Recruiting Forum Football Talk VI

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You can’t move forward with this game tonight unless they find out he is alive and conscious. The game requires violence and if you can’t go out there 100% focused you can get someone else injured.

With any serious injury (and I don't mean a serious knee injury but life threatening ones and paralysis), it's hard to ask people to just keep playing. No one's mind from either team would be anywhere close to the game and it shouldn't be. These are young men, very often with families, but even for those who don't have personal families they're a part of a brotherhood.
When he made the tackle it was a pretty hard hit to his own chest

That makes sense. The right hit to the wrong area can stop the heart. Let's just hope that they can save him. CPR being done for that long at least means that his brain shouldn't be starved of oxygen so brain death shouldn't be a concern. That gives him a fighting chance.
You only do CPR if someone isn't breathing so yeah, beyond bad. Was he hit in the chest at all? Regardless, I really hope everything turns out ok and that it's just a major scare.
Looks like he landed on the helmet harder than the hit he took.
When he made the tackle it was a pretty hard hit to his own chest
Yep. There's a thing called sudden impact syndrome. It's a huge worry in baseball for a pitcher getting hit by a liner back up the middle.
As bad as this sounds, a line drive to the head is almost better (if that's possible) then one to the chest
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