Recruiting forum off topic thread (no politics, covid, or hot button issues)

Victim blaming is abhorrent.

But when you knowingly push a product, meanwhile laugh at fact that your product cause someone to be hit by a train killing 3 people. You are an evil, evil human.

I dont know what or how else to say it. If you knowingly cause or intend, or are negligent in causing a death of a human being. You are committing homicide, on some scale. And in fact...

George pleads guilty to second-degree murder in exchange for cooperation

Authorities are now charging Fentanyl dealers with murder.

I have a friend from high school that messed up his shoulder at work and they put him on opioids. They helped his shoulder to a degree, but he also started seeing that all the other problems he had to deal with in life just didn't matter when he had the pain pills. Next thing you know he is hooked on heroin, lost his family, lost his home, and is in and out of jail for petty thefts trying to get money for drugs. His life is in shambles because of that crap. I abhor opioids and will never take them personally if I can at all avoid it.
I have a friend from high school that messed up his shoulder at work and they put him on opioids. They helped his shoulder to a degree, but he also started seeing that all the other problems he had to deal with in life just didn't matter when he had the pain pills. Next thing you know he is hooked on heroin, lost his family, lost his home, and is in and out of jail for petty thefts trying to get money for drugs. His life is in shambles because of that crap. I abhor opioids and will never take them personally if I can at all avoid it.
Tool tylenol in hospital during the great nutsack crisis of 2022. They wanted to give me morphine, and then Tylenol with codeine. I said '**** that.'

They thought they'd have remove one or both. Hope no human ever has to stare that news down.
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Sorry could have worded it better but I had some employees a few years ago that abused the pain pills and wouldn't a thing we could do as long as they had a prescription from doctor it bothers me to the day how they would do this to themselves.. once again I apologize...
I had an employee snort their medication from their desk in my presence. Other people saw it happen. I was obligated to take it to HR. Sat in on them and their meetings with HR. HR advised they would have to take medication as prescribed by their doctor while on company property and time.
Sorry could have worded it better but I had some employees a few years ago that abused the pain pills and wouldn't a thing we could do as long as they had a prescription from doctor it bothers me to the day how they would do this to themselves.. once again I apologize...

I get it, but addiction is easy to come by even for the best of us, and can quickly spiral. I don’t think coddling addicts is the way, but you have to start from a place of realizing how easy it is to slip into even for those with the strongest of wills.
On the other hand, there’s no excuse for those who take advantage of the ease of addiction and actively seek to profit off it.

There but for the grace of god… (you know how it goes).
Tool tylenol in hospital during the great nutsack crisis of 2022. They wanted to give me morphine, and then Tylenol with codeine. I said '**** that.'

They thought they'd have remove one or both. Hope no human ever has to stare that news down.

I spent Friday in the ER with a kidney stone. When the pain became so intense it yielded uncontrollable vomiting, I took all they'd give me. If others are game to deal with that using OTC, they are clearly stronger than me.
I spent Friday in the ER with a kidney stone. When the pain became so intense it yielded uncontrollable vomiting, I took all they'd give me. If others are game to deal with that using OTC, they are clearly stronger than me.
Sorry to hear that. I understand that's extremely painful. Best wishes for you and your treatment.
If they would take the way it's prescribed my mouth and not snort or shove them up their ass this wouldn't happen.By all means not defending the doctor these pain clinics are handing out oxycodone left and right but a lot of people take it for the wrong reasons. If it's for chronic pain the meds are great but if they are abused to get high then the patient has to be held accountable in some way. But I agree with you the doctors is responsible as much as the individuals...
This doesn't work. These opiate painkillers have the devil in them.

Many of the people who got addicted to them began taking them exactly how they were prescribed. The painkillers themselves change the way people think and push them to do things they would have never done before them.

For a lot of people, the painkillers didn't really kill the pain at all, it just made them feel so good from the high that they forgot about the pain to an extent. Once they felt that high from a normal dose, they would begin chasing it when they developed a tolerance to the prescribed dosage. To make matters worse, the pharmaceutical company lied to the doctors about their addictiveness and, when people developed a tolerance, many Drs upped the doeseage amounts and even the mg size of the pill.

One of the worst parts of it all is the mental and physical withdrawals addicts develop. Many people were fine taking the Drs recommended dosage, but once they stopped being prescribed, those people began doing crazy things to get them, in attempts to avoid the hellish withdrawals. They do disgusting things like you mention and more, in order to make a smaller dose feel more like a dose they're used to. . . and that's not even mentioning the things people began doing just to get the drugs. . .

These drugs should've never been produced at all. The consequences far outweigh the benefits, but greed pushed it into the public and created a vicious drug epidemic focused on the working class/poor & elderly. Truly despicable what the pharmaceutical companies did to us and we should all be very, very mad at them, not the victims of opiate addiction or their actions as a result. . . I guarantee that it has had a negative impact on every single one of us in one way or another.
This doesn't work. These opiate painkillers have the devil in them.

