
1. apparently you are new to computers, the link that i provided you is to this years roster he is listed at 265. if you find the link on the page for previous seasons and look at last years roster he is listed at 257 i believe it says(if you click on him though it brings up this year). therefore, he has GAINED wait since last year, while actually looking to be in better shape and much more toned.

2. you stated that he needs to get back down to PLAYING weight, and that you would then see how explosive he is. thats inferring that at the weight of 270 he cant be as good of a player, that to be his best he needs to be 250 and that is bs.

3. you argued for multiple posts that williams and stokes are close athletically and that the disparity isnt that far. if you are solely comparing their body types sure i guess that is a fair comparison.

Lets put point #2 to bed now.

MemphicCanes is saying that 270 is too heavy for Stokes right now. At 250 with his current muscular makeup, he would be more explosive...THIS SEASON.

BleedingOrange is saying that after a year in the weight program at UT, perhaps 270 pounds of MUSCLE is an acceptable weight. He would shed the baby fat and add muscle and be able to play T 270 pounds.

You two are arguing semantics.

Now, continue blasting away on points 1 and 3. I'm gonna eat some pork chops.
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Lets put point #2 to bed now.

MemphicCanes is saying that 270 is too heavy for Stokes right now. At 250 with his current muscular makeup, he would be more explosive...THIS SEASON.

BleedingOrange is saying that after a year in the weight program at UT, perhaps 270 pounds of MUSCLE is an acceptable weight. He would shed the baby fat and add muscle and be able to play T 270 pounds.

You two are arguing semantics.

No continue blasting away on points 1 and 3. I'm gonna eat some pork chops.

fair enough. i just wanted it to be clear that stokes will most likely be at 265/270 next year and that that weight is perfectly fine to play at, it didnt have to be 250. as for this year, yes he will be more effective if he sheds some weight because it is too late to hit the gym the way they do in the off-season. so yes i agree completely with that statement, shed some weight for the remainder of this year and then in the off-season lose the baby fat and tone up and nobody will stop him down low.

point 3 is settled. if we arent talking about athleticism sure williams and stokes body's are similar.

as far as point 1...nothing to be argued it is facts maymon was lighter last year and out of shape, he has put on weight but thats because of muscle mass, and is now in better shape. that is facts it cant be rationally argued so that should be over as well.
1. apparently you are new to computers, the link that i provided you is to this years roster he is listed at 265. if you find the link on the page for previous seasons and look at last years roster he is listed at 257 i believe it says(if you click on him though it brings up this year). therefore, he has GAINED wait since last year, while actually looking to be in better shape and much more toned.

2. you stated that he needs to get back down to PLAYING weight, and that you would then see how explosive he is. thats inferring that at the weight of 270 he cant be as good of a player, that to be his best he needs to be 250 and that is bs.

3. you argued for multiple posts that williams and stokes are close athletically and that the disparity isnt that far. if you are solely comparing their body types sure i guess that is a fair comparison.

While I enjoy a good debate as much as the next man, I feel like we're not getting anywhere here. Again the following are my OPINIONS.

1. I do not believe that Maymon is 265 or at least, was not 265 to start off the season. You can post as many links as you'd like that say otherwise, I'm going off what I've personally observed. There's is nothing more to discuss on this issue. We have a difference of opinions.

2. I said nothing even remotely close to that. I actually lauded Stokes for playing well at 270. I think if he were closer to 250, cutting a good bit of his body fat, he'd be in much better playing shape. Again, maybe our opinions differ on this point.

3. I've repreatedly said that Williams is more athletic than Stokes. From seeing Stokes play in the Peach Jam (again, when he was around 250 or so), he can actually show out athletically. I don't think the difference between Williams at 17 and Stokes during the PJ was major. This point is very tangential from the reason I originally brought Williams up in the first place though.
While I enjoy a good debate as much as the next man, I feel like we're not getting anywhere here. Again the following are my OPINIONS.

1. I do not believe that Maymon is 265 or at least, was not 265 to start off the season. You can post as many links as you'd like that say otherwise, I'm going off what I've personally observed. There's is nothing more to discuss on this issue. We have a difference of opinions.

2. I said nothing even remotely close to that. I actually lauded Stokes for playing well at 270. I think if he were closer to 250, cutting a good bit of his body fat, he'd be in much better playing shape. Again, maybe our opinions differ on this point.

