Recruiting forum off topic thread (no politics, covid, or hot button issues)

How do you feel about DL recruiting currently?
Solid. Between last class and this one there are some guys that definitely got a chance to get after the QB. Interior DL could use some help. Of course this class is not finished so we will see where that ends up. Franklin would obviously help a lot in that regard.
I played golf on the old Camelot course back in the day. Lot of history with that place.
I grew up in Rogersville long ago. Camelot was a gorgeous golf course albeit a bit run down even when I was a college aged young man. What almost no one around Rogersville and east Tennessee is aware of is that we had our very own Donald Ross golf course that disappeared during the WW2 years (1942) when TVA flooded the valley it rested in. It was supposedly very pretty and was unique in that he designed it to only be mowed on the tee box and greens and incredibly they kept goats to manage the fairways! It was Tate Springs Golf Course. Built in around 1925 as I recall. Almost no pictures remain of it. I've only found this reference from one source and don't know if its accurate but DR did build that Tate Springs course. Now there is some history trivia.
I was talking to one of the local attorneys that’s lived in this are her whole life. Asked her if she had been to ruby falls. She said she wasn’t interested in going to see a waterfall with a red light in it. I started asking what she meant. She didn’t even know it was in a cave. Just thought someone stuck a light in a waterfall and people paid to look at it.
I was born and raised in Chattanooga and have never been. Now I’m 67. Maybe i should go
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I grew up in Rogersville long ago. Camelot was a gorgeous golf course albeit a bit run down even when I was a college aged young man. What almost no one around Rogersville and east Tennessee is aware of is that we had our very own Donald Ross golf course that disappeared during the WW2 years (1942) when TVA flooded the valley it rested in. It was supposedly very pretty and was unique in that he designed it to only be mowed on the tee box and greens and incredibly they kept goats to manage the fairways! It was Tate Springs Golf Course. Built in around 1925 as I recall. Almost no pictures remain of it. I've only found this reference from one source and don't know if its accurate but DR did build that Tate Springs course. Now there is some history trivia.
TVA ruined everything in East Tennessee
Are you unaware that all of this has been discussed at length and of who we have signed and who is likely improved? I don't understand what you think you're doing.
Giving his opinion and discussing it. That's still allowed here right?
I'm talking about defense though. That's where we need an infusion of talent. That's where changes need to happen, not with the coaches but the players.
But you said “if you’re content” as if not being content Is actually doing something to make the team better. As if recognizing where changes need to happen is actually going to make those things happen. We do not control anything. So our contentment is not something that needs to be criticized or exalted.
But you said “if you’re content” as if not being content Is actually doing something to make the team better. As if recognizing where changes need to happen is actually going to make those things happen. We do not control anything. So our contentment is not something that needs to be criticized or exalted.
What's the point of the message board then, if not to voice opinions and misgivings? Just gather 'round and agree with everything that is happening? No one is above criticism, not even the players. Most of us know good play when we see it, and we also know bad play.
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Are you unaware that all of this has been discussed at length and of who we have signed and who is likely improved? I don't understand what you think you're doing.
Are you keeping tally of all things discussed? Do we have a limit on certain subjects? There are countless threads on Milton's arm strength, Hyatt's 5 touchdowns, and Hooker not being invited to Heisman ceremony. Hell, after all these years post are still made about Manning losing the Heisman to a defensive player. Do you gatekeep those conversations as well?
What's the point of the message board then, if not to voice opinions and misgivings? Just gather 'round and agree with everything that is happening? No one is above criticism, not even the players. Most of us know good play when we see it, and we also know bad play.
Now you’re getting it.

This is very much Sunshine Clique territory.
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Now you’re getting it.

This is very much Sunshine Clique territory.

To be fair, it’s one or the other.

I’ve been here long enough to know that there are times when the Pollyannas don’t receive a kind welcome in this place, either. Those times are worse than these.
Yeah, and the “realists” want to throw off these insiders when they bring valuable information to the board.

But yeah, it’s the sun shine pumpers ruining this forum.
I think Metal, Nico, et al know where they stand. They dont need our positive words of affirmation to pat their backs.

It isnt about insider or not, its about being a good and decent human being. Treating every human being, sorry @Weezer you're a furry animal, with the respect they deserve.
Giving his opinion and discussing it. That's still allowed here right?

So your opinion is that he has the right to share his opinion but those with other values are not allowed to express their opinion on his! Interesting but not an unusual application of a double standard those who value their own and like minded powers of discernment.

Many of us tire of death bed pronouncements with every single setback when a desired, but unproven piece of the puzzle does not prefer our opportunity over another.

