Recruiting forum off topic thread (no politics, covid, or hot button issues)

I think those taking the Christian stance against the girls of threads is from the sermon on the mount.

Matthew 5:28 - "But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart."

Many men nowadays struggle with pornography and I know those threads don't go that far. However, for some men, looking at a thread full of pictures of girls in bikinis would be like taking that first drink when you know you should. You know if you do, you are likely to wind up in an unhealthy place. Just a different perspective.
Jesus also told you not to start pregame threads
For some, myself included, it's not an attempt to "obliterate human nature". That's not possible. It's an attempt to control/crucify the flesh and live Godly lives.
I KNOW that and I agree guys completely missed my point. I don't know how because I have stated over and over what I have a problem with.
Why I just as soon avoid those threads. In my youth probably not, but my understanding of myself and my faith have grown much since then. I certainly notice attractiveness in women that I meet and see each day, but going out of my way to look at pictures of young ladies in bikinis or less is not something I choose to do.
I agree...that was not my point.
I think those taking the Christian stance against the girls of threads is from the sermon on the mount.

Matthew 5:28 - "But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart."

Many men nowadays struggle with pornography and I know those threads don't go that far. However, for some men, looking at a thread full of pictures of girls in bikinis would be like taking that first drink when you know you should. You know if you do, you are likely to wind up in an unhealthy place. Just a different perspective.
I agree..and that is how I feel...but I have a reason that transcends human morality. I don't understand this weird secular puritanism that seeks to replace God Almighty with putrid human self-righteousness as the moral authority of the Universe.
I agree..and that is how I feel...but I have a reason that transcends human morality. I don't understand this weird secular puritanism that seeks to replace God Almighty with putrid human self-righteousness as the moral authority of the Universe.
The OP was fairly obviously coming from a Christian/Biblical perspective. That's probably why no one got your point. You came across as a professing Christian, arguing against a fellow believer posting their Biblical-based personal moral beliefs.
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I did. It was a fairly obvious believer stating a personal distaste for men lusting over women, and threads basically dedicated to that. Your response seemed to be: Eh... It's human nature. I don't see the issue.

Since when is men looking at pics of women pervy? I refrain because I believe I have to try to overcome lust...but most guys have zero religious qualms.

It is human nature.

It's just confusing. As stated, if you are indeed a Biblical-based Christian, that Bible says a lot about human nature, and wouldn't make humanty's base nature the standard of sin (pervy). It would make God's standard the standard, and see our base condition as at enmity (war) against Him and that standard.

Thus my confusion.

But my confusion is not a major deal. I was just asking for clarification as, if you don't see scripture as our common basis, it's a wasted conversation. If you do, the Holy Spirit can do a better job of convincing than either of us toward the other.
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I think those taking the Christian stance against the girls of threads is from the sermon on the mount.

Matthew 5:28 - "But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart."

Many men nowadays struggle with pornography and I know those threads don't go that far. However, for some men, looking at a thread full of pictures of girls in bikinis would be like taking that first drink when you know you should. You know if you do, you are likely to wind up in an unhealthy place. Just a different perspective.
And they stoned entire families for perceived sins against God by one member. Drank wine and got drunk but that was against suggestions of scripture. There are conflicts in different books of scripture and you have the clear advantage reciting such. We’re going to leave it with I’m at peace with my approach and you can be earnest AND ineffective at the same time changing that status.
I did. It was a fairly obvious believer stating a personal distaste for men lusting over women, and threads basically dedicated to that. Your response seemed to be: Eh... It's human nature. I don't see the issue.

It's just confusing. As stated, if you are indeed a Biblical-based Christian, that Bible says a lot about human nature, and wouldn't make humanty's base nature the standard of sin (pervy). It would make God's standard the standard, and see our base condition as at enmity (war) against Him and that standard.

Thus my confusion.

But my confusion is not a major deal. I was just asking for clarification as, if you don't see scripture as our common basis, it's a wasted conversation. If you do, the Holy Spirit can do a better job of convincing than either of us toward the other.
The person that originally started this is not a believer. Plus in my opinion "pervy" is unnatural weird type stuff...not the basic nature of the carnal flesh. I'm not as wordy as you and keep things simple.

If that doesn't clarify..I can't help you...I am not perfect and have never claimed to be...I do not just jump to calling men that look at women perverts..can it get perverted..definitely yes...but I don't think the guy that runs this site would let anything truly (imo) perverted last very long.

