Recruiting Forum Football Talk VI

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Wish him well.
no ill will to the kid at all but the 3 that started bowl game, Webb, Nimrod and then we get Thornton, Seldon packages and not going to be a-lot of play time but mop up duty. Sorry and good luck but to get to the top, you keep upgrading and some will stay and some will go. The portal has made it a lot easier and acceptable for these changes to occur.
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Players aren't employees and even if they were, some recruiting coordinator would not be considered their direct or indirect superior in any kind of way.
Players aren't employees and even if they were, some recruiting coordinator would not be considered their direct or indirect superior in any kind of way.
Players? I thought it was staff.

Players banging the recruiting coordinator? Are those benefits permissible by the NCAA?
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Merrill has been unhappy for a while. Not surprising the bowl game would escalate that to very unhappy. He's a good receiver but he's not beating out the guys in front of him and he has the power to try to fix that. Or not.
If Tonya Harding taught us anything, it's never let others stand in the way of your dreams.
Players aren't employees and even if they were, some recruiting coordinator would not be considered their direct or indirect superior in any kind of way.
I don't think the issue is with the lady and the player. I think the issue is with the other participants, including a coach.
None of this applies to Merrill. He is a very good player stuck behind even better players. Good players want to play that is why he is unhappy. He was not a problem and from what I know he is not mad at anyone and staff is not mad at him. He mostly likely will transfer to another P5 school and play a lot.
I wasn't pointing fingers at Walker and I can see how my post might imply that. There are good players out there in the portal but many are problems where they are and usually will be where they end up. I hope Walker sticks it out and becomes great but so often when players come to a school they think they will start after a year or two and for most it just doesn't happen.
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