3. I've repreatedly said that Williams is more athletic than Stokes. From seeing Stokes play in the Peach Jam (again, when he was around 250 or so), he can actually show out athletically. I don't think the difference between Williams at 17 and Stokes during the PJ was major. This point is very tangential from the reason I originally brought Williams up in the first place though.

1. In an article after maymon went nuts on Memphis, WHICH WAS EARLY IN THE YEAR, he is quoted at saying he is 263 and his body fat now under 10%. That is fact no way that you can argue this.

2. Yes 250 or so this year would be ideal or him. I think next year a weight closer to 265 would be a good weight or him with his height, that would mean he has really toned his body an added muscle.
1. In an article after maymon went nuts on Memphis, WHICH WAS EARLY IN THE YEAR, he is quoted at saying he is 263 and his body fat now under 10%. That is fact no way that you can argue this.

2. Yes 250 or so this year would be ideal or him. I think next year a weight closer to 265 would be a good weight or him with his height, that would mean he has really toned his body an added muscle.

Stokes has got muscle, there's no denying that. If you want him to put more muscle on, it's most likely going to be at the expense of endurance (same goes for Maymon, which if what you say in #1 is actually true, would account for his windedness in the January Memphis game). More fast-twitch muscle means more oxygen use.

Stokes is going to want to spend 30+ minutes in the game eventually, piling more muscle and weight on will mean less wind throughout the game. Same was true for Brian Williams' "transformation" his senior year; he didn't need to run around at 300 lbs.
Stokes has got muscle, there's no denying that. If you want him to put more muscle on, it's most likely going to be at the expense of endurance (same goes for Maymon, which if what you say in #1 is actually true, would account for his windedness in the January Memphis game). More fast-twitch muscle means more oxygen use.

Stokes is going to want to spend 30+ minutes in the game eventually, piling more muscle and weight on will mean less wind throughout the game. Same was true for Brian Williams' "transformation" his senior year; he didn't need to run around at 300 lbs.

You are making no sense. So now you are conceding that I am right about maymons weight, ok. With that said this is the dumbest thing you have stated that maymon gaining the muscle he has is causing him to be more winded? SERIOUSLY? This is the guy that couldn't play 5 minutes las year without needing them to roll him off on a stretcher. He plays almost 39 minute a game this season i don't see what you are talking about, it has been widely documented he is conditioned amazingly well for a post. This guys sprints up and down the court and plays tough physical defense for 30 minutes you saying muscle gain has cause his fatigue this year is idiotic.

With stokes his endurance isn't top notch that Is what off season is for. You can improve this guys endurance while adding muscle and toning him up. The fact your satying if he loses his current fat and replaces it with muscle that he won't be able to play 30 minutes is ridiculous.

And the fact that you bring Brian Williams into this is all I needed to see. This guy is the laziest vol in awhile, he may have lost some weight but he put no work into building his endurance once the season started. Most UT fans know Brian Williams was incredibly lazy and was never going to work hard enough to be a 30 minute a night guy. He was not in good shape bottom line.
You are making no sense. So now you are conceding that I am right about maymons weight, ok. With that said this is the dumbest thing you have stated that maymon gaining the muscle he has is causing him to be more winded? SERIOUSLY? This is the guy that couldn't play 5 minutes las year without needing them to roll him off on a stretcher. He plays almost 39 minute a game this season i don't see what you are talking about, it has been widely documented he is conditioned amazingly well for a post. This guys sprints up and down the court and plays tough physical defense for 30 minutes you saying muscle gain has cause his fatigue this year is idiotic.

With stokes his endurance isn't top notch that Is what off season is for. You can improve this guys endurance while adding muscle and toning him up. The fact your satying if he loses his current fat and replaces it with muscle that he won't be able to play 30 minutes is ridiculous.

And the fact that you bring Brian Williams into this is all I needed to see. This guy is the laziest vol in awhile, he may have lost some weight but he put no work into building his endurance once the season started. Most UT fans know Brian Williams was incredibly lazy and was never going to work hard enough to be a 30 minute a night guy. He was not in good shape bottom line.

Man, just read my posts and stop trying to put words in my mouth. If you don't like the fact that more muscle = more oxygen consumed, take it up with a kinesiologist and save me the rationalization.

