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Patriotism is great, its when it becomes perverted as an excuse for Nationalist rhetoric that I have issue.

We are a melting pot. One of things that makes this Country greatest on Earth.
The overwhelming majority feel the same way… Don’t allow the media/social media to cause you to believe any different.
All SM/Media is sensationalist attention whore BS.
I live in a cul de sac. on my street… there are 5 black families… 3 white families…. 1 of those being a lesbian couple and one latino family. I am a Rehab Director and in the past five years I have managed……1 person from the Philippines, 1 from Chili, 1 from Nigeria, 1 African American, hired an Autistic tech, 1 Lesbian, a few white males and females… My life couldn’t be a bigger melting pot. Everyone gets along great. There will always be bad people out there but the media/social media is making people believe that it is worse than actually is.
Patriotism is great, its when it becomes perverted as an excuse for Nationalist rhetoric that I have issue.

We are a melting pot. One of things that makes this Country greatest on Earth.
Spot on. Watched the serries 'Warrior' recently. Quite good and a period piece on Chinese immigration to America. The anti-Chinese movement was real.
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I live in a cul de sac. on my street… there are 5 black families… 3 white families…. 1 of those being a lesbian couple and one latino family. I am a Rehab Director and in the past five years I have managed……1 person from the Philippines, 1 from Chili, 1 from Nigeria, 1 African American, hired an Autistic tech, 1 Lesbian, a few white males and females… My life couldn’t be a bigger melting pot. Everyone gets along great. There will always be bad people out there but the media/social media is making people believe that it is worse than actually is.
Do you want to be told how to think, or, want to think on your own? Not you personally, but the lay american.
I live in a cul de sac. on my street… there are 5 black families… 3 white families…. 1 of those being a lesbian couple and one latino family. I am a Rehab Director and in the past five years I have managed……1 person from the Philippines, 1 from Chili, 1 from Nigeria, 1 African American, hired an Autistic tech, 1 Lesbian, a few white males and females… My life couldn’t be a bigger melting pot. Everyone gets along great. There will always be bad people out there but the media/social media is making people believe that it is worse than actually is.
Kinda sounds like a cool neighborhood, eclectic. Where do you live?
I live in a cul de sac. on my street… there are 5 black families… 3 white families…. 1 of those being a lesbian couple and one latino family. I am a Rehab Director and in the past five years I have managed……1 person from the Philippines, 1 from Chili, 1 from Nigeria, 1 African American, hired an Autistic tech, 1 Lesbian, a few white males and females… My life couldn’t be a bigger melting pot. Everyone gets along great. There will always be bad people out there but the media/social media is making people believe that it is worse than actually is.
I live in a very diverse neighborhood also, in the Deep South. Everyone is very friendly and it’s a great place to live.

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