
Jarnell is, what, 3 years younger than Williams? Go back and watch clips from Williams' senior year in HS and Stokes' AAU clips. Williams has more explosiveness, but the differences are not huge.

Arizona's Derrick Williams Dunk Highlights - YouTube

watch this and if you can find me something close for jarnell that i'll give you props but you wont if jarnell tried to do what williams does here jarnell would break his leg.

oh and williams was 6'7" in this video, guess how tall he is now :)
Arizona's Derrick Williams Dunk Highlights - YouTube

watch this and if you can find me something close for jarnell that i'll give you props but you wont if jarnell tried to do what williams does here jarnell would break his leg.

oh and williams was 6'7" in this video, guess how tall he is now :)

Williams has been 6'8" since those videos and continues to be 6'8".

Stokes won't throw down between the leg dunks but he's got hops, plus better body control around the rim than Williams. Just as good an outside shot too.
Man, 270 for Stokes is WAY too heavy right now. Even Kevin Love is 10 lbs lighter than that and is 2 inches taller.

Stokes needs to be around 250. He looked out of shape on Saturday (which is actually a testament to how good he is). Needs to get back down to playing weight and you'll see how explosive he can be.

stokes at this point yes 270 is too big like you pointed out with love. have you ever seen jeronne maymon? he is 6' 7" 265, and if you think he is fat or out of shape you are blind guy has like 7% body fat, an absolute monster. yes right now with stokes body type 270 is too big, but if he can transform his body like maymon did in the off-season i have no problem with him being 270 because hell be a freaking monster.
Williams has been 6'8" since those videos and continues to be 6'8".

Stokes won't throw down between the leg dunks but he's got hops, plus better body control around the rim than Williams. Just as good an outside shot too.

according to recruiting profiles williams was 6' 7" when being recruited, go look at his nba profile he is now 6' 9". he may have hops but not those hops, i dont care what you say if he did then he would have videos any of these hs kids that can post videos dunking do. yes stokes has better body control but that is IQ and practicing footwork, has nothing to do with his athletic ability.
Williams has been 6'8" since those videos and continues to be 6'8".

Stokes won't throw down between the leg dunks but he's got hops, plus better body control around the rim than Williams. Just as good an outside shot too.

according to recruiting profiles williams was 6' 7" when being recruited, go look at his nba profile he is now 6' 9". he may have hops but not those hops, i dont care what you say if he did then he would have videos any of these hs kids that can post videos dunking do. yes stokes has better body control but that is IQ and practicing footwork, has nothing to do with his athletic ability. once again yes outside shot is there, but shooting has nothing to do with athletic ability, seriously?
I expect Memphis players to get better at their fundamentals, get in better shape, gain/lose weight as necessary, but never to get taller. I've never come across a fanbase banking on a kid growing 3 more inches like you guys, it's befuddling.

He may grow, and if he does, that's a windfall. But I can't see how anyone expects it.

also, nobody said 3 inches. we said get up to 6' 11" he is now 6' 9" according to him and other players, and from me seeing him in person im not gonna say thats off.
stokes at this point yes 270 is too big like you pointed out with love. have you ever seen jeronne maymon? he is 6' 7" 265, and if you think he is fat or out of shape you are blind guy has like 7% body fat, an absolute monster. yes right now with stokes body type 270 is too big, but if he can transform his body like maymon did in the off-season i have no problem with him being 270 because hell be a freaking monster.

I've heard that Maymon was 245 when transferring from Marquette, bloated to 265 last season and is back down to 245 again after this off-season. It sure looks like he is and he's playing a hell of a lot better than last season, so I'd believe it. Maymon still looks horribly out of shape at times though.
I've heard that Maymon was 245 when transferring from Marquette, bloated to 265 last season and is back down to 245 again after this off-season. It sure looks like he is and he's playing a hell of a lot better than last season, so I'd believe it. Maymon still looks horribly out of shape at times though.

haha this is the post of someone who doesnt follow tennessee basketball obviously. yes maymon was completely out of shape when he came here from marquette. he actually was only about 185 or 190 when he initially went to marquette out of hs. his body was completely transformed in the off-season, he is absolutely 265 and both he has said and training staff he may be a bit more than that. you have to remember muscle weighs more than fat, when he transformed his body he lost that fat but replaced it with muscle. how out of shape did maymon look when he hung 32 pts and 20 rebounds on you in maui? he was receiving praise from the announcers left and right about his endurance in that game, did you not watch?

