Recruiting Forum Off Topic Thread III

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First off, I never said I read any of that in a book; it may have been a magazine or newspaper, can't quite remember. Maybe you ought to be reading posts more clearly.
Second, if I'm ever able to turn back time to my late teens, when, if memory serves me, was around the time I believe I read that, according to you(and I'm assuming you're right on all that you said), false information, what books would you suggest I read? Now keep in mind, I'm probably not as smart as you seem to see and think of yourself, so...
Third, and I'm just asking out of curiosity, because you seem to have some knowledge in the area of better books, Einstein, debunked myths, savantism, geniuses, and tying shoes (and don't get me wrong, im impressed by a well-rounded person); but, Im curious as to what you do, if you don't mind me asking? Is it in one the fields that has been mentioned, or related to?
Fourth, I do appreciate you helping me out and correcting me about something I read over 20 yrs ago, and today being the first time, I do believe, I have thought about it since.
Fifth, I truly am grateful for the correction, and would have been more so if you hadnt come off as smug and superior as you did. This is just one man's opinion, I could've took you wrong, and if I did, I apologize...if I didn't, I don't.

Sorry, but if you say Einstein couldn’t add 2+2, which you did, don’t be surprised if people think you got the short end of the smarts stick. Better luck with your future reading.
Thank you, I appreciate that! Hey, no hard feelings, right? And better luck to you and Zed, as well!
If you can..

Edit: I have no ties/relation to this family/campaign. Not posting for personal gain.
Yea, I'm not happy about how a great deal of my tax money is spent, but still:

Not taxes * I have not seen a draft in my lifetime
* I have roads to drive about on
Not taxes * I generally have clean air to breathe
* I generally do not have to fear for my safety
* if I lose my job for any great length of time, it will suck but at least I can still eat
Not taxes * when I buy groceries, I can be mostly assured that it's not poisonous
Not taxes * where I live, at least, the water that comes to my house is clean enough to drink and there is plenty of it to take showers and wash dishes etc with
Not taxes * I can use electricity without outage for 99%+ of the time at my house and mostly anywhere I would ever travel
Not taxes * when I purchase a house, I don't have to have 20+ years of accumulated knowledge to have a reasonable assurance that my house will not have a myriad of problems
Not taxes * if I am accused of a crime, I will have a good chance, if I'm innocent, of avoiding any penalty other than being inconvenienced and spending some money on defense
Not taxes * my toilet takes waste out of my vision
Not taxes * I can generally buy medicine in stores and be mostly assured that it will not harm me irreperably
Not taxes * because of the financial system that has been chosen, I generally can afford lots of stuff over and above what I would consider just surviving

Now maybe you think that stuff is nothing, but it's not like that in at least half of the world. So yea, losing almost half my income sucks, but that income wouldn't even be possible without taxes, so I choose the income that I do have over the meager bartering I would be able to do without it. My 2 cents.

You mention roads. They are falling apart in many places but we build useless bridges and roads all over the place. WF&A

You mentioned public safety. Our police are under attack and are generally looked upon with suspicion my many. They have to spend valuable time and resources defending themselves from the people they are trying to protect. WF&A

Unemployment tax. Worthless. People should save better for emergencies. The government shouldn't be involved. It's just more beuacracy. WF&A

Everything else is generally something the free market would handle or something you pay a business for. Water, electric, and waste are all businesses. The FDA is not really needed. If people are selling bad food or medicine, they will be sued and held accountable.

Additionally, most of our schools are a wreck and government all the way down to the local level finds more and more ways to waste money.

Defense, trade, and International treaties is about all the federal government should do. Everything else is a breech of the 10th Amendment IMO.
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I just tried to watch an NFL highlights video from twitter, and they tried to make me watch a verizon commercial before the highlight. I've got the attention span of a chicken, so I closed it down. But I also closed it down because ..... wtf is with Verizons front man? Same with the progressive nerd - Jaimie. I normally just record shows and fast forward past commercials, but is it a new trend where companies are deciding to use these cuck, weak, awkward male 'characters' to represent their companies?