1. I don't think Maymon is 265 lbs.

2. Stokes will play better at around 250 for most of his career, barring your expectation that he grows another foot or something.

Again, my opinion.
Man, just read my posts and stop trying to put words in my mouth. If you don't like the fact that more muscle = more oxygen consumed, take it up with a kinesiologist and save me the rationalization.

1. I don't think Maymon is 265 lbs.

2. Stokes will play better at around 250 for most of his career, barring your expectation that he grows another foot or something.

Again, my opinion.

1. Fact: you stated a. Maymon doesn't seem to be 265 in your opinion and b. he appear with the extra muscle this year I be in worse shape than last year FACT: a. Maymon IS 265, I have provided you with 2 links proving this you haven't provided me with one link saying otherwise. Therefore, your opinion is based off of know truth and in fact is an opinion based on no knowledge. B. he is more muscular this year but is also in 100x better page. Go look at minutes played, watch him play 5 minute last year and then this year. Once again this is fact he is in much better shape, if it's your opinion he is not ok that's fine your opinion is based off of no knowledge and no truth. Most people when they form an opinion base it on facts and are knowledgeable, you do neither.

2. Talk about putting words in someone mouth, grow a foot? He'd be 7'9" moron, maybe in your OPINION you see this as happening. I don't care if he doesn't grow another inch 265 is an ok weight for him if e loses fat and adds muscle much like maymon did. Even though in your OPINION maymon isn't 265.

It's fine to have an opinion but geez atleast base it on some truth don't just state random false thoughts that run through your head.
1. Fact: you stated a. Maymon doesn't seem to be 265 in your opinion and b. he appear with the extra muscle this year I be in worse shape than last year FACT: a. Maymon IS 265, I have provided you with 2 links proving this you haven't provided me with one link saying otherwise. Therefore, your opinion is based off of know truth and in fact is an opinion based on no knowledge. B. he is more muscular this year but is also in 100x better page. Go look at minutes played, watch him play 5 minute last year and then this year. Once again this is fact he is in much better shape, if it's your opinion he is not ok that's fine your opinion is based off of no knowledge and no truth. Most people when they form an opinion base it on facts and are knowledgeable, you do neither.

2. Talk about putting words in someone mouth, grow a foot? He'd be 7'9" moron, maybe in your OPINION you see this as happening. I don't care if he doesn't grow another inch 265 is an ok weight for him if e loses fat and adds muscle much like maymon did. Even though in your OPINION maymon isn't 265.

It's fine to have an opinion but geez atleast base it on some truth don't just state random false thoughts that run through your head.

Let me make this simple for you:

1. I don't care how many roster clipping you throw up here that say Maymon is x weight. It looks like he's around 245 to me. I've never said he's put on more muscle because it actually looks like he's lost weight to me. I've never said he looks like he's in worse shape than last season. You're just fabircating things to argue about it seems.

2. My opinion is that Jarnell is currently overweight and a good playing weight for him is around 250. This differs from your opinion, deal with it.

I'm not sure how more simplistic I can make this, we disagree. Leave it at that.
Let me make this simple for you:

1. I don't care how many roster clipping you throw up here that say Maymon is x weight. It looks like he's around 245 to me. I've never said he's put on more muscle because it actually looks like he's lost weight to me. I've never said he looks like he's in worse shape than last season. You're just fabircating things to argue about it seems.

2. My opinion is that Jarnell is currently overweight and a good playing weight for him is around 250. This differs from your opinion, deal with it.

I'm not sure how more simplistic I can make this, we disagree. Leave it at that.

1. ok seriously its pathetic that you wont conceide the whole weight thing. he looks 245 to you ok thats nice, he says, the training staff says, and the media guide all say he is 265. if you want to make an opinion that differs entirely from the truth that is fine. i bet if someone says the sky is blue your opinion is that it is actually green, when in fact it is really blue, but your opinion is almighty over facts so it must be the right answer. you have stated multiple times that he looks to be more winded than last year. that is you saying he is in worse shape than last year, pretty simple. once again the facts dispute this, he says and training staff all say his endurance and conditioning are the best they have ever been. Hell when he was torching memphis in maui im sure you heard jimmy dykes going crazy about this guys physique and endurance. give it a rest he is 265 and in phenomenal shape, he plays 30 minutes a game as a post. THOSE ARE FACTS

2. im fine with this one, i agree 250 for jarnell this year would probably be perfect. in order for him to be nba ready i think he needs to gain some muscle and trim the baby fat, thus probably pushing him closer to the 265 range. pretty simple one as well.
Let me make this simple for you:

1. I don't care how many roster clipping you throw up here that say Maymon is x weight. It looks like he's around 245 to me. I've never said he's put on more muscle because it actually looks like he's lost weight to me. I've never said he looks like he's in worse shape than last season. You're just fabircating things to argue about it seems.2. My opinion is that Jarnell is currently overweight and a good playing weight for him is around 250. This differs from your opinion, deal with it.

