Recruiting Forum Football Talk XVIII

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Not surprising. Mizzou will be ranked above us until we prove we can beat them. And UGA has more talent and does less with it year after year. If we hadn't lost A.J. the week before the Mizzou game, I think we would've beaten Mizzou last year, UGA would've won the East and it would be UGA-UT atop the rankings.

Things could be different come October.
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The team that used 4 QBS in a loss to Temple... Vandy???

This kid couldn't win the job at Vandy but is transferring to Florida.

I'll allow it.

Two things:

1. 3rd string QB transfered. Leaving only 2 scholarship QBs.

2. Most important is Grady's dad runs Team Tampa(7 on 7)...he was the guy who. pushed Cowart and Nate Craig Meyers to AU and Ray Ray to Clemson
If its one guy you have to play the game with its Unc Grady.
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SO it looks like AJ Johnson may go into Pro Rasslin'

I'll just leave this here.


#NORTNEEDED #trustyourtalent #teammextlevel @aj_thebeast_45 @GFWWrestling @RealJeffJarrett @TheRobConway
7:14 PM - 14 May 2015

To me this is very sad. This guy should be just signing his rookie deal and now his life is forever changed. 1 night changed everything. If he didn't do anything, I'd be suing someone
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Without experiencing the loss you and your SO share, I know how you feel. For the better part of 10 days, I had no idea if my little girl was going to survive. The hardest thing I have ever done, and likely will ever do, was give her over to God. I didn't know what His plan was but I knew it was perfect, no matter if she made it or not. I PLEADED over and over for Him to allow my wife and I to raise her to follow Him and let come what may.

My point is, no matter how heavy this burden is, there is strength in more abundance than you can possibly imagine if you resign yourself enough to give it over to Him. Let Him carry the burden, He can handle it...and then so can you and your SO.

Whatever your burden--financial, name it--give in and give it over. Allow yourself to feel everything, don't hold it in...long. I did, until I was to the point where I could no longer take it and......well, have you ever seen one of those ugly, make everyone around them uncomfortable cryers? That was me April 27th. Ashlee's BP, heart rate, O2 sats...everything...bottomed out and they had to work fast. I couldn't handle it b/c, at that point, I was still trying to do most of it on my own (because I'm stubborn) and be strong for my wife.

Don't. It's going to come out one way or another...but giving the burden over to Him is the answer.

Here's hoping that you and your SO's family feel the peace that surpasses understanding.

Good advice Orangeblood all the way around.

And you don't have to worry about offending me or me screaming 'it's not the same!!!!!' as some folks do. When we were in grad school the SO was hospitalized (we had convinced ourselves it was some form of pneumonia and the only other option that fit the symptoms was CHF and I had started to become convince regarding CHF but my mind and heart (no pun intended) made it sound crazy to even suggest. I can still remember the ER doc laughing and saying 'well the one thing it isn't is congetive heart failure.' That made us feel good for a while.

Then they notice BP was through the roof (actually wouldn't read even on an old fashioned one they had on the wall) and that should've been fine, took chest x-rays/scans, and we waited. I asked the doc about getting us something to eat and he said 'oh sure' and when I returned from the cafeteria with some food I noticed everyone and their brother, sister, cousin, bff etc. was gathered around a chest xray/scan and pointing. It was pretty easy to ID as a huge heart but the looks on their faces were amazing.

Cutting to the chase:
not only we were put at the top of the heart transplant list that night but they didn't expect SO to live through the night. SO was the youngest non-hereditary case of congestive heart failure (ain't that a wonderful name for it?) at UT hospital and we had a constant parade of docs and interns to catch a glimpse. Hooray for idiopathic conditions. :lol:

SOs heart was ginormous, floppy, and had what a 3rd heartbeat from the extreme cardiomyopathy. That's how bad it was. Eventually Coreg 9took a long time too) shrunk it tho' Coreg hurts the body. Even tho' I was in denial as to how touch and go it was (or at least tried my best to be), it was still one of the worst weeks of my life.

Although CHF is lifetime and there's good days and bad ones, it's a miracle the SO is among the living (even died on the table a few months later during an angio).

I thank God your baby girl is alright
and I have some idea of what you went through. Even so, you don't have to experience a death and mourning to empathize with where and what someone's going through. I think it's bs when folks write stuff like that off out of hand. Of course, it's not all the same but unless it's really trivia; or superficial you and others should have no prob. empathizing. :toast:
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Two things:

1. 3rd string QB transfered. Leaving only 2 scholarship QBs.

