I had to officially join the party before this weekend. Just been laying low and sharing intel with @ChattaVol06, @Hutch 7, and a few others. Didnt want to miss out on some excitement soon
I was on gridscape for years. @Hutch 7 can confirm.
Ill say this...... MITbeav is not who was outed but he is very connected.... we message daily.
I never said we would get DJ Humphries but I have missed on a few who changed their minds last minute. Trust the process guys....we are way closer than in 2012.
If you guys only knew how close it was last time....thats the only thing that has me concerned this time. Its why I wont be quite so over the top. If it happens I will explain exactly what went down best I can. Its been so interesting this time!!!
I will once its over....but trust me there is a process to the madness. There have been things in the works for close to 5 years now
I wont go so far as to say a 5 year timeline but the overall story dates back to 5 years ago when certain boosters got blindsided. That started a plan to make sure it didnt happen again. Quite a bit of time, money, and resources have went in to making sure we get our guy this go round. I dont pretend Ill ever know everything that has led up to our next coach getting hired.....but I know enough to trust the process
is the Chosen One in Knoxville this weekend?
He is within a short drive to Neyland Stadium.
Timeline for announcement?
Lets get thru today and then Ill answer
Fair enough.
Hopefully it doesn't depend on the outcome of the game?
Has absolutely nothing to do with the game.