Recruiting forum off topic thread (no politics, covid, or hot button issues)

I live in rural West Tennessee town of 1,100 or so.
We have had people move here from New York, New Jersey, Montana, Alaska, and Michigan the 3-5 years. Most of them say because of taxes and cost of living, oh and low very low crime rate.
Yeah I know some upstate New Yorkers that moved to Paris

These northern and western states should try not sucking
I live in rural West Tennessee town of 1,100 or so.
We have had people move here from New York, New Jersey, Montana, Alaska, and Michigan the 3-5 years. Most of them say because of taxes and cost of living, oh and low very low crime rate.
Tennessee is full. Unless you have 5 star kids that wanna play for Tennessee
I live in rural West Tennessee town of 1,100 or so.
We have had people move here from New York, New Jersey, Montana, Alaska, and Michigan the 3-5 years. Most of them say because of taxes and cost of living, oh and low very low crime rate.
Anyone moving from Alaska or MT to Memphis needs their head examined.
Yeah just moved up here from east Nashville recently

I love it!

Also saw two Michigan plates today

Are we actually on the Ohio Michigan border? Wtf is going on?
I got out of east nash five years ago. Grew up on Riverside dr by shelby park. Loved it back then. Too much change. Now live in Lyles. Loving it. No yuppies out here.
That and the entire time you're in school, you are in Ohio....

Could never bring myself to live there if East TN is the other option
I was born and raised in Ohio, met an East Tennessee girl on vacation, moved here and married her. That was 47 years ago. East Tennessee is Gods Country.
Take a minute and just appreciate we live in a world where people pay for that.

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