2. Most important is Grady's dad runs Team Tampa(7 on 7)...he was the guy who. pushed Cowart and Nate Craig Meyers to AU and Ray Ray to Clemson
If its one guy you have to play the game with its Unc Grady.

--volnation, circa 2010-2012
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Nb4 he tries to spin it as a brilliant move

Wouldnt say brilliant but its a logical move. Grady only has 1 yr to play so taking him doesn't cost a scholarship this cycle.

Tampa is most important recruiting area and Mac understands this. WM allowed FSU and others to raid the talent there.
Hi all,
I wish I had better news but I don't....

She died last night. I honestly don't know what we're going to do now. I don't know what the world is like without her and feel like I've lost some of my own identity - she loved me from day one and treated me as if I were her own. She was the kinda person everyone wanted for a mom and while I don't open my heart too easily, I did for her. She was truly better than this world. And if I'm heartbroken (which I am) the SO is positively shattered. I'm trying my best to hide my tears and be strong and so far I've done pretty good hiding them.

If the heartbreak weren't enough there's the added expenses. I don't know how we'll pay for her funeral (no life insurance) or how we're going to take care of her mortgage.

First and foremost I'm heartbroken beyond belief. Now I'm going through a bit of a shock/numb phase (I go from crying my eyes out to wondering what we're gonna do). I'm terrified about the financial aspects of it all. I don't know how we'll ever make it through this - we don't have the resources.

I just have to trust that somehow some way we will get through this even if I have no clue how. I may be deluding myself about the finances but I've got to believe it for my own sanity.Please pray and/or think good thoughts for us. We've got to find a way through this somehow.

Thank you for all the prior prayers/positive vibes. Words can't describe what they mean to me.

My condolences brother. Hang on, things will work out.
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Even though you want to be strong for your SO, don't bury emotional turmoil. It will be worse for both of you in the long run. It's best to be upfront with your emotions now and accept the death as reality. This comes from personal experience of screwing myself up by doing that exact thing

I've experienced death both suddenly (my dad) and drawn out and painful (my little brother), through that one thing I have learned is:

There is no such thing as an unexpected death; for we all walk upon the unsteady precipice of life and death daily.

You just have to cherish those you love while they live and hold tight to the good memories once they are gone.

"For we all walk upon the unsteady precipice of life and death daily"...those are some beautiful words brother. I have to preside at a memorial service for a friends grandmother next weekend. If you don't mind, I would like to use that...Thank God that for believers..death is only the beginning. UTprof I know that is hard for your SO and yourself to let go, but from how you described her condition the lady must have lived in incredible pain. She is not feeling pain or the heartbreak of losing her husband today.
"For we all walk upon the unsteady precipice of life and death daily"...those are some beautiful words brother. I have to preside at a memorial service for a friends grandmother next weekend. If you don't mind, I would like to use that...Thank God that for believers..death is only the beginning. UTprof I know that is hard for your SO and yourself to let go, but from how you described her condition the lady must have lived in incredible pain. She is not feeling pain or the heartbreak of losing her husband today.

You are more than welcome to man. It seems I'm full of quotes like that lol
Hi all,
I wish I had better news but I don't....

She died last night. I honestly don't know what we're going to do now. I don't know what the world is like without her and feel like I've lost some of my own identity - she loved me from day one and treated me as if I were her own. She was the kinda person everyone wanted for a mom and while I don't open my heart too easily, I did for her. She was truly better than this world. And if I'm heartbroken (which I am) the SO is positively shattered. I'm trying my best to hide my tears and be strong and so far I've done pretty good hiding them...

I do understand this, but this isn't what your lady needs from you right now. She needs to know that you feel her pain too, so let go of the stiff upper lip part. She needs your heart, not your brain.

As for the financials, the first thing to understand is that THERE IS NO HURRY. Keep the power on, the water running, the bills paid, and step back and take some long, deep breaths. For instance, you might be able to rent the house out and cover the mortgage. Also, if anyone tries to come after your SO for credit card bills, etc., do some research, and get an attorney if necessary: your SO is most likely NOT legally responsible for her bills. Don't let yourself get suckered into paying debts that aren't yours.

Take care of each other, and keep the love going. T&P for both of you in this time.
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