I mean, I don't need chuck norris selling me phone services through bites of raw meat, but I can do without the skinny jean wearing cake boys who look like they're scared of power tools.
You mention roads. They are falling apart in many places but we build useless bridges and roads all over the place. WF&A

You mentioned public safety. Our police are under attack and are generally looked upon with suspicion my many. They have to spend valuable time and resources defending themselves from the people they are trying to protect. WF&A

Unemployment tax. Worthless. People should save better for emergencies. The government shouldn't be involved. It's just more beuacracy. WF&A

Everything else is generally something the free market would handle or something you pay a business for. Water, electric, and waste are all businesses. The FDA is not really needed. If people are selling bad food or medicine, they will be sued and held accountable.

Additionally, most of our schools are a wreck and government all the way down to the local level finds more and more ways to waste money.

Defense, trade, and International treaties is about all the federal government should do. Everything else is a breech of the 10th Amendment IMO.
How many roads are actually even federally funded? Federal highways are... for sure... But for state highways, general roads and city streets... most of that money comes from gas taxes/other funds gifted by the state. There's some federal overlap, so maybe all roads technically have partial federal funding, but our "deteriorating infrastructure" is mostly due to State mismanagement of funds.

For example... Georgia's roads and schools are amazing... because they have a state income tax and allocate lottery funds appropriately to those two things that directly improve quality of life...

There are definitely things besides trade, defense, and international treaties that the federal government should handle... what you're suggesting is basically domestic anarchy and that isn't a feasible path...

Most of the federal regulations do good for the masses (or are at least designed to), and most of those regulations were put in place to protect the people from a pure free market's abusive nature of seemingly basic logic... there's a lot that could be cut out because it's either superfluous, outdated, or harmful to a free market economy... but everybody knows you never go full Rambo against federal regulations...

There are many government programs that could be cut out as well... Social security is a particularly expensive one for a 30-something-year-old that is all but assured to never see a dime of what that individual paid into it. It's pretty much a pyramid scheme designed for Congress to borrow from for every bill that isn't financially sound, hoping Americans die before they receive the benefits they've paid into for their entire working careers. There's a lot of "welfare" programs that the people they were designed for don't take advantage of and people they weren't designed for abuse. So I agree there are tons of wasteful programs the federal government funds... but... how much do these programs cost us? You can knock every single one of them out and not put a dent in...........

This: Defense Spending by Country. I get spending on defense, we should maybe even maintain #1 in the world on that... But let's subtract China, the #2 country (that we almost triple)... we spend 51.7 billion more than every other country in the top 15 combined. Our middle-east interference is largely why terrorists target American soil. Domestic defense against a military hasn't been an issue since Pearl Harbor in WWII... 77 years... There's no country on the planet that wants an intercontinental war with the US. Mexico is no threat. Canada would never attack us... Why do we feel the need to police the free world and pay for it ourselves through Chinese loans?

Concerning the 10th Amendment... I largely agree with you... States should be able to do reasonable things... but we do live in America, not just Tennessee... and while the more micro you get government involved generally improves life with that micro-system's people... there needs to be some cohesiveness within the same country.

There's a middle ground for everything... while I would enjoy minimalist taxes on everything from labor/roads/gas/etc... somebody's got to pay for infrastructure and I don't want to pay a toll everytime I turn on a new street. While I understand that crazy people are gonna do crazy things and we need local protection from them, I also understand that some of those crazy people are employed as police officers... While I understand the value of setting things aside for a bad time, I understand that some people don't make enough to set anything aside... And while I understand that the free market can do amazing things for society, I also understand that same market can abuse consumers if left completely unchecked...

