Recruiting forum off topic thread (no politics, covid, or hot button issues)

And yet neither one of them got on Twitter spouting Bible verses and crying about God….. if anyone has any evidence of wrong doing…. Please bring it to the compliance department…. Can’t stand that fake idiot.

Dabo is the town drunk who sobers up for a few hours on Sunday because he feels guilty.
Pruitt was forced to leave FSU for have sex with a student in the AD building. His boss Fulmer was notorious for letting recruits go to a certain Knoxville gentleman’s club. I’m sure nothing happened in the VIP room? The difference is not as large as you might think.
Fulmer or Pruitt make an underage girl change in front of them without any other adults present?

There's a difference in my books between consenting adults and anything that involves children.
I’m not sure if we’re arguing.
Random comment but have you ever considered writing for a publication maybe sport themed. Just saying may take time for traction but you have a witty humor that translates well in writing. I have noted your contribution to the forum and it’s always a net positive with a side of humor. Maybe a late career change?
Random comment but have you ever considered writing for a publication maybe sport themed. Just saying may take time for traction but you have a witty humor that translates well in writing. I have noted your contribution to the forum and it’s always a net positive with a side of humor. Maybe a late career change?
Always preshate compliments, brother. They’re in short supply. 😉 Not sure how I’d perform if there were expectations (and money) on the line.
Littlevol? Never heard of her.

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