Recruiting Forum Football Talk XVIII

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I was sure it was a waste of time before I made it but I wanted to see what they said. I think that people that have followed and attended Lady Vols games such as basketball and softball are more connected to the term "Lady Vols" than those that haven't. I know that some football fans care nothing about any women's sports or even men's basketball or baseball. I have no problem with that, everyone has their own likes and dislikes. I've had people rip me because I hate Vandy so much but I have my reasons for that.
Almost all Lady Vol athletes I've heard from want to keep the Lady Vol name. They are important to me.
I didn't really mean it was a waste of time to express your disagreement.. Just to call Nike..they don't give a damn about anything but money. It is the UT AD and admin who should be getting flooded with calls.
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I didn't really mean it was a waste of time to express your disagreement.. Just to call Nike..they don't give a damn about anything but money. It is the UT AD and admin who should be getting flooded with calls.

Yeah Nike customer service prob has no clue what anyone would be calling them about. Big corporations have so many levels that a normal customer service rep has no idea what someone calling them to complain about Lady vols is talking about. They will just hang up, never report anything and move on to the next call. If anyone is so upset they should talk to TN. It's not going to matter at this point though.
I was sure it was a waste of time before I made it but I wanted to see what they said. I think that people that have followed and attended Lady Vols games such as basketball and softball are more connected to the term "Lady Vols" than those that haven't. I know that some football fans care nothing about any women's sports or even men's basketball or baseball. I have no problem with that, everyone has their own likes and dislikes. I've had people rip me because I hate Vandy so much but I have my reasons for that.
Almost all Lady Vol athletes I've heard from want to keep the Lady Vol name. They are important to me.

There is never a time when you can hate Vanderbilt too much.
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Just figured it out...a Lady Vol either publically humiliated you by refusing to go out with you
A Lady Vol slept with your significant other

Which is it? :)

Just call me mocking doc Vol...:)

I've always followed the Lady BasketVols, and my grandmother might be their biggest fan in all of creation, but I think all of us are Vols and don't need any distinctions.

You opening up old wounds about the Lady Vol that turned me down and then fiddled the faddle of my rebound girl is no Bueno though :cray:
I called Nike and suggested the name "Dude Vols" for the football team.

I told them "Vols with balls" might be too long for the jersey.
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New traditions happen.

I can just hear all the blue haired/down in front guys in 1965 when the band formed a T for the first time.

"Dickey has lost his mind. First the Power T on the helmets, now this crap".

Go Vols (Lady/Dudes/Whatever)
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Just figured it out...a Lady Vol either publically humiliated you by refusing to go out with you

Which is it? :)

Just call me mocking doc Vol...:)

Just how many Glory Johnsons and Chamique Holdsclaws do you think there are in this program Doc? :blink:
New traditions happen.

I can just hear all the blue haired/down in front guys in 1965 when the band formed a T for the first time.

"Dickey has lost his mind. First the Power T on the helmets, now this crap".

Go Vols (Lady/Dudes/Whatever)

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I called the Nike Customer Service number and talked to a gentleman about my concerns with doing away with the Lady Vols nickname. He knew nothing about it. He was aware of who Pat Summit and the Lady Vols were but that's about it. I told him I felt that "Lady Vols" set our teams apart from all the other schools and was our brand. He said he would pass my concerns along to the proper people.

So now they have quit offering to mail the comment form. Not surprised.
New traditions happen.

I can just hear all the blue haired/down in front guys in 1965 when the band formed a T for the first time.

"Dickey has lost his mind. First the Power T on the helmets, now this crap".

Go Vols (Lady/Dudes/Whatever)

Well said...and holy crap man, you can't be that old.
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Just got home from the Caravan. Couple of notes....

-Dave Hart came out about 15 mins before Butch and Rick. Came right up to me (I was within 10 people at the front of the line), shook my hand and talked to me and my group of people for about 2 mins. Felt like 10 mins lol. Super nice guy and really personable.

-With the Caravan being at BMS, they were hyping The Battle at Bristol big time. UT was given 40,000 tix right off the bat. We sold those in 2 days. If you're a UT donor or get regular tix to the Bristol races, you'll have first priority.

-They are also going to have infield seats, literally right on the racetrack. They want to maximize attendance. They expect in excess of 150k for that game.

-Butch's oldest son, just graduated HS, is walking on to the football team.