Continuing to infer it is an INSURMOUNTABLE shortcoming of plan or person and assuming other equal or better solutions are not under consideration is tiresome. Especially this far away from signing day and in this new day of portal and NIL. Bear in mind we are talking about solutions that won’t play a down for over a year. There is time.
Yeah, and the “realists” want to throw off these insiders when they bring valuable information to the board.

But yeah, it’s the sun shine pumpers ruining this forum.

I’ve seen Shayne, who literally covers recruiting, get plenty of gruff from sunshiners.

But I didn’t say anybody was ruining anything. Some people value it I guess. And some people don’t want their info filtered.
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Looks like Bryce Young going start from day one at Carolina,just was given QB1 assignment looks like they would have given him a few games to observe from sidelines first but I guess it's the price of being number 1 pick..
What's the point of the message board then, if not to voice opinions and misgivings? Just gather 'round and agree with everything that is happening? No one is above criticism, not even the players. Most of us know good play when we see it, and we also know bad play.
Message board - Yes! Posting / debating everything other than said recruit in the recruit’s thread - NO! It’s exhausting to sift through all the bullshis post to find current discussion related to the recruit. There are other threads where these types of discussions are appropriate
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Now you’re getting it.

This is very much Sunshine Clique territory.

Those that feature prolific posts of DOOM for every negative data point are what they are. Boomers seem be able to acknowledge disappointments (misses) without despair without going overboard predicting greatness with every victory (hits) during the recruiting process.

Guess this is the DOOMER/GLOOMER vs the BOOMER ongoing conflict.
What's the point of the message board then, if not to voice opinions and misgivings? Just gather 'round and agree with everything that is happening? No one is above criticism, not even the players. Most of us know good play when we see it, and we also know bad play.
So a message board is to voice opinions?
You said it was Hooker that got us to 11 wins and listed what you were worried about.

Someone’s opinion was we won 11 games so in their opinion they would leave it to the coaches.

Your opinion was if they were satisfied with just winning 11 games they were just a sunshine pumper, etc.

My opinion was we don’t control anything so our opinion of how many games we will win or who plays is actually doing anything to win games so we should not vilify or magnify opinions.

Then it’s the same old can’t state my opinion without someone disagreeing with me. You’re just trying to make me only agree with you. <<<<<That’s what you’re doing!
So a message board is to voice opinions?
You said it was Hooker that got us to 11 wins and listed what you were worried about.

Someone’s opinion was we won 11 games so in their opinion they would leave it to the coaches.

Your opinion was if they were satisfied with just winning 11 games they were just a sunshine pumper, etc.

My opinion was we don’t control anything so our opinion of how many games we will win or who plays is actually doing anything to win games so we should not vilify or magnify opinions.

Then it’s the same old can’t state my opinion without someone disagreeing with me. You’re just trying to make me only agree with you. <<<<<That’s what you’re doing!
That's a great assessment I agree with you, but sometimes I think it's a if you caught a 13 inch Trout and well then I caught a 13 and a 1/2 inch one always one upping another!!!
Those that feature prolific posts of DOOM for every negative data point are what they are. Boomers seem be able to acknowledge disappointments (misses) without despair without going overboard predicting greatness with every victory (hits) during the recruiting process.

Guess this is the DOOMER/GLOOMER vs the BOOMER ongoing conflict.

There’s a difference between doom and gloom when we miss on a kid and someone making a statement like "our OL recruiting could stand to pick up". You’ll hear VQ say stuff like that fairly frequently.

The issue arises when the sunshiners view both things as being the same.

Very few are in here being truly overly negative. Things are really good around the program rn. Fair criticisms can still be made and should be able to without someone making a mountain out of a mole hill.
There’s a difference between doom and gloom when we miss on a kid and someone making a statement like "our OL recruiting could stand to pick up". You’ll hear VQ say stuff like that fairly frequently.

The issue arises when the sunshiners view both things as being the same.

Very few are in here being truly overly negative. Things are really good around the program rn. Fair criticisms can still be made and should be able to without someone making a mountain out of a mole hill.

Us sunshiners would point to the fact that it is in fact July and the season is just around the corner. Plus recruiting is really not all that bad for us right now. We do have 4 solid OL committed and OL is notoriously a developmental position that is hard if not impossible to predict based on high school ratings.

'24 - ★★★★★ Class of 2024 Commitments
Us sunshiners would point to the fact that it is in fact July and the season is just around the corner. Plus recruiting is really not all that bad for us right now. We do have 4 solid OL committed and OL is notoriously a developmental position that is hard if not impossible to predict based on high school ratings.

'24 - ★★★★★ Class of 2024 Commitments
I think what we’re dealing with is AP and Volquest building up hope then after it doesn’t happen blaming the coaches for not closing to take the heat off of them.

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