Please don't ask me what my definition of "perverted" will just open another can of worms..I'm sure you can figure it out.
And they stoned entire families for perceived sins against God by one member. Drank wine and got drunk but that was against suggestions of scripture. There are conflicts in different books of scripture and you have the clear advantage reciting such. We’re going to leave it with I’m at peace with my approach and you can be earnest AND ineffective at the same time changing that status.
Lots of stuff has been done in the name of Jesus that Jesus clearly wouldn't approve of.

Also, a message board is a horrible medium to trying to convince people of anything. Religion and politics in particular. I was merely pointing out why some folks would not approve of those threads from a biblical perspective. If you don't see it that way then I am not here on VN to convince you otherwise.
The person that originally started this is not a believer. Plus in my opinion "pervy" is unnatural weird type stuff...not the basic nature of the carnal flesh. I'm not as wordy as you and keep things simple.
I guess I made a wrong assumption about soilvol. But IMO, that would be a secondary issue to the conversation.

Romans 2:14 indicates that when a non-believer agrees with/keeps the law, the law is no less true. In other words, God's principles are God's principles, whether spoken by believers or unbelievers. It's just weird as weird to see someone professing Biblical concepts, and a believer mocking it.

Every person on the planet, whether redeemed or not, have an imprint of God's law on their heart. We call it conscience. Now, that imprint is generally pretty vague, and the unbeliever's print is marred, but it's there. You wouldn't mock an unbeliever that demeaned, say, incest as wrong.

Hint: Those insights toward right/wrong all come from the same place.

At the very least, Jude 1 makes all sexual immorality synonymous with "perversion". Perversion pretty much covers the things that have perverted our original nature. It's "perverted" what God intended us to be.

That's another weird thing the church has done--created some hierarchy of sexual perverseness. Goat sex and homosexuality are damndable and worthy of hell. But my innocent little unclean thoughts and wandering eyes are no big deal (despite what Jesus said).

They are all serious enough that Jesus had to die and take our penalty for them. That's what makes it impossible for all of us outside of His finished work.

Anyway... Peace.
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I guess I made a wrong assumption about soilvol. But IMO, that would be a secondary issue to the conversation.

Romans 2:14 indicates that when a non-believer agrees with/keeps the law, the law is no less true. In other words, God's principles are God's principles, whether spoken by believers or unbelievers. It's just weird as weird to see someone professing Biblical concepts, and a believer mocking it.

Every person on the planet, whether redeemed or not, have an imprint of God's law on their heart. We call it conscience. Now, that imprint is generally pretty vague, and the unbeliever's print is marred, but it's there. You wouldn't mock an unbeliever that demeaned, say, incest as wrong.

Hint: Those insights toward right/wrong all come from the same place.

At the very least, Jude 1 makes all sexual immorality synonymous with "perversion". Perversion pretty much covers the things that have perverted our original nature. It's "perverted" what God intended us to be.

That's another weird thing the church has done--created some hierarchy of sexual perverseness. Goat sex and homosexuality are damndable and worthy of hell. But my innocent little unclean thoughts and wandering eyes are no big deal (despite what Jesus said).

They are all serious enough that Jesus had to die and take our penalty for them. That's what makes it impossible for all of us outside of His finished work.

Anyway... Peace.
I may be wrong about that case I apologize..

If you don't think there is a difference in an abomination (unnatural lust and physical acts) and normal human temptation...then there is no sense in discussing anymore.

I don't partake of porn don't go there. I'm not justifying it.

Dang you are long winded...but you're a great guy.
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Lots of stuff has been done in the name of Jesus that Jesus clearly wouldn't approve of.

Also, a message board is a horrible medium to trying to convince people of anything. Religion and politics in particular. I was merely pointing out why some folks would not approve of those threads from a biblical perspective. If you don't see it that way then I am not here on VN to convince you otherwise.
Guess where we part ways is where I recognize you as an elected representative of Jesus...clear as mud. He was human while he was down here and subject to human stuff. Not motivated to CONVINCE you but not conceding that you have a high ground to APPROVE or DISAPPROVE my take. This all got started when "pervey" got floated out there in reference to participating in these threads. Something about being maligned based on one's own beliefs elicits which you took a SIDE.
That is completely up to you of course. I don't view those threads as honoring to women personally, but we can disagree and not have to meet at dawn with pistols to settle the debate.
The fact that you drew up the analogy points out you've mentally contemplated the action...better text Jesus! 😉

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