Recruiting forum off topic thread (no politics, covid, or hot button issues)

This is a random post but not at all strange. For some reason, young parents today are doubling down on trying to be their children's friends rather than being their parents. I don't know if that is the situation here, but I have a wife that teaches pre-school and a daughter in college to become a teacher. It makes me mad and frustrated that parents don't teach their children to behave and show proper respect to adults in authority positions. Please recommend to his parents that they correct his behavior before he gets to school so he is not the "jerk of a kid" that his teachers talk about when they get home and need to vent about their day.
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Well, actually, Brentwood and Franklin are considered part of the Nashville metropolitan area.
I grew up north of Nashville. I considered Davidson County Nashville. Nothing outside of the county.

Live in the Atlanta area now. Feel like it’s about 10 counties that are part of “Atlanta”.
Then Adam was the one we should be praising.

But it still feels condescending. As if Eve was a dumb doll. Ofc the bible was written by men, so grain of salt and all that.

Either way, they should be praised, if people truly believe it and enjoy being a human.
“Cursed are you” He said to the serpent. “Cursed is the ground because of you “ He said to Adam. The word curse was never used to Eve. And in Romans “by one man sin entered the world.”
And Adam was never called cursed. For both Adam and Eve, the curse was that the things he told them to do would now be hard and painful--steward the land and go forth and multiply.
Then Adam was the one we should be praising.

But it still feels condescending. As if Eve was a dumb doll. Ofc the bible was written by men, so grain of salt and all that.

Either way, they should be praised, if people truly believe it and enjoy being a human.
The theological premise here is that Adam was the one given responsibility, so Adam was the one held responsible. Eve wasn't even there when the command was given.

15 The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it. 16 And the Lord God commanded the man, “You are free to eat from any tree in the garden; 17 but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat from it you will certainly die.”
The Bible literally says that "she gave some to her husband who was with her". There is not conjecture to it. He was there. I don't understand where you are getting the notion that he wasn't standing right there with her. If anything, the Bible gives no indication that Adam was not right there with Eve while the temptation went down.
Text does not clearly say he was there.
Text says Eve talked to serpent.
Text does not say, Adam told her not to eat fruit. Could have been Adam or God.
Text says Eve ate fruit.
Text does not say Eve ate fruit in the presence of the serpent.
Text says Eve gave her husband the fruit and he ate. He ate it in her presence, but text does not say serpent was present or that he overheard the conversation between Eve and serpent.
Text does not indicate whether this all happened in a single day or over a period of time.

My point is: we cannot be sure he was there and we cannot accuse him of being a poor husband or family leader when God does not accuse him. We can say he willfully rebelled against God through disobedience and he along with all humanity suffer the consequences.

If interested, I recommend reading the text from a Contemporary English Torah translation. I linked one below:
Well you’ve piqued my interest so I went back and read it. It does clear as day say he was with her. Also, look at the series of events afterwards. Adam felt shame. Why would he feel shame if he assumed he was given non-forbidden fruit. He would have looked at Eve oddly like why are you hiding from God? No, he was just as ashamed.
Adam said he was afraid. Shame is not mentioned. Text says he was with her, but text does not say he was with her and serpent or that he heard their conversation. We assume they were all together. They could have been all together, but it is not required for them to be all together. We can assume it all took place in a single, but it is not required to have happened in a single day.
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Adam said he was afraid. Shame is not mentioned. Text says he was with her, but text does not say he was with her and serpent or that he heard their conversation. We assume they were all together. They could have been all together, but it is not required for them to be all together. We can assume it all took place in a single, but it is not required to have happened in a single day.
I suppose that could be true. Why was he afraid?
Text does not clearly say he was there.
Text says Eve talked to serpent.
Text does not say, Adam told her not to eat fruit. Could have been Adam or God.
Text says Eve ate fruit.
Text does not say Eve ate fruit in the presence of the serpent.
Text says Eve gave her husband the fruit and he ate. He ate it in her presence, but text does not say serpent was present or that he overheard the conversation between Eve and serpent.
Text does not indicate whether this all happened in a single day or over a period of time.

My point is: we cannot be sure he was there and we cannot accuse him of being a poor husband or family leader when God does not accuse him. We can say he willfully rebelled against God through disobedience and he along with all humanity suffer the consequences.

If interested, I recommend reading the text from a Contemporary English Torah translation. I linked one below:
That is the only translation I have ever seen that excludes the words "who was with her" to indicate that Adam was present when the temptation occurred. The Orthodox Jewish Bible, the Complete Jewish Bible, the King James, ESV, NIV, the Christian Standard Bible, and on and on all have the qualifier that her husband was with her. So if you want to cherry pick one translation that chooses to omit those words as the one to go with, I don't know what to tell you. I still see no reason to believe that Adam wasn't present and watched the whole scene unfold and did nothing.
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What I love about that exchange is that the serpent has to convince Eve that she can eat the fruit. “Did He really say you couldn’t eat any fruit? You won’t die if you eat that fruit. God doesn’t want you to eat them because you’ll be like Him.”

She was convinced. Tree was beautiful; fruit was delicious; and she wanted the wisdom.

Adam - on the other hand - “Then she gave some to her husband, who was with her too, and he ate it.”

Men: Food? Cool. I’ll eat it.
Here's a reenactment of Eve picking the fruit and why Adam ate it.

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