Recruiting Forum Off Topic Thread III

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Well, science is proven and stuff and makes sense and things. The Bible is...stories written by men a couple thousand years ago and then passed on by more men, all of whom weren't really all that educated. And why would they have been? Imagine what those guys thought when looking up at the stars at night? Exactly. It makes sense that folks wrote these books and told these stories to keep order. It's not really necessary anymore and hasn't been for quite some time.

Well, science is proven and stuff and makes sense and things. The Bible is...stories written by men a couple thousand years ago and then passed on by more men, all of whom weren't really all that educated. And why would they have been? Imagine what those guys thought when looking up at the stars at night? Exactly. It makes sense that folks wrote these books and told these stories to keep order. It's not really necessary anymore and hasn't been for quite some time.

I tend to guess you ain't been in to many foxholes lately!
I know this sounds good in modern culture, but it just isn't true. Jesus said, "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life, no one comes to the Father except through Me" John 14:6. He also said, "Whoever believes in Him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe is condemned already, because He has not believed in the name of the only Son of God" John 3:18. Jesus denies that there are multiple paths. He says time and time again, that there is one way. There are so many other verses I can quote that say the same thing. You may not believe that, and that's your preogative, but if you are right and there are multiple ways to God, then Jesus was a liar. If He is a liar, then He's not the Savior. That then, at the least, eliminates Christianity from even being a path to God. It really is that simple. If Jesus is not the only way, then He wasn't a good teacher, He was a liar, and thus He is not the Messiah and we should be looking for another.

So I reject that there is no right answer, and I stand with Christ who claimed Himself to be the only way and proved it by His resurrection from the dead. It is so tempting to go along with our culture and just say just be spiritual or just seek the Lord, but Christ didn't say that, and thus neither can I. And since these are the words of Christ that I quoted, He absolutely would condemn false teaching that says there are other ways. In fact, He did it Himself: "Beware of false prophets who come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves" Matthew 7:15. So, it is a twisting of Scripture to say that we are not to judge those who worship false Gods. Paul went to the Areopagus and proclaimed the gospel to the Athenian philosophers. He called the heretics in Colossae heretics and warned the church from listening to them. He said that the heretics bringing a different religion to the Galatians were cursed, condemned to hell, because of their false teaching. So it just isn't true to say God doesn't want us to expose false religion. That is anti-biblical and anti-Christ.
So well said. Unfortunately few want to hear what the Bible has to say. Hurts my heart.
How the heck you getting an elk home on foot? How big a boy are you?

'big enough to whup your ass'.

'come awn then if that's what turns you awn!'

seriously the idea behind big game hunting is packing in and out. ive hiked with 30-40 lb packs before, but never carried that much meat out at a time over 3-4 or more miles. obviously numbers are numbers, but to hunt that way would require adjustment of one's bootstraps.

i've seen folks clean then hang the meat for multiple trips.

one would also safely assume this would be a guided hunt, ergo guide could earn their $ and carry a pack.
Bass this shows such a fundamental lack of understanding of how evolution works.

Here are just a few of the fallacies you're committing here:

A mutation is certainly not always a negative. If I'm a rabbit and a mutation causes my ears to be a half-inch longer than my parents, I can hear predators coming better, and am more likely to survive. My offspring which inherit said mutation are the ones more likely to survive. Over years, the longer-eared rabbits dominate the population until the long ears just become a trait of the species. You seem to view all mutation as some sort of deformity or radical departure from the norm. Those mutations exist but quickly die out because they make it harder for the individual w/ the mutation to survive. Thus, the more subtle mutations that can be useful are the ones that survive.

Another little anecdote: A species of pond-dwelling fish's pond is about to dry up. A few of the fish in the population have larger side fins (forgive the lack of vocabulary here), and once the water is completely dried out they use those side fins to propel themselves across dry land into another extant nearby pond. These fish with the larger fins are the ones who survive and reproduce, and the ones who have abnormally large side fins due to a mutation are almost assured to be able to make the journey to the new pond. The ones with the biggest side fins are the first to the new ponds, thus the first to new food sources and become big and dominant among the population. The big dominant fish spread their seed, thus perpetuating large side-finned fish for years and years to follow.

A slender, aerodynamic tail fin that doesn't get caught up on the solid land, might also aid in these large side-finned fish getting from a dying pond to a new one. So, the large side-finned, slender-tailed fish are the survivors. Over years and years and years until the large side fins become legs and the slender tail fins become tails and after tens of millions of years you have a lizard from what was once a fish.

