Tee would be a big gamble, but bigger than Butch was? I don't think so. Are we forgetting that Fulmer is on staff now and could mentor Tee and teach him how to become a successful head coach? The same would apply to young staff members that he might have.
Also, Jerry Glanville, who knows as much about football as anyone alive, has been living in Knoxville for a few years. I know through a common good friend that he is willing and able to help. He has been allowed to attend a few practices, but no one has ever reached out to him to get the benefit of his knowledge. Some of the major coaches out there today used to work for him in both the NFL and college.
I am pretty sure we could surround Tee with what he needs to be successful.
Having said that, I just wish Gruden would call the university and say "I will come but only with Blackburn". That would create some interesting issues wouldn't it?