I'm not sure how more simplistic I can make this, we disagree. Leave it at that.

your quote."If you want him to put more muscle on, it's most likely going to be at the expense of endurance (same goes for Maymon, which if what you say in #1 is actually true, would account for his windedness in the January Memphis game). More fast-twitch muscle means more oxygen use. "

you are clearly saying if stokes adds muscle like maymon did then his endurance his going to suffer and he will be winded. that is you saying that maymon's endurance was better last year before he added the muscle, which is you saying that he was in better playing shape last year.
your quote."If you want him to put more muscle on, it's most likely going to be at the expense of endurance (same goes for Maymon, which if what you say in #1 is actually true, would account for his windedness in the January Memphis game). More fast-twitch muscle means more oxygen use. "

you are clearly saying if stokes adds muscle like maymon did then his endurance his going to suffer and he will be winded. (Again, take it up with a kinesiologist if you disagree.) that is you saying that maymon's endurance was better last year before he added the muscle, (No, I didn't) which is you saying that he was in better playing shape last year (no, I didn't).

Please reread and stop inferring things.
You clearly are inferring that stokes gaining muscle has caused him to be more winded. Is it not? That's clearly what your saying? I get him being more muscular takes more oxygen, but is it not possible he also increased his endurance enough to overcome the muscle gain?
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We obviously are at a misunderstanding on what your saying about maymon. You say he appears to have lost weight, but gained muscle and caused him to be winded. You say that if stokes gains muscle like maymon he will also be plagued with the same windedness. That's you comparing and saying that gaining muscle has cause maymon to be more winded this year, also known as not as goo of shape?

Now you have said that's not what you meant, do what did you mean?
We obviously are at a misunderstanding on what your saying about maymon. You say he appears to have lost weight, but gained muscle and caused him to be winded. You say that if stokes gains muscle like maymon he will also be plagued with the same windedness. That's you comparing and saying that gaining muscle has cause maymon to be more winded this year, also known as not as goo of shape?

Now you have said that's not what you meant, do what did you mean?

Obviously. I've never stated that it looks like Maymon gained muscle. You've said it a lot, though. I don't see where the confusion is.
Obviously. I've never stated that it looks like Maymon gained muscle. You've said it a lot, though. I don't see where the confusion is.

I apologize you didn't use those exact words but heres your quote: Stokes has got muscle, there's no denying that. If you want him to put more muscle on, it's most likely going to be at the expense of endurance (same goes for Maymon, which if what you say in #1 is actually true, would account for his windedness in the January Memphis game). More fast-twitch muscle means more oxygen use.

Your stating if you gain muscle like maymon has(a fact) that you will become more winded. Maymon has gained weight and gained muscle from last year and is in better shape from last year. How can you honestly argue any of that?
I apologize you didn't use those exact words but heres your quote: Stokes has got muscle, there's no denying that. If you want him to put more muscle on, it's most likely going to be at the expense of endurance (same goes for Maymon, which if what you say in #1 is actually true, would account for his windedness in the January Memphis game). More fast-twitch muscle means more oxygen use.

Your stating if you gain muscle like maymon has(a fact) that you will become more winded. Maymon has gained weight and gained muscle from last year and is in better shape from last year. How can you honestly argue any of that?

Please read the bold. One of the things I've reiterated here is that I don't believe that Maymon has gained weight. In fact, I think he's lost weight.

Jesus Christ.
Please read the bold. One of the things I've reiterated here is that I don't believe that Maymon has gained weight. In fact, I think he's lost weight.

Jesus Christ.

Which is what ive been saying are you the type of person that no matter what the facts say your opinion is always going to be right? Maymon has gained weight and muscle the fact that you refuse to accept this I unbelievable.
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