I agree with some of what you say, but not all. Sometimes people lead with the "I'm not racist" comment because society has created this image that all white people must be inherently racist. It goes hand in hand with "white privilege". And you left off "white guilt" which we are all encouraged to feel, even though we've never committed any racist acts. Apparently, some believe we should carry the possible guilt of our ancestors because of the color of our skin. I'll refer back to Dr. King on this issue, judge me by my character, not by the color of my skin. And bigotry is not a one way street. I've seen and heard plenty of black people who hated whites, but rather than condemn that hate, it's often justified as "they have reason". Stupidest argument I've ever heard if we ever hope to have equality and peace. All people must put aside skin color as a reason to hate. And the same is true of sexuality, religion, politics...We, as a people, need to learn to let people be themselves, and be content in who we are rather than projecting ourselves on to others. It's okay to be different, to believe different, to live different. We don't have to be the same. But ALL sides need to act with reason, not just one side, which you seem to suggest. I agree that people need to learn to talk to each other, that we need to put thought in our words, but that does not just apply to white people. That applies to ALL people. And sometimes, you have to have patience and realize no offense is intended, because sometimes people didn't put enough thought into their words. It's a give and take of all parties involved.