See? You grossly over-simplify a process that you expect to happen almost immediately when it takes subtle change over amazing amounts of time to evolve a species.

And there have been a ton of transitional species dug up. Australopithicus (don't check my spelling) is just one that is clearly an evolved ape and a primitive man.

It's ok for your reason for rejecting evolution to be your religion, Bass, because this "science" you presented is total bunk my friend.
Off topic to the debate but as to your post;
For someone like me, the Cane Toad introduction and adaption in Australia, has been fascinating. The physical transformations in such a short period of time, just insane. Released in 1935 and have visibly lengthened their legs, measurably increased their heartrate and have developed new skeletal structures. All simply because of open land to inhabit and spread of their species.

The skeletal transformation has introduced a high arthritic count and the increased heartrate has resulted in shortened life spans. In other words, they're nowhere near done evolving. However, due to the environmental disaster it has resulted in, the effort to eradicate them has taken huge leaps forward. Undeniably necessary but still a little disappointing. To have such dramatic evolutionary changes visible to the naked eye in that timespan??. Such a rarity. Truly a disaster but so scientifically stunning.

For the bigger picture (fossils), whales are my favorite. To have such perfectly preserved, step by step transformation. From hippo like land creature to, changes in their ears, then wider feet (later fins), skeletal and skull progression.

And the most mind blowing to me, occasional modern day, live whales with tiny vestigial hindlimbs growing inside their bodywalls.

We're talking actual small limbs, deemed unnecessary but inside living, breathing, whales in the oceans, at this very moment. And it's only in some, not all. So not only was it an adaptation that didn't work out but was also only introduced to certain pods.
For a nerd like myself, that's "dayuum" level, haha.
Off topic to the debate but as to your post;
For someone like me, the Cane Toad introduction and adaption in Australia, has been fascinating. The physical transformations in such a short period of time, just insane. Released in 1935 and have visibly lengthened their legs, measurably increased their heartrate and have developed new skeletal structures. All simply because of open land to inhabit and spread of their species.

The skeletal transformation has introduced a high arthritic count and the increased heartrate has resulted in shortened life spans. In other words, they're nowhere near done evolving. However, due to the environmental disaster it has resulted in, the effort to eradicate them has taken huge leaps forward. Undeniably necessary but still a little disappointing. To have such dramatic evolutionary changes visible to the naked eye in that timespan??. Such a rarity. Truly a disaster but so scientifically stunning.

For the bigger picture (fossils), whales are my favorite. To have such perfectly preserved, step by step transformation. From hippo like land creature to, changes in their ears, then wider feet (later fins), skeletal and skull progression.

And the most mind blowing to me, occasional modern day, live whales with tiny vestigial hindlimbs growing inside their bodywalls.

We're talking actual small limbs, deemed unnecessary but inside living, breathing, whales in the oceans, at this very moment. And it's only in some, not all. So not only was it an adaptation that didn't work out but was also only introduced to certain pods.
For a nerd like myself, that's "dayuum" level, haha.

Hey a lot of people have tails still:

You know what? There are records from humanity's past other than the old testament. No dinos in any of it.

But Dragons were totes numerous languages and countries. Guess those -can't- be dinosaurs though, since dragons are real.

I think it's important to keep in mind the simple evolution (trigger warning) of language, there are words we use today that simply didn't exist in the matter how many records you read. Gravity is a great example, I'm sure there was some sort of idea/theory of what it was in ancient times, but the word wouldn't exist in the those text.
Why can't people just let others believe what they want? Nothing can be proved on either side. On the science side they call it theory. A bunch of scientist have said they believe this or that because they've seen enough evidence to prove something did or didn't happen. Still not fact. Still missing pieces. Christians and other religions base their beliefs on teachings from old documents. That's why it's called "faith".

Religious folks need to quit trying to convert everyone and condemn them to hell if they don't and lead by example, their actions. Non-believers need to quit thinking everyone that believes is somehow stupid and less educated for having faith in something that lacks scientific evidence.

The biggest issue is that so many people think Christians are condemning people to hell, when we're not. God is the only judge of souls it will be God who condemns and no one else living or dead.
"Ron Swanson, post: 16940692, member: 47967"]Well, science is proven and stuff and makes sense and things. The Bible is...stories

I think we will find as science continues to expand that we have absolutely very little idea of how things work and what makes sense.