Many of the people who got addicted to them began taking them exactly how they were prescribed. The painkillers themselves change the way people think and push them to do things they would have never done before them.

For a lot of people, the painkillers didn't really kill the pain at all, it just made them feel so good from the high that they forgot about the pain to an extent. Once they felt that high from a normal dose, they would begin chasing it when they developed a tolerance to the prescribed dosage. To make matters worse, the pharmaceutical company lied to the doctors about their addictiveness and, when people developed a tolerance, many Drs upped the doeseage amounts and even the mg size of the pill.

One of the worst parts of it all is the mental and physical withdrawals addicts develop. Many people were fine taking the Drs recommended dosage, but once they stopped being prescribed, those people began doing crazy things to get them, in attempts to avoid the hellish withdrawals. They do disgusting things like you mention and more, in order to make a smaller dose feel more like a dose they're used to. . . and that's not even mentioning the things people began doing just to get the drugs. . .

These drugs should've never been produced at all. The consequences far outweigh the benefits, but greed pushed it into the public and created a vicious drug epidemic focused on the working class/poor & elderly. Truly despicable what the pharmaceutical companies did to us and we should all be very, very mad at them, not the victims of opiate addiction or their actions as a result. . . I guarantee that it has had a negative impact on every single one of us in one way or another.
I've been prescribed Oxycodone only once. Nasty shoulder surgery. Took half a pill and felt great. Much better than someone with a shoulder held together by popsicle sticks and chewing gum should feel. It was all Motrin after that. It was obvious to me whatever was in those things was not to be ****ed with.
I spent Friday in the ER with a kidney stone. When the pain became so intense it yielded uncontrollable vomiting, I took all they'd give me. If others are game to deal with that using OTC, they are clearly stronger than me.
I think it's the extended usage that's the problem. I know what real pain is and, when you have it, you'll take anything to make it go away. Extended use is the problem. Taking it in emergency pain situations is A-OK in my book, if it'll make it stop.

I was in massive pain that I can't explain. . . no joke, pain that literally makes you wish you'd just die quickly. Nothing they gave me helped for more than a minute, if at all. They tried a few different things in the hours before surgery, the strongest they could give without od'ing me. . . nothing. . . finally, I remember my family coming in to see me just before surgery and something they gave me knocked it down. I'm not sure what it was, maybe some of the anesthesia they give before knocking you all the way out, but I wish that was the first thing they did. . . just knock me out and figure out what to do later, 😆.

I hope none of you ever experience pain so bad you wish you were dead. If you haven't had it, you won't believe what I'm saying. . . if you have, you know I'm telling the truth.
Just read “Empire of Pain” about the Sackler family and they legitimately do not have souls. Pharmaceutical advertising should be made illegal ASAP.
That's quite an extreme reaction. There will always a be people crossing the line (or leaping over it) in any industry, you can't just make something illegal for everyone because of them.
This doesn't work. These opiate painkillers have the devil in them.

Many of the people who got addicted to them began taking them exactly how they were prescribed. The painkillers themselves change the way people think and push them to do things they would have never done before them.

For a lot of people, the painkillers didn't really kill the pain at all, it just made them feel so good from the high that they forgot about the pain to an extent. Once they felt that high from a normal dose, they would begin chasing it when they developed a tolerance to the prescribed dosage. To make matters worse, the pharmaceutical company lied to the doctors about their addictiveness and, when people developed a tolerance, many Drs upped the doeseage amounts and even the mg size of the pill.

One of the worst parts of it all is the mental and physical withdrawals addicts develop. Many people were fine taking the Drs recommended dosage, but once they stopped being prescribed, those people began doing crazy things to get them, in attempts to avoid the hellish withdrawals. They do disgusting things like you mention and more, in order to make a smaller dose feel more like a dose they're used to. . . and that's not even mentioning the things people began doing just to get the drugs. . .

These drugs should've never been produced at all. The consequences far outweigh the benefits, but greed pushed it into the public and created a vicious drug epidemic focused on the working class/poor & elderly. Truly despicable what the pharmaceutical companies did to us and we should all be very, very mad at them, not the victims of opiate addiction or their actions as a result. . . I guarantee that it has had a negative impact on every single one of us in one way or another.
Check this song out about the pills: Nose on the Grindstone
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Victim blaming is abhorrent.

But when you knowingly push a product, meanwhile laugh at fact that your product cause someone to be hit by a train killing 3 people. You are an evil, evil human.

I dont know what or how else to say it. If you knowingly cause or intend, or are negligent in causing a death of a human being. You are committing homicide, on some scale. And in fact...

George pleads guilty to second-degree murder in exchange for cooperation

Authorities are now charging Fentanyl dealers with murder.
LOL saying people who abused it by snorting it are "victims" is also abhorrent and offensive to actual victims. There are victims who should not be blamed, but people who intentionally abuse drugs for recreational purposes are not victims.

