Recruiting Forum Off Topic Thread III

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I think I can clear up the religious/biblical discussion, but probably not. :)

Maybe the bible is about history, morality, the human psyche and physiology, astrotheology, etc. Maybe a little of all of that. Or, maybe it's not. Not sure.

Just treat folks the way you want to be treated, and don't treat them in anyway that you would not want to be treated. Do no harm, but take no ish. Simple, IMO.

Believe what you want, or not, and don't stress over what other's choose to believe (or not believe). I choose to believe that UT will win every game before it happens, and that the Braves will win the world series every year. Probably not gonna happen, but maybe it will.

nb4 someone tells me I'm wrong.

Would anyone recommend Dave and Busters as a good place to take a 12 year old for a bday? Not throwing a big party with a bunch of his friends so it'll just be family. I've heard the food is terrible and he said he wants me to grill up steaks for his Bday dinner anyways. Mostly seeking feedback on the game selection/prices etc.

For those in my area (Charlotte NC), the Concord Mills location is what I'm considering specifically.
Would anyone recommend Dave and Busters as a good place to take a 12 year old for a bday? Not throwing a big party with a bunch of his friends so it'll just be family. I've heard the food is terrible and he said he wants me to grill up steaks for his Bday dinner anyways. Mostly seeking feedback on the game selection/prices etc.

For those in my area (Charlotte NC), the Concord Mills location is what I'm considering specifically.

chuck e cheese concord nc - Google Search

ours has a yeehaw ipa and JC Brewing Porter on tap.
You're not alone. However, the historical facts are out there. Most folks simply do not take the time to actually investigate for themselves.
I would humbly encourage you to investigate those "stories" for yourself. Have you actually read the New Testament for yourself?

There are tests that historians use to evaluate the authenticity and validity of ancient texts of literature.
If you believe that Julius Caesar/Marc Antony/Cleopatra actually lived and breathed--you do so by FAITH in those written historical records.
(I am using "you" generically to represent all people, not you personally).

Their existence cannot be proven by the scientific method because it requires experimental OBSERVATIONS that are reproducible.

There's more objective literary evidence supporting the validity of the Bible as a legitimate and reliable historical record than any other
piece of ancient literature. And it's not even close. Take the time to check it out for yourself.

Concerning the content of the Bible--it ALL HINGES on the promise of God recorded in Genesis 3:15 concerning the Seed of the Woman.

The "Seed of the Woman" became the promised "Seed of Abraham"--who was further described in the Old Testament to be the Seed (descendent) of King David.
The Bible reveals this Son to be none other than Jesus of Nazareth, the Son of Mary who conceived Him while still a virgin betrothed to Joseph. Both Mary and
Joseph were descendants of King David.

Jesus of Nazareth was an actual man who lived, breathed, walked, talked, taught, healed, loved, was hated, crucified, died, buried, and rose again from the dead
according to the historical records extant on the earth in the Bible and in extra-biblical records.

Napolean was quoted as saying:

"Alexander, Caesar, Charlemagne, and I have founded empires. But on what did we rest the creations of our genius? Upon force.
Jesus Christ founded his empire upon love; and at this hour millions of men would die for him."

Jesus claimed to be the God-Man who came from heaven, returned to heaven, and promised to come again some day back to the Earth.
He claimed that His Father, God, overlooked the times of human ignorance and was now proclaiming to all men everywhere to repent and receive Eternal life as a
Heavenly gift of God's Grace through faith in Jesus and His Divine work of Redemption.

That's good news for a sinner like me.....
Tell it like it is brother. We have a lot of brothers and sisters that need to want the WORD. Look at our churches parking lots on Sunday mornings (thin). That is because they don't want to give any of their VALUABLE time to learn of better. They do not realize that their VALUABLE time here on earth will be Hell to pay. Pray for all.
I know this discussion has come and gone, but had to give an update on cutting-the-cord. The discussion a couple of weeks ago had me deciding to switch from DirecTV to YouTube TV. I had AT&T internet also and they're both part of AT&T now. But when I called to cancel they made me an offer that made it a tough decision. Then, in the process they sweetened the deal to the point I couldn't refuse and dropped Verizon, which I've had for 20 years.

