Recruiting forum off topic thread (no politics, covid, or hot button issues)

I played golf on the old Camelot course back in the day. Lot of history with that place.
My Mom grew up at Pressman's Home and my Papaw was a plumber and maintenence man there for decades. They owned a house/farm right beside the little waterhouse there on one of Camelot's holes. It wasn't like a normal house on a golf course, now-a-days, just a little farmhouse with a barn, silo and a tiny goldfish pond on that gravel road near that old church
My Mom grew up at Pressman's Home and my Papaw was a plumber and maintenence man there for decades. They owned a house/farm right beside the little waterhouse there on one of Camelot's holes. It wasn't like a normal house on a golf course, now-a-days, just a little farmhouse with a barn, silo and a tiny goldfish pond on that gravel road near that old church
That is awesome. Hard to imagine how vibrant that community was at its peak.
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I was talking to one of the local attorneys that’s lived in this are her whole life. Asked her if she had been to ruby falls. She said she wasn’t interested in going to see a waterfall with a red light in it. I started asking what she meant. She didn’t even know it was in a cave. Just thought someone stuck a light in a waterfall and people paid to look at it.
I was talking to one of the local attorneys that’s lived in this are her whole life. Asked her if she had been to ruby falls. She said she wasn’t interested in going to see a waterfall with a red light in it. I started asking what she meant. She didn’t even know it was in a cave. Just thought someone stuck a light in a waterfall and people paid to look at it.
Stuck my finger in a hole in the cave wall when I was a kid during a tour. It got stuck. Everybody had to stop till I got it out. I to this day still love them holes…………………………..all jokes aside..that really did happen.
No, most of it's gone, the hotel burned down, decades ago, that beautiful church slowly fell in on itself, the pool has been gone since before I was born, 50 years ago. Went there for the first time, since my Mom died, last year, shell of itself. Golf course is gone, too.
No, most of it's gone, the hotel burned down, decades ago, that beautiful church slowly fell in on itself, the pool has been gone since before I was born, 50 years ago. Went there for the first time, since my Mom died, last year, shell of itself. Golf course is gone, too.
Back in the late 90s, it was sold to a faction of Tennessee militia, unbeknownst to me and my college-aged buddies. We rolled up on the formerly abandoned property like we had done a half dozen times before, only to be met outside the former administration building by a 9mm pointed directly at my head from a distance of 5 feet.

We left, reported it to the Rogersville Police, and never returned. We were told at the station that it was out of their hands because it was private property and had been bought by the militant group, but they had had their eye on them.
Pressman's Home used to be creepy as all get out, especially at night. I have a couple crazy stories from that place.
Yeah, my youngest uncle worked there and had me camp there when I was around 10ish, multiple times and scared the sh!t out of me everytime. There used to be a TB hospital on the campus, so I'm sure there was plenty of creepy sh!t going on. But, most of my nightmares came from my uncle and his friends. In the early to mid 80s.
My oldest uncle, went to school at Pressman's Home to be a printer. In fact, 5 of my 7 uncles are in the printing business. That oldest uncle owned Union Printers in Knoxville in South Knox, on Phillips Ave, off Sevier Ave, on the TN River. I worked there for at least, a decade. Love Hawkins Co. and Pressman's Home. We used to play softball on Camelot between golfers at our family reunions
Google Pressman's Home/Heartland Series, that's the uncle I worked for and my Papaw. I tried to share it, but that's beyond my capabilities
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Who thinks that? Literally never seen anyone post that.

Sure thing bud. Just because you haven’t seen it doesn’t mean it’s not happening. Every time we lose a recruit there are people who cut on AP and Hubbs. It’s laughable because those two have forgotten more about recruiting than anyone here will ever know. So you can say that all you want, but it happens.
Sure thing bud. Just because you haven’t seen it doesn’t mean it’s not happening. Every time we lose a recruit there are people who cut on AP and Hubbs. It’s laughable because those two have forgotten more about recruiting than anyone here will ever know. So you can say that all you want, but it happens.
Just haven't seen anyone say that. Chill out bud.

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