Recruiting Forum Football Talk VI

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Last man standing here. I havent hidden from this thing at all, traveled, flew, went to a couple UT games, worked. Still have never gotten it.
My daughter sat beside two sick kids in a two week span and never got it, I took care of my son with it and never got it, and then I got it twice and I have no idea where it came from
My daughter never got it and she was around it a lot.. it’s a weird virus.. or she has an immune system that would take down an elephant… my parents never did either, come to think of it.. if it were a normal virus it would be petering out by this point
Six years working in a day care and fifteen years teaching in public school has probably built my immune system up but I really attribute my immune system to swimming in papaw's cattle ponds as a kid. Ha.

Those are so full nasty little critters you can only see under a microscope.
My daughter sat beside two sick kids in a two week span and never got it, I took care of my son with it and never got it, and then I got it twice and I have no idea where it came from
Thanksgiving 2020 was my closest call, my sister went to her in laws, then the next day I and our parents had Thanksgiving at her house. 2 days later her and her husband tested positive. In laws had been in contact with people who were positive and didnt tell them until after they tested positive. Myself, and both our parents never tested positive or had symptoms. I also survived several outbreaks at work when co workers had it, and we work close together in a lab.
Guys and gals, since spring of '20 I've avoided Covid. My wife as well. No longer. I just tested positive. Mild symptoms so far.
Sorry to hear main symptom was fatigue, had a difficult time when I would try to get up off the couch..all I did was sleep.😴😴
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Kinda the way it was for me. I was careful when I was caring for dad but after that I wasn't all that careful.
Yeah, I never worried about me, I did worry about my parents, but they werent all that concerned. Dad was at the football game with me, and both flew with me. Hell they went out and ran around more than I did.
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