Recruiting forum off topic thread (no politics, covid, or hot button issues)

That’s how I look around 9pm
I buy a pound. It last a month or little longer depending on life.

I smoke half an ounce a day, or close to it. $1000/ month.

Now I can only afford this due to having a veryyyyyyy low house payment and don’t owe anything on my vehicles. So I’m one of a lucky few.
You probably could write that off on taxes as Miscellaneous Recreational.
What’s with the xenophobia, dude? Why are you so put off by foreign players? I guess you would have passed on Giannis and Jokic if you were an NBA gm.

Did I say anything about the NBA???

GO TO ANY COUNTRY OUTSIDE OF THE United States. When you say "football" they think soccer.

There's a reason American Football is called "American Football" it's not just to distinguish sport, but Culture as well.

And I've played rugby so please don't bring that argument into this...

Okoye will probably never contribute for us because he never played football in America until he was already set for college.

Konnabnny has been playing Football in America in High school for going on 3 years now. He's endocrinated.

The very FIRST time I played Rugby was in South Africa against their Spring Boks in a practice. I was way too physical for them ... I was way too fast and quick.

American Football is the greatest sport in the world.
I buy a pound. It last a month or little longer depending on life.

I smoke half an ounce a day, or close to it. $1000/ month.

Now I can only afford this due to having a veryyyyyyy low house payment and don’t owe anything on my vehicles. So I’m one of a lucky few.
This cracks me up. I envision if you took one full month off and fired up that volume you'd hit the stratosphere.
I buy a pound. It last a month or little longer depending on life.

I smoke half an ounce a day, or close to it. $1000/ month.

Now I can only afford this due to having a veryyyyyyy low house payment and don’t owe anything on my vehicles. So I’m one of a lucky few.
Where the piss do you find it for that price. I own a retail store and online store and can’t get it at that price that’s really good quality. I typically get 5-8lbs a week. Also had an indoor grow and couldn’t grow it at that price either
Where the piss do you find it for that price. I own a retail store and online store and can’t get it at that price that’s really good quality. I typically get 5-8lbs a week. Also had an indoor grow and couldn’t grow it at that price either
Buddy of mine who played for the Ice Bears got traded up to Michigan, retired…ended up going into the marijuana business.

I get it at a really really good price.
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Where the piss do you find it for that price. I own a retail store and online store and can’t get it at that price that’s really good quality. I typically get 5-8lbs a week. Also had an indoor grow and couldn’t grow it at that price either
I also get a supply from my fiancés mom boyfriend.

He grows his own in Oregon. Although, most of the stuff I receive from him are carts
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Buddy of mine who played for the Ice Bears got traded up to Michigan, retired…ended up going into the marijuana business.

I get it at a really really good price.
Apparently so. If he has anything to spare hit me up. I may be able to out some cash back in your pocket. THCA is a big thing these days
I buy a pound. It last a month or little longer depending on life.

I smoke half an ounce a day, or close to it. $1000/ month.

Now I can only afford this due to having a veryyyyyyy low house payment and don’t owe anything on my vehicles. So I’m one of a lucky few.
I used to have it like that. My older stepbrother was a connoisseur/dealer. My other stepbrother and I would help him move it to our high school friends and friend group after we got out of school.

He'd get 20 to 40 what we called bales at a time 10#'s each. We only sold the Reg. But that allowed us to keep #'s of different flavors for personal use. We would keep 2 or more #'s for us. We would probably blow an oz a day, sometimes more.

Those were good times, until they weren't. Brother got busted when he sold to a friend ours who got popped crossing state lines with it.

The first year we moved in to this farm the previous owners apparently grew a few plants because they went to seed and we found a few mature plants. I harvested one of them. Smoked on that bud for the better part of a year. Wasnt great quality but when you haven't smoked in a couple of decades it's like the first time all over again!
I used to have it like that. My older stepbrother was a connoisseur/dealer. My other stepbrother and I would help him move it to our high school friends and friend group after we got out of school.

He'd get 20 to 40 what we called bales at a time 10#'s each. We only sold the Reg. But that allowed us to keep #'s of different flavors for personal use. We would keep 2 or more #'s for us. We would probably blow an oz a day, sometimes more.

Those were good times, until they weren't. Brother got busted when he sold to a friend ours who got popped crossing state lines with it.

The first year we moved in to this farm the previous owners apparently grew a few plants because they went to seed and we find a free mature plants. I harvested one of them. Smoked on that bud for the better part of a year. Want great quality but when you haven't smoked in a couple of decades it's like the first time so over again!

I use to sell, but that lasted 3 weeks. Not for me, not worth the risk.

My friend sends me some and my fiancés mom boyfriend sends me some as well. It’s easy when they grow their own.
I buy a pound. It last a month or little longer depending on life.

I smoke half an ounce a day, or close to it. $1000/ month.

Now I can only afford this due to having a veryyyyyyy low house payment and don’t owe anything on my vehicles. So I’m one of a lucky few.

Since I started this great controversy, I will point out that this was back in the late 70s / early 80s in a small town in Southwest Virginia and a lot of the weed we got was the infamous Mexican dirt weed along with some Columbian Gold or Panama Red and occassionally Afghani or Thai weed. So it wasn't like we were getting fried out of our minds on the daily (although we tried our best :) ). And weed was like $25 to $35 an ounce. I also bought pounds or half pounds from time to time, sold it to my friends, and had 3 or 4 ounces left over for myself after breaking even while also giving friends a really large bag cheaper than anyone else in town. Did the same thing buying acid by the sheet and keeping 30 or 40 hits for myself.
We got some Hawaiian my senior year which was the most beautiful buzz I ever had but like $8 for a pin joint back when the minimum wage was like $3 an hour followed soon after by Burmese which was the strongest weed I had ever had. It was borderline hallucinogenic. I initially thought a quarter ounce of that would last me a year as I got the most wasted I had ever been sharing a half a joint with a friend. Unfortunately I built up tolerance pretty quick and I think it lasted about 2 weeks 😂

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