There's no system that will 100% please everybody... and sure I'd love to take home more of my hard-earned money and not leave it up to my government to spend poorly... but I'm also certain I live in the greatest country on the planet and I'm proud to call Chattanooga, TN, USA home :)
Yea, I'm not happy about how a great deal of my tax money is spent, but still:

Not taxes * I have not seen a draft in my lifetime
* I have roads to drive about on
Not taxes * I generally have clean air to breathe
* I generally do not have to fear for my safety
* if I lose my job for any great length of time, it will suck but at least I can still eat
Not taxes * when I buy groceries, I can be mostly assured that it's not poisonous
Not taxes * where I live, at least, the water that comes to my house is clean enough to drink and there is plenty of it to take showers and wash dishes etc with
Not taxes * I can use electricity without outage for 99%+ of the time at my house and mostly anywhere I would ever travel
Not taxes * when I purchase a house, I don't have to have 20+ years of accumulated knowledge to have a reasonable assurance that my house will not have a myriad of problems
Not taxes * if I am accused of a crime, I will have a good chance, if I'm innocent, of avoiding any penalty other than being inconvenienced and spending some money on defense
Not taxes * my toilet takes waste out of my vision
Not taxes * I can generally buy medicine in stores and be mostly assured that it will not harm me irreperably
Not taxes * because of the financial system that has been chosen, I generally can afford lots of stuff over and above what I would consider just surviving

Now maybe you think that stuff is nothing, but it's not like that in at least half of the world. So yea, losing almost half my income sucks, but that income wouldn't even be possible without taxes, so I choose the income that I do have over the meager bartering I would be able to do without it. My 2 cents.

You mention roads. They are falling apart in many places but we build useless bridges and roads all over the place. WF&A

You mentioned public safety. Our police are under attack and are generally looked upon with suspicion my many. They have to spend valuable time and resources defending themselves from the people they are trying to protect. WF&A

Unemployment tax. Worthless. People should save better for emergencies. The government shouldn't be involved. It's just more beuacracy. WF&A

Everything else is generally something the free market would handle or something you pay a business for. Water, electric, and waste are all businesses. The FDA is not really needed. If people are selling bad food or medicine, they will be sued and held accountable.

Additionally, most of our schools are a wreck and government all the way down to the local level finds more and more ways to waste money.

Defense, trade, and International treaties is about all the federal government should do. Everything else is a breech of the 10th Amendment IMO.
I am coaching my youngest daughter's soccer team and we had a Jamboree today. They had only practiced once together but they played really well and won all three mini-games. It is a great group of girls.

It's Futbol time in Tennessee!
How many roads are actually even federally funded? Federal highways are... for sure... But for state highways, general roads and city streets... most of that money comes from gas taxes/other funds gifted by the state. There's some federal overlap, so maybe all roads technically have partial federal funding, but our "deteriorating infrastructure" is mostly due to State mismanagement of funds.

For example... Georgia's roads and schools are amazing... because they have a state income tax and allocate lottery funds appropriately to those two things that directly improve quality of life...

There are definitely things besides trade, defense, and international treaties that the federal government should handle... what you're suggesting is basically domestic anarchy and that isn't a feasible path...

Most of the federal regulations do good for the masses (or are at least designed to), and most of those regulations were put in place to protect the people from a pure free market's abusive nature of seemingly basic logic... there's a lot that could be cut out because it's either superfluous, outdated, or harmful to a free market economy... but everybody knows you never go full Rambo against federal regulations...

There are many government programs that could be cut out as well... Social security is a particularly expensive one for a 30-something-year-old that is all but assured to never see a dime of what that individual paid into it. It's pretty much a pyramid scheme designed for Congress to borrow from for every bill that isn't financially sound, hoping Americans die before they receive the benefits they've paid into for their entire working careers. There's a lot of "welfare" programs that the people they were designed for don't take advantage of and people they weren't designed for abuse. So I agree there are tons of wasteful programs the federal government funds... but... how much do these programs cost us? You can knock every single one of them out and not put a dent in...........

This: Defense Spending by Country. I get spending on defense, we should maybe even maintain #1 in the world on that... But let's subtract China, the #2 country (that we almost triple)... we spend 51.7 billion more than every other country in the top 15 combined. Our middle-east interference is largely why terrorists target American soil. Domestic defense against a military hasn't been an issue since Pearl Harbor in WWII... 77 years... There's no country on the planet that wants an intercontinental war with the US. Mexico is no threat. Canada would never attack us... Why do we feel the need to police the free world and pay for it ourselves through Chinese loans?

