Recruiting forum off topic thread (no politics, covid, or hot button issues)

You've got an awful lot of pictures of cats as food. I am worried you were not satisfied with only eating puppies, but now have added poor little kitties to you horrible terrible diet of precious fur babies!
Trying to deflect from your love of kittens..... as food.
@TN-POSSUM - Can you put @Glitch 's head on this gif?

They definitely need to make some adjustments to the Olympics. Baseball and softball should be brought back, even if our MLB players aren't going to play. Imagine if this Olympics had baseball and they just sent the Vols (as CWS champs) to represent the US? Also, less ping pong. I'm good with more X games type stuff being added. No more Taekwondo and Judo and whatever combat sports other than wrestling and boxing as individual categories. It should be wrestling, boxing, and hand-to-hand combat. Do we really need equestrian events? If we're going to have them, then they should be some type of racing. I'm not even sure what the hell "dressage" is, but I don't like it. Bring back chariot races. That would be entertaining. No to break dancing, no to ballroom dancing, no to dancing. But maybe add bowling. If we can have curling in the winter Olympics, the summer games should have bowling. And why ping pong but no pool/billiards? We really need to start assessing just how entertaining some of these "sports" are.
I also think we should hold the Olympics in Korea more. I heard they eat dogs as a delicacy there.
You have a problem. Please seek professional help for your puppy eating fetish and your apparently blatant racism.

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