Some info I found, this is not my info. I asked before I posted. I not sure about accuracy, but the guy always seems to know what he talking about. PLEASE TIFWIW.
Well...the s*** will soon hit the fan. I just got a message that confirms the battle lines are drawn...Haslem/Currie vs Ergen/AA. This will be interesting for sure. Ergen is pro Gruden...Haslem is against Gruden because he will lose power. Haslem bull rushed Currie so he would keep power. Ergen has put one h*** of a deal in place for A A as well as bringing in Gruden. Big Jim is hanging in for all he is worth. He wants to keep Butch till year end. I know most feel Bev is the hang up but I trust what I was told. She is on board cause she gets tons of money for academics and could care less about athletics. I got a message about an hour ago that this has come to a head and we will know soon what direction UT will go. Ergen is pro Vols and is trying like h*** to change the s*** show we all are witnessing. It's the old guard that's killing UT athletics. I feel very confident in putting this out there. I know my source better than anyone in this world. He is closer to me that my own brother. If Ergen wins I feel we will get Gruden...Haslem wins...we get coach Google his name.