Yeah but where's your support for that position. And no one seems to be addressing the part of the 2nd Amendment I pointed out "A well-regulated militia . . .". It doesn't say any militia, it says "well-regulated" so what does that mean? Everyone that responds is ignoring my basic question. You're trying to act like the precursor statement doesn't exist, but it does, it's part of the text. I just wonder what it means.
You're not going to find much about this issue in the Federalist Papers. One of the reasons being that James Madison, Alexander Hamilton and John Jay wrote the Federalists Papers before the Bill of Rights was even passed. But besides that, Madison's main argument (see Federalists Paper 46) was that the standing military should be less than 50,000 men, that's why militias, tied to the states versus the federal government, were so important to the anti-federalists. Madison envisioned 500,000 man strong (in total) state militias versus a very small federal military. I'm afraid the boat has sailed on that one. Hamilton in Federalist Paper 29 talks about what the militias should look like and why they are preferable to a standing federal army. (interestingly enough, one of his arguments was that the nation was too small to dedicate so much of its workforce to full-time military pursuits.)
So it seems to be a lot less about every man should have a gun than it is against a large standing federal army and the basis of power such an army would give the large central government. Like I said, that boat has sailed in the modern world. Imagine what those guys would think if they could see one of today's supercarriers. Or even just a single Abrams tank flying through the Virginia countryside at 30 mph.
By the way, you've got to be kidding when you say that's how you would defeat a tyrannical government. Any home grown militia would be swept aside in minutes if the federal government deployed against it, even with a unit of the National Guard much less a front-line military unit.
Not to mention the cost of trying to outfit your little band of rebels with comparable weaponry.
Go to some time and see how much a Class 3 fully automatic weapon goes for. (If I ever hit the lottery I'm going to get a couple of Class 3's, it's been many years since I was on a firing range with a fully automatic weapon.) About the only guys that can afford those prices in mass are the drug cartels, of course their black market prices are probably quite a bit lower.