ReDux: The Clinton bodycount

What about the 6k that died in the right's bogus war in Iraq, bush lied and people died . So much for the holier then thou bull$hit . The Cs pale in comparison to the crooks running the WH. :crazy:

What lie are you talking about?
It is mostly concern that the information we consume is often for the rationalization and justification of our biases rather than constructing a basis in fact. This applies to both ends of the spectrum.
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Anything that we don't want to hear gets explained away as "fake news" anyway. It is doubtful that anything presented in this or any other forum is going to affect our predjudices.
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What lie are you talking about?

Of course all you righties have a double standard for anything and everything. The only conspiracy that currency matters involves russia. If HC had any contact with russians during the campaign she should go to jail with the tRumps. Actually she should've been stripped of the nomination following the revelation that she received aide from the former chairman and the acting chairman. No one in this country is above it's laws.
Anything that we don't want to hear gets explained away as "fake news" anyway. It is doubtful that anything presented in this or any other forum is going to affect our predjudices.

What about being Americans first. Partisanship is hurting this country on many fronts. :question:
This is just biased right wing media trying to bring the Clintons down. It's fake news folks.. it's very sad...very sad

Is this how it's done?
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That's like citing cnn as a credible news source.

Faux "News "is America's state run network, just as bad even worse than RT. What's up with the right's constant attack on the media. Answer: it just won't stop reporting every lie the crooked tRump family tells. :crazy:
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This is just biased right wing media trying to bring the Clintons down. It's fake news folks.. it's very sad...very sad

Is this how it's done?

Again, what's so hard about grasping the number of people associated with them that have either committed suicide or were murdered. Like Sam alluded to, the probability of them not being involved in at least a few is ZERO.
Again, what's so hard about grasping the number of people associated with them that have either committed suicide or were murdered. Like Sam alluded to, the probability of them not being involved in at least a few is ZERO.

With how many people do you think the Clintons are "associated?" How many people are murdered per 1000 every year? How many people commit suicide per 1000? Die of natural causes per 1000?

Without these no probability can be established. Furthermore, many of the deaths are people with whom the Clintons were not associated or their deaths were wrongly classified etc.

You guys just eat up a good conspiracy theory.
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With how many people do you think the Clintons are "associated?" How many people are murdered per 1000 every year? How many people commit suicide per 1000? Die of natural causes per 1000?

Without these no probability can be established. Furthermore, many of the deaths are people with whom the Clintons were not associated or their deaths were wrongly classified etc.

You guys just eat up a good conspiracy theory.

Blood doesn't run up hill.
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With how many people do you think the Clintons are "associated?" How many people are murdered per 1000 every year? How many people commit suicide per 1000? Die of natural causes per 1000?

Without these no probability can be established. Furthermore, many of the deaths are people with whom the Clintons were not associated or their deaths were wrongly classified etc.

You guys just eat up a good conspiracy theory.

Not just about how many people they are associated with. Associated AND implicated in scandals with them. Run cover for the Clinton mafia all you want, but it isn't convincing.
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Like with some others on here, Armchair just gives back what is given.

You guys just get super whiny when your own tricks are used against you.

You're all free to constantly harass, bully, and call names, but god forbid if someone stand up to you and knock you on your digital "ass."

After being a long time reader, I must say you accusing anyone of being whiny is some comical stuff.
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It is a simple question.

Do the laws apply to illegal immigrants?

You simply went off topic , the answer is non citizens have no protection under the Constitution , why ask the obvious. Anything to deflect from the $hit storm surrounding the corrupt tRump clan . The fan base is in denial and ignoring the handwriting on the wall. :ermm:
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