Recruiting Forum Football Talk VI

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UVA opens up the Virginia market. One of the last untouched markets in the southeastern footprint. Also SEC blueprint is the premier state university in every state they are in.
I lived in Charlottesville for three years. I think it's very fair to say in that state, which has a much smaller sports market than Tennessee, Vandy is to Tennessee what UVA is to VT. VT has been down for quite a while which has turned that into a competitive rivalry, but I think Blacksburg would be the way to go if the SEC decided they wanted the VA market.
UVA opens up the Virginia market. One of the last untouched markets in the southeastern footprint. Also SEC blueprint is the premier state university in every state they are in.
Are you a TV provider? Who tf cares about markets except the suits?

Sersiously, let's add 4 more teams...our tv revenue shall grow by 8%!! Oh man just think how that will improve the sport! I mean, CFB was just miserable back in the 70s...80s....90s...those poor souls without our tens of millions in tv revenue like today. Really adds to the game 😒

Dear god someone put me back into the right alternate universe. I felt like maybe we had actually gotten there right after the Orange Bowl and now all this bs. Seeing the PAC and ACC just die overnight, while the B1G heads toward 20 teams lmfao, what a freakin joke.
I lived in Charlottesville for three years. I think it's very fair to say in that state, which has a much smaller sports market than Tennessee, Vandy is to Tennessee what UVA is to VT. VT has been down for quite a while which has turned that into a competitive rivalry, but I think Blacksburg would be the way to go if the SEC decided they wanted the VA market.
Also more fans would be into a Virginia Tech vs Tennessee game than Virginia .The game a few years back had a huge turnout in Bristol.
Genuinely curious - why do you care which program is most valuable to add to the SEC? Conference isn’t going anywhere. UT gonna continue getting silly amounts of money from the conference.

Unless by valuable you mean watching current SEC teams play UNC would be the most valuable to you as a fan?

It’s not just me…it’s unbiased opinions that say UNC is the most valuable property in the ACC based on TV markets Raleigh-Durham, Charlotte, etc. Not to mention they have a national brand with a big time alumni network.

My personal bias is it only helps with recruiting in North Carolina which is producing more and more talent. Not to mention they will always be a basketball first school so they aren’t a threat to TN in the sport I care about most.
I think the SEC is sitting pretty at 16 teams.

My biggest concern about further expansion is losing the dream of everyone playing everyone, home and away, on a fixed on-going schedule.
Yeah there's no reason we can't compete with the Big 20+ with our 16

I still don't think they don't really come close to matching up


Do they have 8 that match our top 8? Absolutely not.

All aboard the BIG SEC mini-NFL train. Where Auburn and Bama are in separate conferences, same as Yankees/Mets. Tennessee and Kentucky...separate conferences. 2 conferences, zero regionality and zero rivalries. But big $$$ sure to ensue and make college football good (finally! About time!)

"Their pockets will be richer and their experience will be poorer: Instead of bragging about beating their rivals from down the road, they will play schools from the other side of the country and have nobody to talk to about it.

People bemoaning the modern state of college athletics (including many of the people who actively run universities, conferences, or the NCAA) have repeatedly harped on the growing professionalization of college athletics—and when they say this, they’re talking about how college athletes can now switch schools with more ease through the transfer portal or receive money for appearing in commercials. But the thing about college sports which reminds me most of the pros is the way the most powerful schools and conferences have reshaped the sport. The Big Ten and the SEC are locked in a battle to become the Junior NFL, they know the form they need to take, and they are clearly putting in the steps to get there. Evolution turns everything into crabs, and it’s shaped every pro league into the same creature. The Pac-12 is one of the species that didn’t survive."
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