Recruiting Forum Football Talk VI

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Id drive that but id wear a Tron outfit, everywhere.

It looks like some of the cars in Cyberpunk 2077. When I was playing around with them in the game to figure out if I wanted to purchase one for my character, me and OH were trying to figure out how you were supposed to see out of it because it had "glass" that looked like the body of the car. I had no idea someone made a concept car that was remotely similar.

Here's an example and there were a few that look even closer to that concept car. Though I have to say even then the Mercedes concept looks more futuristic than the cars set in a game that takes place in 2077.🤣

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That’s why we have hostesses…. They are selling sex….. they just don’t want it followed through on.
The mysterious hostess’s didn’t have an actual university job title. Sex in the public eye (which it is now) when you’re in the recruiting office is a bad look for you, your family and most importantly, your employer.
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