-Butch gave praise to Vickers and Shy. Got invaluable reps. Both over 550 reps in the Spring. Also praised Dobbs quite a bit.

-Butch said the team has posted 2 record setting cumulative GPA semesters in a row. Cumulative GPA of 2.85. Before Butch took over, they had 13 individuals who had a GPA of 3.0 or higher. Now that number has risen to 51. Give credit to Joe Scogin and the whole academic support system.

-As I was going through the line to get autographs, I came up to Rick Barnes. I asked him, "which Orange do you like better Coach? UT orange or Texas orange?" He looked at me and grinned and said "Well I like this orange better. But what really did it for me, was my wife told me I looked better in this Orange too. So I'll go with this UT orange."

-As I was talking to Dave Hart, I asked him "Sir, which University do you like better and why? UT or Bama? (Since he worked at Bama before). He said "Alabama was fun, but it's not Knoxville. It's not UT. This place, the fans, everything is dream-like. I get to work with Butch and now Rick Barnes. It's an ideal situation. I'm super blessed. I bust my butt every day trying to make this place better. That's why we are the best"

-Butch said he's adding a new tradition to Neyland stadium. Every home game, right before they run out of the T, he wants the fans to recite the 7 game maxims.

That's about all I got. I know it was a lengthy post, but it was an awesome experience. Will post pictures later.
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New traditions happen.

I can just hear all the blue haired/down in front guys in 1965 when the band formed a T for the first time.

"Dickey has lost his mind. First the Power T on the helmets, now this crap".

Go Vols (Lady/Dudes/Whatever)

Whaaaaat? I was there in 1965 (and before) and I actually had hair then that was almost black. Never had blue hair, it went from real dark to real gone. I don't remember much being said about things that Dickey started. I think that the Ray Mears era changes in basketball had broken most everyone in to new looks and ideas.
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I like the idea of reciting the Maxims, but I hope they tweak it from the O/W Game. They had Sterling Henton leading it at midfield on a wireless mic and you couldn't really hear anything.

Of course, he made them sound like he was emceeing an And1 mix tape game. Haha
Just got home from the Caravan. Couple of notes....

-Dave Hart came out about 15 mins before Butch and Rick. Came right up to me (I was within 10 people at the front of the line), shook my hand and talked to me and my group of people for about 2 mins. Felt like 10 mins lol. Super nice guy and really personable.

-With the Caravan being at BMS, they were hyping The Battle at Bristol big time. UT was given 40,000 tix right off the bat. We sold those in 2 days. If you're a UT donor or get regular tix to the Bristol races, you'll have first priority.

-They are also going to have infield seats, literally right on the racetrack. They want to maximize attendance. They expect in excess of 150k for that game.

-Butch's oldest son, just graduated HS, is walking on to the football team.

-Butch gave praise to Vickers and Shy. Got invaluable reps. Both over 550 reps in the Spring. Also praised Dobbs quite a bit.

-Butch said the team has posted 2 record setting cumulative GPA semesters in a row. Cumulative GPA of 2.85. Before Butch took over, they had 13 individuals who had a GPA of 3.0 or higher. Now that number has risen to 51. Give credit to Joe Scogin and the whole academic support system.

-As I was going through the line to get autographs, I came up to Rick Barnes. I asked him, "which Orange do you like better Coach? UT orange or Texas orange?" He looked at me and grinned and said "Well I like this orange better. But what really did it for me, was my wife told me I looked better in this Orange too. So I'll go with this UT orange."

-As I was talking to Dave Hart, I asked him "Sir, which University do you like better and why? UT or Bama? (Since he worked at Bama before). He said "Alabama was fun, but it's not Knoxville. It's not UT. This place, the fans, everything is dream-like. I get to work with Butch and now Rick Barnes. It's an ideal situation. I'm super blessed. I bust my butt every day trying to make this place better. That's why we are the best"

-Butch said he's adding a new tradition to Neyland stadium. Every home game, right before they run out of the T, he wants the fans to recite the 7 game maxims.

That's about all I got. I know it was a lengthy post, but it was an awesome experience. Will post pictures later.

Cool story bro.

That's a tall order to have the fans recite the maxims...
It'll be through the loudspeakers and Jumbotron as well.

We checkered Neyland. This isn't even half of that battle.

Seems like it would just sound like a lot of random yelling. Also, it seems like it would kill the furor that builds when you know the team is about to run through the T.
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