I now have all AT&T. Unlimited cell phone with 3 lines and 3 new iPhone 8s included for $104 p/m (+$835 refund to me for switching and trade-in for old phones, DirecTV Choice for $72 p/m, and unlimited internet for $15 p/m. Yeah, I'm happy. YouTube TV will have to wait.
I know this discussion has come and gone, but had to give an update on cutting-the-cord. The discussion a couple of weeks ago had me deciding to switch from DirecTV to YouTube TV. I had AT&T internet also and they're both part of AT&T now. But when I called to cancel they made me an offer that made it a tough decision. Then, in the process they sweetened the deal to the point I couldn't refuse and dropped Verizon, which I've had for 20 years.

I now have all AT&T. Unlimited cell phone with 3 lines and 3 new iPhone 8s included for $104 p/m (+$835 refund to me for switching and trade-in for old phones, DirecTV Choice for $72 p/m, and unlimited internet for $15 p/m. Yeah, I'm happy. YouTube TV will have to wait.

ATT and ATT mobile are different things. ATT is capable of DSL, Fiber to Premise (Fiber to home, paired drop), or line-of-sight from cell tower, all commonplace nowadays.

What's killing competitors is ability of ATT to produce, market, distribute, and play content via multiple platforms. IOW, they own the seed, grain, mill, assembly line, and the supermarket. What's nuts is they also own the company that delivers the bread.

ATT mobile just flat sucks. Really all their services are over priced. The ATT Uverse is their best product, and fact you have Dish or Direct tells me your internet speed is likely not best.

You get what you pay for in this world. I wouldnt have the phone company, Clink, Frontier, ATT, Verizon, Comporium, etc if you gave it to me for free. Century Link prism or Uverse is a different story.
ATT and ATT mobile are different things. ATT is capable of DSL, Fiber to Premise (Fiber to home, paired drop), or line-of-sight from cell tower, all commonplace nowadays.

What's killing competitors is ability of ATT to produce, market, distribute, and play content via multiple platforms. IOW, they own the seed, grain, mill, assembly line, and the supermarket. What's nuts is they also own the company that delivers the bread.

ATT mobile just flat sucks. Really all their services are over priced. The ATT Uverse is their best product, and fact you have Dish or Direct tells me your internet speed is likely not best.

You get what you pay for in this world. I wouldnt have the phone company, Clink, Frontier, ATT, Verizon, Comporium, etc if you gave it to me for free. Century Link prism or Uverse is a different story.

If someone has Dish or DirecTV it's a reflection on their internet? That doesn't even make sense. Sounds like someone's trying to spin something.
I know this discussion has come and gone, but had to give an update on cutting-the-cord. The discussion a couple of weeks ago had me deciding to switch from DirecTV to YouTube TV. I had AT&T internet also and they're both part of AT&T now. But when I called to cancel they made me an offer that made it a tough decision. Then, in the process they sweetened the deal to the point I couldn't refuse and dropped Verizon, which I've had for 20 years.

I now have all AT&T. Unlimited cell phone with 3 lines and 3 new iPhone 8s included for $104 p/m (+$835 refund to me for switching and trade-in for old phones, DirecTV Choice for $72 p/m, and unlimited internet for $15 p/m. Yeah, I'm happy. YouTube TV will have to wait.

All that’s good starting out. Just give it a year, and then all those promotionals will start to expire and that bill will balloon big time.
I do agree that our society finds itself in a most dangerous position when it accepts, elevates, and deifies subjective, humanistic drivel for objective, historically accurate truth.

I'll be brief in my statements:

First of all--I wasn't confusing science with history.
My point in referencing the scientific method was to demonstrate the FACT that no ancient historical event may be proven or denied with science.
The reason being that the events are not observable or reproducible.
(I said that so those who really are sincere enough to investigate the historical record will refuse to be bullied by those intellectual elitists who continually belittle Christians as ignoramuses.
Most do not want to hear from Christians who are excellent scientists who believe the Bible--

Therefore--we must rely on the validity and authenticity of ancient written texts to know--to the best of our abilities--what actually transpired.
This is true whether we are speaking of Plato, Aristotle, Moses, King David, Jesus of Nazareth, Julius Caesar, or Constantine.

Tacitus, Seutonius, Pliny the Younger, and Josephus (via Roman sponsorship) are all Roman historians who mentioned Jesus and His followers, Christians, and their mistreatment under Roman Emperors.