trae golden has put on 40 lbs since he was a hs senior, do you see him as out of shape, that guy is ripped as well.
The guy is 6'8". In fact, he hardly looks taller than maymon, so 6'8" is being generous.

when i saw him he was with yemi, and maymon. he was definitely taller than maymon not by a ft but it appeared to me he was taller, he was not taller than yemi though who is listed at 6'9". we are bantering over one inch ok we can settle with 6' 8" 1/2, im going off what he says, and from what i saw in person.
haha this is the post of someone who doesnt follow tennessee basketball obviously. yes maymon was completely out of shape when he came here from marquette. he actually was only about 185 or 190 when he initially went to marquette out of hs. his body was completely transformed in the off-season, he is absolutely 265 and both he has said and training staff he may be a bit more than that. you have to remember muscle weighs more than fat, when he transformed his body he lost that fat but replaced it with muscle. how out of shape did maymon look when he hung 32 pts and 20 rebounds on you in maui? he was receiving praise from the announcers left and right about his endurance in that game, did you not watch?

trae golden has put on 40 lbs since he was a hs senior, do you see him as out of shape, that guy is ripped as well.

Dude, from your posts, I'm beginning to think I know more about UT basketball than you do.

It was reported that Maymon rededicated himself this off-season and cut a lot of his excess weight. To tell the truth, I didn't see much of him last season so I can't compare, but he doesn't look 265 to me, especially if Stokes is 270 right now.

Maymon had a field day in Maui partially because we didn't have a 4 man on our roster. When he had to go against Ferro Hall in January, he looked winded after about 5 minutes on the court.
Honestly, no. I don't think that they were that close (I never saw them holler at each other on twitter, etc.), which is not to say that UT does't have a chance at bagging King. Stokes and King both played for Memphis YOMCA, but King was on the U16 team so I'm not sure they actually played together.

Thanks for clearing that up. I didn't even think about the different age teams. I hope they were at least somewhat acquainted being in the same organization. Oh well.
Dude, from your posts, I'm beginning to think I know more about UT basketball than you do.

It was reported that Maymon rededicated himself this off-season and cut a lot of his excess weight. To tell the truth, I didn't see much of him last season so I can't compare, but he doesn't look 265 to me, especially if Stokes is 270 right now.

Maymon had a field day in Maui partially because we didn't have a 4 man on our roster. When he had to go against Ferro Hall in January, he looked winded after about 5 minutes on the court.

just because stokes and maymon are the same weight or close to it doesnt mean they have to look the same do you get that? you can weight the same but your body look different, do you think kevin love and derrick williams body's look the same? i highly doubt it but there weight is very close to each other. maymon is everybit of 260-265 i can guarantee you that, you have nothing that says otherwise besides your opinion, i have showed you actual documents. maymon is not out of shape he hustles and plays his tail off like no one else on the team, weight 265 your gonna get tired eventually just the way that it works.
Dude, from your posts, I'm beginning to think I know more about UT basketball than you do.

It was reported that Maymon rededicated himself this off-season and cut a lot of his excess weight. To tell the truth, I didn't see much of him last season so I can't compare, but he doesn't look 265 to me, especially if Stokes is 270 right now.

Maymon had a field day in Maui partially because we didn't have a 4 man on our roster. When he had to go against Ferro Hall in January, he looked winded after about 5 minutes on the court.

Maymon put work in this summer, no doubt. Also, CJP had a bit to do without that. No way he was going to let Maymon destroy Memphis on the glass and in the paint the way he did in Maui. Maymon didn't have a great game against Memphis the 2nd time and did look winded at times. He's improving though (free throws, weight, body control, going to the right etc are night and day from last year) so I only hope he continues to improve.
just because their bodies LOOK different that doesnt mean they arent the same weight that is one of the dumbest posts that i have ever read.
Maymon put work in this summer, no doubt. Also, CJP had a bit to do without that. No way he was going to let Maymon destroy Memphis on the glass and in the paint the way he did in Maui. Maymon didn't have a great game against Memphis the 2nd time and did look winded at times. He's improving though (free throws, weight, body control, going to the right etc are night and day from last year) so I only hope he continues to improve.

