Recruiting forum off topic thread (no politics, covid, or hot button issues)

I mean dumb is an interesting word to respond to my opinion about the city of Atlanta. Appears it hurt your feelings about a city you must appreciate. I am good with you having a different opinion about the city of Atlanta. Have a great day.
He must have some deep rooted affinity for metropolitan crime and gangs. Either that or he wants everybody to think he is a tough guy. He started in on me because I told about a teacher getting murdered in Columbus when I was there a few weeks ago and how bad the crime was. Do yourself a favor and put him on ignore...I promise you won't miss a thing.
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He must have some deep rooted affinity for metropolitan crime and gangs. Either that or he wants everybody to think he is a tough guy. He started in on me because I told about a teacher getting murdered in Columbus when I was there a few weeks ago and how bad the crime was. Do yourself a favor and put him on ignore...I promise you won't miss a thing.
Columbus is truly awful. I'd visit Detroit again before Columbus

Glitch be like, "KITTEN!!...."

I once went through an Arby's drive-thru here in Knoxville, the one on Lovell Rd, and they were out of roast beef. I was pissed.

Seriously, I'd have called the cops and revisited that Arby's if they're putting substances in the food. Someone could have been seriously harmed.
Out of roast beef? Is this when you started eating dogs?

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