Recruiting Forum Football Talk VI

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It’s not personal; It’s just business.

I’m clearly not the most informed person on the issue of 8 game vs 9 game conference schedule but from what I can gather the solution is actually not that complicated, despite all the noise surrounding the matter. jmo.

There’s a lot of talk about whether the SEC should move from the current 8 game conference schedule to a 9 game conference schedule. There are some in the media that are pushing the narrative that the SEC should face ridicule if it doesn’t go to a 9 game conference schedule.

Adding another game to the schedule for SEC teams isn’t the issue. The issue is ESPN wants to pocket all the increased revenue from such a move. My rough calculation is that over the term of the existing contract that’s probably worth something like $1.2 billion. Now all games are not created equal but with the additional 80 games over the life of the contract some are bound to be marquis games. For example, I estimate that our game with Alabama last year generated probably between 15-20 million in advertising revenue, same for our matchup with Georgia. The Orange bowl was probably in the 10-15 million range. Consider that the ACC Championship game between Clemson and North Carolina might have been lucky to generate 5 million in advertising revenue. jmo.

I looked at the number of viewers and the advertising revenue generated for matchups that was published and sort of extrapolated from there so granted my numbers are rough order of magnitude.

It is estimated that the ANNUAL cost to the broadcaster for the 12 team playoff will be between 1.9 and 2.2 billion. Again, that is PER year. On average that’s close to 200 million per game for 11 games. The current 3 game playoff is valued at 470 million per year. These games are worth a lot of money yet some in the media want the SEC to give them 80 games, some of which will undoubtedly be marquis games, FOR FREE. Come again. smh. lol.

I honestly can’t believe it. I mean I understand fans want the extra game and don’t care about the business end of things but the media people probably I would think at least ought to know better. I think they’re trying to run a scam. Fortunately, our athletic directors, chancellors, and presidents weren’t born yesterday. jmo.

All of this talk about schools balking at going to 9 games is imo superficial. I think the real issue is that ESPN and others in the media are looking for a free lunch, at the expense of the SEC member schools. jmo.

Granted I don’t really know what the real numbers would be but If ESPN wants a 9 game conference schedule from the SEC to broadcast, it’s real simple. Show us the money. jmo.
i think it started when the sheep wouldn't put out so the farmers found his cousin.
Looks like it's led to them shutting down the basketball program. Did all 3 of their best players go pro? I read something about one of them returning to college, but not to Kentucky.
Yes and no. It's been a sucky day. We arrived to check in and were informed our boat has an issue and we can't use it. I say OK, just give us another one. Problem is they don't have another one, at least a power cat. They said we have this much larger one but it's a sail cat. I can drive just about any boat but know nothing about sailing. They offered a skipper for the entire trip. We didn't want that, wanted our privacy. We ended up with a smaller 42' Bali sail cat that we'll use as a power cat. Problem with that is we can't make the trip I had planned because it's cruise speed is half what the power cat was to be. Not happy campers, or boaters at the moment. We've provisioned up today. Sitting on the boat in the marina tonight. Sleep here in a minute. Return rental in the morning and push off mid morning. Wish us luck.

Here's where we are currently...
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Here's where we're headed in the morning.....

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Google Maps
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Yes and no. It's been a sulky day. We arrived to check in and were informed our boat has an issue and we can't use it. I say OK, just give us another one. Problem is they don't have another one, at least a power cat. They said we have this much larger one but it's a sail cat. I can drive just about any boat but know nothing about sailing. They offered a skipper for the entire trip. We didn't want that, wanted our privacy. We ended up with a smaller 42' Bali sail cat that we'll use as a power cat. Problem with that is we can't make the trip I had planned because it's cruise speed is half what the power cat was to be. Not happen campers, or boaters at the moment. We've provisioned up today. Sitting on the boat in the marina tonight. Sleep here in a minute. Return rental in the morning and push off mid morning. Wish us luck.

Here's where we are currently...
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Here's where we're headed in the morning.....

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Google Maps
At least you weren't eaten by a shark.

Yes and no. It's been a sulky day. We arrived to check in and were informed our boat has an issue and we can't use it. I say OK, just give us another one. Problem is they don't have another one, at least a power cat. They said we have this much larger one but it's a sail cat. I can drive just about any boat but know nothing about sailing. They offered a skipper for the entire trip. We didn't want that, wanted our privacy. We ended up with a smaller 42' Bali sail cat that we'll use as a power cat. Problem with that is we can't make the trip I had planned because it's cruise speed is half what the power cat was to be. Not happen campers, or boaters at the moment. We've provisioned up today. Sitting on the boat in the marina tonight. Sleep here in a minute. Return rental in the morning and push off mid morning. Wish us luck.

Here's where we are currently...
Dropped pin
Google Maps

Here's where we're headed in the morning.....

Dropped pin
Google Maps
Sorry. Hope it works out somehow. Best of luck!
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It’s not personal; It’s just business.

I’m clearly not the most informed person on the issue of 8 game vs 9 game conference schedule but from what I can gather the solution is actually not that complicated, despite all the noise surrounding the matter. jmo.

There’s a lot of talk about whether the SEC should move from the current 8 game conference schedule to a 9 game conference schedule. There are some in the media that are pushing the narrative that the SEC should face ridicule if it doesn’t go to a 9 game conference schedule.

Adding another game to the schedule for SEC teams isn’t the issue. The issue is ESPN wants to pocket all the increased revenue from such a move. My rough calculation is that over the term of the existing contract that’s probably worth something like $1.2 billion. Now all games are not created equal but with the additional 80 games over the life of the contract some are bound to be marquis games. For example, I estimate that our game with Alabama last year generated probably between 15-20 million in advertising revenue, same for our matchup with Georgia. The Orange bowl was probably in the 10-15 million range. Consider that the ACC Championship game between Clemson and North Carolina might have been lucky to generate 5 million in advertising revenue. jmo.

I looked at the number of viewers and the advertising revenue generated for matchups that was published and sort of extrapolated from there so granted my numbers are rough order of magnitude.

It is estimated that the ANNUAL cost to the broadcaster for the 12 team playoff will be between 1.9 and 2.2 billion. Again, that is PER year. On average that’s close to 200 million per game for 11 games. The current 3 game playoff is valued at 470 million per year. These games are worth a lot of money yet some in the media want the SEC to give them 80 games, some of which will undoubtedly be marquis games, FOR FREE. Come again. smh. lol.

I honestly can’t believe it. I mean I understand fans want the extra game and don’t care about the business end of things but the media people probably I would think at least ought to know better. I think they’re trying to run a scam. Fortunately, our athletic directors, chancellors, and presidents weren’t born yesterday. jmo.

All of this talk about schools balking at going to 9 games is imo superficial. I think the real issue is that ESPN and others in the media are looking for a free lunch, at the expense of the SEC member schools. jmo.

Granted I don’t really know what the real numbers would be but If ESPN wants a 9 game conference schedule from the SEC to broadcast, it’s real simple. Show us the money. jmo.

100% agree. The best have nothing left to prove against the rest. ESPN's internal mess of an org is their self created problem. They won't fix it by trying to con one of the bigger money making customers they have.

As to the rest of CFB - see you in the playoffs, bro.
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