You're not usually such a binary poster. This situation has nuance, it's not 100% in either direction. Don't be a stereotypical millennial by trying to make it that way. Some people can be evil and others can be victims and others not be victims all in the same scenario.
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LOL saying people who abused it by snorting it are "victims" is also abhorrent and offensive to actual victims. There are victims who should not be blamed, but people who intentionally abuse drugs for recreational purposes are not victims.

You're not usually such a binary poster. This situation has nuance, it's not 100% in either direction. Don't be a stereotypical millennial by trying to make it that way. Some people can be evil and others can be victims and others not be victims all in the same scenario.
Joe, I'm not a millenial.

All situations have nuance. My org post was in reply to people who state no wrong doing after countless died.

It was about knowingly, and braggingly providing access to people who are addicted, causing new addictions, and profiting off of that. A death is a death, and therefore were a victim of such.

Some could have lived had they been given access to recovery. Dont be so binary, whatever the hell that means.
I've been prescribed Oxycodone only once. Nasty shoulder surgery. Took half a pill and felt great. Much better than someone with a shoulder held together by popsicle sticks and chewing gum should feel. It was all Motrin after that. It was obvious to me whatever was in those things was not to be ****ed with.
Those pain killers absolutely work for some. My dad could barely walk without them after a procedure. They absolutely are addictive to some others, and for some they only get them high. People who act like the whole issue is a simple, binary one are small minded.
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Joe, I'm not a millenial.

All situations have nuance. My org post was in reply to people who state no wrong doing after countless died.

It was about knowingly, and braggingly providing access to people who are addicted, causing new addictions, and profiting off of that. A death is a death, and therefore were a victim of such.

Some could have lived had they been given access to recovery. Dont be so binary, whatever the hell that means.
I said you were acting like a stereotypical millennial, and you still are. Don't make super complex situations oversimple by saying one side was 100% wrong and that's the end of it.
From what I've heard (I haven't read it), the book is actually a cover up. The evil family is sensationalized, but many parties to what happened -- both with respect to government approval and high placed officials who have defended the family, etc. -- are missing. It seems not unlikely that what the book passes over is most everything of most importance.
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LOL saying people who abused it by snorting it are "victims" is also abhorrent and offensive to actual victims. There are victims who should not be blamed, but people who intentionally abuse drugs for recreational purposes are not victims.

You're not usually such a binary poster. This situation has nuance, it's not 100% in either direction. Don't be a stereotypical millennial by trying to make it that way. Some people can be evil and others can be victims and others not be victims all in the same scenario.
Lol you activated his greatest weakness!

Fwiw, I don't think Millennials are any more "binary" than anyone else. Social media is the real culprit imo and has created an environment where everything has to be binary so there can be clearly delineated good and bad guys so everyone knows who is the victim.
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From what I've heard (I haven't read it), the book is actually a cover up. The evil family is sensationalized, but many parties to what happened -- both with respect to government approval and high placed officials who have defended the family, etc. -- are missing. It seems not unlikely that what the book passes over is most everything of most importance.
I just like takes that are circumspect and moderate. Everything you all are saying is probably true, but laying blame at the feet of any single party or even on a single side of an issue is rarely accurate.
I just like takes that are circumspect and moderate. Everything you all are saying is probably true, but laying blame at the feet of any single party or even on a single side of an issue is rarely accurate.
I'm not a "you all." 😂 I thought you read better. What I sent you was my first remark. Moreover, I am saying something very different from praising the book and expressing outrage at its select villians. I am saying that I haven't read the book, but that I have heard and seen accounts with evidence that the book itself (and I think there is a movie) is a distortion and a political manipulation that conceals by (a seemingly patterned) omission many other people, government actors, non-profits, and other supposedly neutral and "science" driven government institutions. That the key to understanding the book is to look beyond the outrage that the book intends to incite at its "supervillians," and to notice who and what the book leaves out. There are reportedly also some weird politicizations. I'm the most circumspect of all.
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Doctors were paid by suppliers for how much Oxy they were pushing. Sales people were heavily incentivized to get doctors on board with the program. Any risk concerning addiction was suppressed. Suppliers had coupons in place to make the first 7 to 30 days free.

Some of these folks were Avon Barksdale and Stringer Bell in scrubs and stethoscopes.

Sure, those who abused always carry some portion of the blame... they also most pay the largest share of the consequences... but if you can't trust your doctor, who can you trust?
LOL saying people who abused it by snorting it are "victims" is also abhorrent and offensive to actual victims. There are victims who should not be blamed, but people who intentionally abuse drugs for recreational purposes are not victims.

You're not usually such a binary poster. This situation has nuance, it's not 100% in either direction. Don't be a stereotypical millennial by trying to make it that way. Some people can be evil and others can be victims and others not be victims all in the same scenario.
Do you believe people want to be addicted to opiates?

You obviously know nothing about the topic you are trying to discuss so if I were you I would just move along.

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