For the record, I'll just leave this reference as good place to begin for those who really desire to know the truth concerning the validity and veracity of the NT texts as reliable historical documents.
Manuscript evidence for superior New Testament reliability |

I'll also mention the importance of the Dead Sea Scrolls in validating the Cairo/Leningrad/and Aleppo Codices in the OT manuscript records.
The DSS overwhelmingly substantiate the validity, consistency, and veracity of the OT translations we carry around in our Bibles today in relation to the original texts.

I appreciate the dialogue....and I do fully acknowledge that the debate will rage on and on as our society continues to unravel and descend down that slipper slope to anarchy.

I just hope that folks will actually take the time to read the Bible for themselves before attempting to reject it as fiction.

God knows that I have read my share of fiction in Biology textbooks on my way to earning two degrees.

That's true enough. Historical facts and figures can't be completely proven. But my issue is with the false equivalency of historic texts vs the Bible, which only snippets of are considered reliable by most historians.

None of the guys you mentioned were contemporaries of Christ and his followers. I guess the closest would be Josephus, at least geographically, and he probably was the only one from your list that could've conversed with Jesus had they ever met.

The problem with Josephus's work, other that the fact it was written 60 years after Jesus's purported death, is that we (I say we because I teach history) don't know how much it's been doctored by Christian scribes over the years. I.e every time it was re-transcribed were portions redacted so as to not contradict the doctrine of the day?

It's an interesting discussion. A lot of my colleagues don't believe Jesus existed. I'm one that believes he did.
ATT and ATT mobile are different things. ATT is capable of DSL, Fiber to Premise (Fiber to home, paired drop), or line-of-sight from cell tower, all commonplace nowadays.

What's killing competitors is ability of ATT to produce, market, distribute, and play content via multiple platforms. IOW, they own the seed, grain, mill, assembly line, and the supermarket. What's nuts is they also own the company that delivers the bread.

ATT mobile just flat sucks. Really all their services are over priced. The ATT Uverse is their best product, and fact you have Dish or Direct tells me your internet speed is likely not best.

You get what you pay for in this world. I wouldnt have the phone company, Clink, Frontier, ATT, Verizon, Comporium, etc if you gave it to me for free. Century Link prism or Uverse is a different story.
Not true. We have Dish because no Cable company is willing to come into rural areas knowing that high sprrd internet will be available within th next e 18 months and will then lose oustomerst to the new high speed internet systems. These systems will also draw customers from Dish and Direct. Since ATT now owns Direct, Direct could also disappear and their customers could stream through ATT.
Not true. We have Dish because no Cable company is willing to come into rural areas knowing that high sprrd internet will be available within th next e 18 months and will then lose oustomerst to the new high speed internet systems. These systems will also draw customers from Dish and Direct. Since ATT now owns Direct, Direct could also disappear and their customers could stream through ATT.

Direct isnt going anywhere. Tie ins with NFL are 1.5 billion. Most every bar and restaurant has a national account package with Direct.

My point was about delivery. Paired copper cannot deliver cable or television. Only coaxial or fiber does.

I assume by 'competition' you mean the TVA's push to bring shared fiber internet access via rural grants? Cable companies dont consider that to be competition.

Bottom line is federal dollars to expand infrastructure vs private dollars. Cable companies want quick return on investment, phone company will run lines wherever.

As a result, rural customers have shittiest dsl access available. Phone companies are pulling assets out of rural america, so, either you live in an area that will see fiber pulled or, in 20 years - you'll still be on Hughes.

It will be interesting to see how the 5G world impacts rural America. Word is initial speedtests arent overwhelming once networks pick up traffic.

I know firsthand the money trickling from the 5G race would make you blush. It's sickening. it's an interesting dynamic. Verizon and ATT Wireless, are bleedin customers while spending billions on mergers, that make you scratch your head. Verizon, Sprint, and ATT have dragged the bottom of the barrel lookin for companies to acquire, looking for the magic elixir of content to couple with 5G. Companies are desperate for cut rate Fiber arteries to run for their 5G. My point is where is the money coming from? it cant last forever.

I think we may see a time where a cell phone is barely capable of making a call without Wifi. The infrastructure is def in place and writing is on the wall. Anyway, wantsd to share. Your cell phone and tablet will be roving billboards. Your smart car will have your personal information real time, ie viewing habits. groceries stores will know who you are and cater coupons, ads, and directions to you as you walk through the isles. Cities and counties will update you on attractions AS you drive down the highway! It's already on its way.
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Direct isnt going anywhere. Tie ins with NFL are 1.5 billion. Most every bar and restaurant has a national account package with Direct.