Take this story for example, out of Oak Ridge of all places:

The more we discover about dark matter, for instance, and the possibility of alternate dimensions , the more the odd and seemingly implausible theological concepts of God-related religions might ultimately become acceptable as likely.

As Hamlet said to Horatio,
“There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.”[/QUOTE]
But Dragons were totes numerous languages and countries. Guess those -can't- be dinosaurs though, since dragons are real.

I think it's important to keep in mind the simple evolution (trigger warning) of language, there are words we use today that simply didn't exist in the matter how many records you read. Gravity is a great example, I'm sure there was some sort of idea/theory of what it was in ancient times, but the word wouldn't exist in the those text.

Dragons yes, another example of mythology, tall tales, much like the old testament.
The biggest issue is that so many people think Christians are condemning people to hell, when we're not. God is the only judge of souls it will be God who condemns and no one else living or dead.

Dude you need to go to some Southern Baptist services. It's all fire and brimstone and yes if you ask most Christians if a Muslim is going to hell you will get a resounding yes.
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Dude you need to go to some Southern Baptist services. It's all fire and brimstone and yes if you ask most Christians if a Muslim is going to hell you will get a resounding yes.

I've been to numerous services and I know...I've had my own family throw them stones at me.

I'm only speaking for myself I guess. I as a Christian don't condemn anyone, guess that's the only real comment I can make on it, as I don't nor would I try to speak for anyone else.
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I've been to numerous services and I know...I've had my own family throw them stones at me.

I'm only speaking for myself I guess. I as a Christian don't condemn anyone, guess that's the only real comment I can make on it, as I don't nor would I try to speak for anyone else.

Ok I respect that. You used a "we" in there, gave it a different vibe.
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Dragons yes, another example of mythology, tall tales, much like the old testament.

Dragon was just a catchall term for large lizards though...and Dinosaur is derived from Greek meaning "terrible lizard"

We know dinosaurs existed, and it is possible that a worldwide flood would have speed up the fossilization process. It's also possible giant meters crashing into the surface could cause tsunamis large enough to flood the earth entirely.

I don't know, it's pretty interesting to discuss though. My point was if a toddler calls diarrhea "juicy poops" does that mean diarrhea doesn't exist just because the toddler didn't know the word or it's meaning?
'big enough to whup your ass'.

'come awn then if that's what turns you awn!'

seriously the idea behind big game hunting is packing in and out. ive hiked with 30-40 lb packs before, but never carried that much meat out at a time over 3-4 or more miles. obviously numbers are numbers, but to hunt that way would require adjustment of one's bootstraps.

i've seen folks clean then hang the meat for multiple trips.

one would also safely assume this would be a guided hunt, ergo guide could earn their $ and carry a pack.

I am fine in the woods. But ain't no way I am making multiple trips smelling like a fresh kill thru mountain lion territory carrying slabs of meat. They ain't nothing to eff with.

Just saying
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Dragon was just a catchall term for large lizards though...and Dinosaur is derived from Greek meaning "terrible lizard"

We know dinosaurs existed, and it is possible that a worldwide flood would have speed up the fossilization process. It's also possible giant meters crashing into the surface could cause tsunamis large enough to flood the earth entirely.

I don't know, it's pretty interesting to discuss though. My point was if a toddler calls diarrhea "juicy poops" does that mean diarrhea doesn't exist just because the toddler didn't know the word or it's meaning?
you get a like for juicy poops. lol.
Dragon was just a catchall term for large lizards though...and Dinosaur is derived from Greek meaning "terrible lizard"

We know dinosaurs existed, and it is possible that a worldwide flood would have speed up the fossilization process. It's also possible giant meters crashing into the surface could cause tsunamis large enough to flood the earth entirely.

I don't know, it's pretty interesting to discuss though. My point was if a toddler calls diarrhea "juicy poops" does that mean diarrhea doesn't exist just because the toddler didn't know the word or it's meaning?

I get your point and my point is that if dinosaurs existed during human existence, they would have ruled and eaten as many humans as they could get their short arms on. You would think a cave painting somewhere would have thrown up one. Dinos died out from a meteor crash is my belief, which allowed mammals to rise from the ashes and become the new overlords and yes, birds are the evolution of dinosaurs.
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