Concerning the 10th Amendment... I largely agree with you... States should be able to do reasonable things... but we do live in America, not just Tennessee... and while the more micro you get government involved generally improves life with that micro-system's people... there needs to be some cohesiveness within the same country.

There's a middle ground for everything... while I would enjoy minimalist taxes on everything from labor/roads/gas/etc... somebody's got to pay for infrastructure and I don't want to pay a toll everytime I turn on a new street. While I understand that crazy people are gonna do crazy things and we need local protection from them, I also understand that some of those crazy people are employed as police officers... While I understand the value of setting things aside for a bad time, I understand that some people don't make enough to set anything aside... And while I understand that the free market can do amazing things for society, I also understand that same market can abuse consumers if left completely unchecked...

There's no system that will 100% please everybody... and sure I'd love to take home more of my hard-earned money and not leave it up to my government to spend poorly... but I'm also certain I live in the greatest country on the planet and I'm proud to call Chattanooga, TN, USA home :)

I am well aware of the WF&A in the military. I am a Finance Officer and have seen some incredibly stupid and wasteful spending even at the lowest levels and it only gets worse the further up the chain. Plenty of fat can be cut from Military spending.

The rest of the government is worse.
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I just tried to watch an NFL highlights video from twitter, and they tried to make me watch a verizon commercial before the highlight. I've got the attention span of a chicken, so I closed it down. But I also closed it down because ..... wtf is with Verizons front man? Same with the progressive nerd - Jaimie. I normally just record shows and fast forward past commercials, but is it a new trend where companies are deciding to use these cuck, weak, awkward male 'characters' to represent their companies?

I mean, I don't need chuck norris selling me phone services through bites of raw meat, but I can do without the skinny jean wearing cake boys who look like they're scared of power tools.
Non-threatening to women. That is why.
@kmkemp11 this is an acceptable solution. I’m not advocating the complete dismantling of government. I’m advocating an heavy downsizing so government would provide for the common defense, regulate interstate commerce, and delegate everything else to local government.

This. For everyone who loves to tout the Contitution for causes that do not even apply to the Contituition or Federal Government and try to make the Federal Government savior to all our ills, they conveniently skip the 10th amendment. Easily as overlooked an Amendment as the 2nd amendment is hated.
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Talking to a Redskins fan earlier and he was telling me how great Derrius Guice had looked and said he hoped his injury didn't sabotage his career like it did Ki Jana Carter. That being a name I remembered from the 90's, but hadn't heard in a while, I did a quick google search and came accross this article

I remember him being very good, but I was in high school at the time, played sports more than I followed it, and it was before the emergence of the internet and all, so I didn't realize how good/highly regarded he was. Based on some quotes from some respected guys, it sounds as though Carter could've have been a great one.

A few years ago, ESPN did their 30 for 30 series and one of them was The Best that Never Was, and it profiled former Oklahoma RB Marcus Dupree. Highly touted back who left college early for the USFL but who never lived up to potential because of a gruesome leg injury.

Give me some of your "Best who never was" guys.....
Talking to a Redskins fan earlier and he was telling me how great Derrius Guice had looked and said he hoped his injury didn't sabotage his career like it did Ki Jana Carter. That being a name I remembered from the 90's, but hadn't heard in a while, I did a quick google search and came accross this article

Ki-Jana Carter opinions are probably wrong

I remember him being very good, but I was in high school at the time, played sports more than I followed it, and it was before the emergence of the internet and all, so I didn't realize how good/highly regarded he was. Based on some quotes from some respected guys, it sounds as though Carter could've have been a great one.

A few years ago, ESPN did their 30 for 30 series and one of them was The Best that Never Was, and it profiled former Oklahoma RB Marcus Dupree. Highly touted back who left college early for the USFL but who never lived up to potential because of a gruesome leg injury.

Give me some of your "Best who never was" guys.....
That's an easy one as a Vol fan, Chuck Webb
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