My point was about delivery. Paired copper cannot deliver cable or television. Only coaxial or fiber does.

I assume by 'competition' you mean the TVA's push to bring shared fiber internet access via rural grants? Cable companies dont consider that to be competition.

Bottom line is federal dollars to expand infrastructure vs private dollars. Cable companies want quick return on investment, phone company will run lines wherever.

As a result, rural customers have shittiest dsl access available. Phone companies are pulling assets out of rural america, so, either you live in an area that will see fiber pulled or, in 20 years - you'll still be on Hughes.

It will be interesting to see how the 5G world impacts rural America. Word is initial speedtests arent overwhelming once networks pick up traffic.

I know firsthand the money trickling from the 5G race would make you blush. It's sickening. it's an interesting dynamic. Verizon and ATT Wireless, are bleedin customers while spending billions on mergers, that make you scratch your head. Verizon, Sprint, and ATT have dragged the bottom of the barrel lookin for companies to acquire, looking for the magic elixir of content to couple with 5G. Companies are desperate for cut rate Fiber arteries to run for their 5G. My point is where is the money coming from? it cant last forever.

I think we may see a time where a cell phone is barely capable of making a call without Wifi. The infrastructure is def in place and writing is on the wall. Anyway, wantsd to share. Your cell phone and tablet will be roving billboards. Your smart car will have your personal information real time, ie viewing habits. groceries stores will know who you are and cater coupons, ads, and directions to you as you walk through the isles. Cities and counties will update you on attractions AS you drive down the highway! It's already on its way.
I do not mean anything that is linked to TVA. I did say that we will have high speed internet, fiber optic, within 18 months. Most rural areas will have fiber optic in the next few years unless Congress changes its mind. By the way, a phone sysrem is building the fiber optic system in our rural area. Cable companies ignored our plea for cable in our area. Cable is within one mile of a neighborhood which already has 430 home and will expand to 750-800 in the next 5 years. The services that will be provided for about half the cost cable and will provide better choices.
Today most people are aware of the "spying" capabilities of smart phones have are tahing advantage of the Teens and younger genertion. Most have no idea that their step is recorded and can be retrieved. Some of those who are most concerned about newest smart phones are buying old phones and flip phones. However, if you leave you home, phone systems will find a way to obtain all our data and sell those data to anyone willing to pay for it. Time to buy you own island and become self-sufficient. Congress has failed to exercise its responsibility protect its citizens from restricting anyone from collecting what should be our private information. China nd Russia know more about our business and habits than most of us know about ourselves.
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SIAP, or if you're not a VNN (VolNation Nerd), but MCU Phase 4 announced on Saturday -


Plus announced (without dates) - Black Panther 2, Captain Marvel 2, Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3, Blade, & Fantastic Four.
If you guys are ever looking for a cool little romantic getaway for two, just got back from The Owls Perch, overlooking Squawlly Creek outside of Joyce Kilmer forest. Great hosts they took us on an atv trip to the top of the mountain by their cabin. Quiet, relaxing time!
Near Robbinsville? Did you visit Santeelah or Fontana? Beautiful area.
SIAP, or if you're not a VNN (VolNation Nerd), but MCU Phase 4 announced on Saturday -


Plus announced (without dates) - Black Panther 2, Captain Marvel 2, Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3, Blade, & Fantastic Four.
At some point saturation and market cannibalism is going to have to slow this train down. It's crazy.
I do not mean anything that is linked to TVA. I did say that we will have high speed internet, fiber optic, within 18 months. Most rural areas will have fiber optic in the next few years unless Congress changes its mind. By the way, a phone sysrem is building the fiber optic system in our rural area. Cable companies ignored our plea for cable in our area. Cable is within one mile of a neighborhood which already has 430 home and will expand to 750-800 in the next 5 years. The services that will be provided for about half the cost cable and will provide better choices.
Today most people are aware of the "spying" capabilities of smart phones have are tahing advantage of the Teens and younger genertion. Most have no idea that their step is recorded and can be retrieved. Some of those who are most concerned about newest smart phones are buying old phones and flip phones. However, if you leave you home, phone systems will find a way to obtain all our data and sell those data to anyone willing to pay for it. Time to buy you own island and become self-sufficient. Congress has failed to exercise its responsibility protect its citizens from restricting anyone from collecting what should be our private information. China nd Russia know more about our business and habits than most of us know about ourselves.

measures designed to protect ordinary citizens were removed by FCC. That starts at the top, it isnt Congress' issue. POTUS may be a lot of things, loyal to his CEO buddies is one of them.

