Recruiting forum off topic thread (no politics, covid, or hot button issues)

To each their own, but that sounds awful to me. Best part of my day is hanging out with my wife. I enjoy my job, but 8-10 hours 5 days a week is plenty for me.
I enjoy being alone. Its my respite. Also enjoy that time to think through things, regroup, and let my thoughts go through the plinko board that is my noodle. I love time with my wife. But what I treasure most is the one on one, time with my kids.

Could easily live in the woods, with social interaction being two or three times a week to belly up for togo food.

Social interaction is important, and an antisoc, it follows that recognizing that fact is good.

Wife wants to be with people. I want to be with nature, or at home.

BTW, Dad knew Jon Ward from UT Law, and TTLA. Jon was as big an introvert as you could imagine. Funny the persona we hear or see, isnt always what is reality. Guy was fiercely into natire and gardening.
DMT would be an extreme measure imo.

It's nothing like mushrooms or K. It is a legit in lay on the ground and have a religious experience for 20 minutes thinking you're in a different universe. Could go well...sometimes goes poorly.

I'd at least start off with something lighter. Imo mushrooms have great results and are calm.
Psilocybin, yes. Clears interdimensional cobwebs.
How to tell where @Jackcrevol gets his gas.


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