I think the difference between Maymon's two games was the fact that in the first, Witherspoon was guarding him and in the second, Hall was guarding him.

Witherspoon is a 3 while Hall a defensive minded 4. Hall made life tough for Maymon that night, it that was his only real task on the court.
I think the difference between Maymon's two games was the fact that in the first, Witherspoon was guarding him and in the second, Hall was guarding him.

Witherspoon is a 3 while Hall a defensive minded 4. Hall made life tough for Maymon that night, it that was his only real task on the court.

are you dont trying to argue that maymon is 240, that stokes cant be 270 in shape, and that derrick williams is a superior athlete compared to stokes?

by the way maymon didnt have a horrible game the 2nd time around he almost had another double double. he missed a number of close shots that he usually hits and there was nobody to blame but himself, he also didnt shoot his ft's nearly as well the 2nd game. Maymon's numbers in the 2nd game should have been 16 and 10 the only reason they werent were maymon, not hall. maybe hall is why he shouldnt have had 30 but he still should have had like i said 16 or 18 and 10 board minimum.
Wow! #1 in Tennessee!!?!? OMG!!! Oh yeah...nevermind.


Tony Delk? Ron Mercer? Dont forget the two guys that won you the 96 NC were from Tennessee.

You have no clue what you are talking about.

Way to reinforce the stereotype.
are you dont trying to argue that maymon is 240, that stokes cant be 270 in shape, and that derrick williams is a superior athlete compared to stokes?

by the way maymon didnt have a horrible game the 2nd time around he almost had another double double. he missed a number of close shots that he usually hits and there was nobody to blame but himself, he also didnt shoot his ft's nearly as well the 2nd game. Maymon's numbers in the 2nd game should have been 16 and 10 the only reason they werent were maymon, not hall. maybe hall is why he shouldnt have had 30 but he still should have had like i said 16 or 18 and 10 board minimum.

Engrish prease.

Let me put it this way:

1. Maymon doesn't look 265 pounds, especially if that was his playing weight last season. Whether he actually is or not is anyone's guess and I really don't care.

2. 270 is too heavy for Stokes right now.

3. Derrick Williams is more athletic than Jarnell Stokes.

All my opinions and you have yet to show me any basis for changing them.
Engrish prease.

Let me put it this way:

1. Maymon doesn't look 265 pounds, especially if that was his playing weight last season. Whether he actually is or not is anyone's guess and I really don't care.

2. 270 is too heavy for Stokes right now.

3. Derrick Williams is more athletic than Jarnell Stokes.

All my opinions and you have yet to show me any basis for changing them.

1. i dont really care what he looks like to me he looks 265 the fact is he is 265 whether you think he is or not. you are stating 240 heres a link for you with his actual weight... would compare his athleticism to williams.
1. Your link just proves my point that he was 265 last season. Who knows what he is now.

2. I'm not even following you on #2. I just stated that Stokes played very well for being overweight at 270.

3. I don't know where you're really going with this. The Williams stuff started when I compared their body-types, which are similar. You're the one who brought up athleticism and I've been agreeing with you since then. I'm not sure what you're arguing about.
1. Your link just proves my point that he was 265 last season. Who knows what he is now.

2. I'm not even following you on #2. I just stated that Stokes played very well for being overweight at 270.

3. I don't know where you're really going with this. The Williams stuff started when I compared their body-types, which are similar. You're the one who brought up athleticism and I've been agreeing with you since then. I'm not sure what you're arguing about.

1. apparently you are new to computers, the link that i provided you is to this years roster he is listed at 265. if you find the link on the page for previous seasons and look at last years roster he is listed at 257 i believe it says(if you click on him though it brings up this year). therefore, he has GAINED wait since last year, while actually looking to be in better shape and much more toned.

2. you stated that he needs to get back down to PLAYING weight, and that you would then see how explosive he is. thats inferring that at the weight of 270 he cant be as good of a player, that to be his best he needs to be 250 and that is bs.

3. you argued for multiple posts that williams and stokes are close athletically and that the disparity isnt that far. if you are solely comparing their body types sure i guess that is a fair comparison.

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