Recruiting forum off topic thread (no politics, covid, or hot button issues)

Dis is da cornbread he smushin.

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Sure..why not? Full disclosure though, as a White Male Boomer I may be responsible for everything wrong in the world, so I may not be prime pal material.
Full disclosure, as a GenXer, I may be completely impervious to caring what the "you're responsible for everything" folks think.
Gen X. Who's worked up? I asked a question chief.
Suggestion, when calling someone 'Chief', it condescends more when you place a comma before the chief.

As in, you sound awful defensive there, chief. Or, better yet. Simmer down there, sizzle chest. Or, in a NY accent, 'Listen there chief, calm it down, sizzle chest.'

Hope that helps.
If you aren't at Waffle House then I think it is just an argument. If you find yourself by dumpster that smells like shame and waffles then you are in a knife fight.
Knife fights. No one really wins.

You're either in hospital with a stomach shank, or in the hospital with a buckknife in the third rear rib.
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Sure..why not? Full disclosure though, as a White Male Boomer I may be responsible for everything wrong in the world, so I may not be prime pal material.
As a white male i'm sure you have been treated completely unfairly in your time on this Earth. Please continue to play the victim role as you and yours hath suffered since the Mayflower first rolled over the graves of Natives waving you on.
I'm in my 50's with 2 grow children and soon to be 4 grandchildren don't have time for extra activity at home after lights are out....

My PaPa is 93 and told me the last time that I was up to visit him that he really wanted to have extra activity one more time before he passed.

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