevant is to make us and the world believe they are our rival, thus at our level.

He's an over-compensator and the world will see it soon enough. He'll end up Butch-Jonesing at the likes of arky state tech community college soon enough.

He is Butch Jones with more hair. I do not like him, his antics, or his loud mouth. It will be fun watching their program burn down over the next 2-3 years.
I want them dead

Hey man, I'm all about it.
I like watching the reactions of people that have never heard some of the old stuff. Little Feat Waiting for Columbus is one my niece heard a few years back and was stunned when I told her when it came out. Jethro Tull Aqualung is fantastic as well. I saw Little Feat a few months back at the Ryman and they were GREAT. I like some of the new stuff as well, I'm going to see Alter Bridge at the Ryman in about a month. If you haven't listened to Joe Bonnamassa I highly recommend him if you like Bluesy Rock as well.
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