He and Ajit Pai are to blame for increased access to your cookies.

Notice all the streaming services poppin up, as well as data throttling.

httpTrump signs repeal of U.S. broadband privacy rules - Reuterss://
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Bunch of spares other than Thor.
Half of those are just TV series for the new streaming service, but I'd imagine all of those 5 movies could still make close to $1 billion each. Eternals has a pretty insane cast, with Keanu and some others still rumored for big roles. I'd imagine they're working with Sony on the Spider-Man 3 around 2021.

Definitely not a huge headliner in this group like Phase 5 could have with Fantastic Four, potential intro to X-Men, and even maybe the next iteration of Avengers.
Half of those are just TV series for the new streaming service, but I'd imagine all of those 5 movies could still make close to $1 billion each. Eternals has a pretty insane cast, with Keanu and some others still rumored for big roles. I'd imagine they're working with Sony on the Spider-Man 3 around 2021.

Definitely not a huge headliner in this group like Phase 5 could have with Fantastic Four, potential intro to X-Men, and even maybe the next iteration of Avengers.

Yeah just seems like they have blown their wad. The Eternals could be good and Taiki is directing Thor so I know that will rock. Other than that it's all meh. Relying on reboots of FF and the Xmen does not get me revved up at all.
At some point saturation and market cannibalism is going to have to slow this train down. It's crazy.
It’s also going to hurt that they are now beginning to push their political agendas. I hope that someday Hollywood and sports will learn that people don’t turn to entertainment to have other people’s political views shoved in our faces
It’s also going to hurt that they are now beginning to push their political agendas. I hope that someday Hollywood and sports will learn that people don’t turn to entertainment to have other people’s political views shoved in our faces
Definitely not trying to start a political debate, but I don't think diversity/inclusion has to equate to political agenda. You could say Black Panther started a political conversation, but it certainly didn't hurt the MCU as a whole (BP=$1.34 billion, Captain Marvel=$1+billion, Endgame=largest movie of all time).
It’s also going to hurt that they are now beginning to push their political agendas. I hope that someday Hollywood and sports will learn that people don’t turn to entertainment to have other people’s political views shoved in our faces
Nah they’ll be fine. You’re kidding yourself if you think Disney is concerned with political issues other than those that affect their bottom line.

A lot of Disney “pushing political agendas” is really just them trying to pander to audiences demanding those things. If the messages in their movies bother you so much that you’re likely to quit watching their movies, then you’re probably not in the demographic they’ve deemed most valuable.
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Nah they’ll be fine. You’re kidding yourself if you think Disney is concerned with political issues other than those that affect their bottom line.

A lot of Disney “pushing political agendas” is really just them trying to pander to audiences demanding those things. If the messages in their movies bother you so much that you’re likely to quit watching their movies, then you’re probably not in the demographic they’ve deemed most valuable.
Yeah... people don’t care about that. Just ask ESPN.
Yeah... people don’t care about that. Just ask ESPN.
ESPN isn’t a good counterpoint to Disney, though, unless you don’t really think about it. It’s not like their problems have everything to do with people’s political disagreements with them and nothing at all to do with

1. Changes in the way people consume sports media (especially recaps and highlights) removing the need for shows like SportsCenter. We can see game highlights and recaps on phones/computers moments after they happen now. Not like 15-20 years ago when you’d need to catch SC on a Sunday morning to see the results of late night PAC-10 games.

2. A general decline in quality of the shows offered and analysts employed for daytime shows.

3. Cord cutters and their impact on cable television in general.

4. Abundance of pirates streams on the internet.

5. Broadcasting contracts that, hindsight being 20/20, were probably pretty bad investments.

Disney will be fine as long as they keep making good quality movies. If they see a decline in quality and/or there’s a massive change in the ways people consume movies, then yeah the political stuff may bite them too. As of right now, there’s no real need to cater to the fringes who clutch their pearls every time a character in a movie is gay or Muslim or something.
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