Recruiting forum off topic thread (no politics, covid, or hot button issues)

Relatively nice town, considering how ravaged those towns are economically.

Id like to see SW VA and WV revitalize similar to KY. Dollars from adventure or ecotourism seems like its untapped for them.
Yea, the shut down of the coal industry has decimated those communities.

Gonna Vomit GIF
I also get a supply from my fiancés mom boyfriend.

He grows his own in Oregon. Although, most of the stuff I receive from him are carts
Yea, lots of grow your own in Oregon. Visited a friend today and they just stuck a mason jar full in my car before I headed home. I'm a very small user, so most of that will be shared with friends and family.
Thank you. I was admonished by a band of regulars simply because I called someone out for this. There is somewhat of a “you can’t sit with us” attitude by some of the regulars in this thread. Being a regular does not always equate to being knowledgeable. That goes for any topic.
See ya..have a nice life 🙋‍♂️

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