You're not alone. However, the historical facts are out there. Most folks simply do not take the time to actually investigate for themselves.
I would humbly encourage you to investigate those "stories" for yourself. Have you actually read the New Testament for yourself?
There are tests that historians use to evaluate the authenticity and validity of ancient texts of literature.
If you believe that
Julius Caesar/Marc Antony/Cleopatra actually lived and breathed--you do so by FAITH in those written historical records.
(I am using "you" generically to represent all people, not you personally).
Their existence cannot be proven by the scientific method because it requires experimental OBSERVATIONS that are reproducible.
There's more objective literary evidence supporting the validity of the Bible as a legitimate and reliable historical record than any other
piece of ancient literature. And it's not even close. Take the time to check it out for yourself.
Concerning the content of the Bible--it ALL HINGES on the promise of God recorded in Genesis 3:15 concerning the Seed of the Woman.
The "Seed of the Woman" became the promised "Seed of Abraham"--who was further described in the Old Testament to be the Seed (descendent) of King David.
The Bible reveals this Son to be none other than Jesus of Nazareth, the Son of Mary who conceived Him while still a virgin betrothed to Joseph. Both Mary and
Joseph were descendants of King David.
Jesus of Nazareth was an actual man who lived, breathed, walked, talked, taught, healed, loved, was hated, crucified, died, buried, and rose again from the dead
according to the historical records extant on the earth in the Bible and in extra-biblical records.
Napolean was quoted as saying:
Alexander, Caesar, Charlemagne, and I have founded empires. But on what did we rest the creations of our genius? Upon force.
Jesus Christ founded his empire upon love; and at this hour millions of men would die for him."
Jesus claimed to be the God-Man who came from heaven, returned to heaven, and promised to come again some day back to the Earth.
He claimed that His Father, God, overlooked the times of human ignorance and was now proclaiming to all men everywhere to repent and receive Eternal life as a
Heavenly gift of God's Grace through faith in Jesus and His Divine work of Redemption.
That's good news for a sinner like me.....