ReDux: The Clinton bodycount

You simply went off topic , the answer is non citizens have no protection under the Constitution , why ask the obvious. Anything to deflect from the $hit storm surrounding the corrupt tRump clan . The fan base is in denial and ignoring the handwriting on the wall. :ermm:

Thats cute. Immigration has been an issue since before Reagan so we can dispense with your standard tactic of pointing fingers at Rs.

It isnt off topic because you said, "No one in this country is above it's laws.". You didnt say citizens of a country. You said IN a country.

Again, simple question for the thrid time; does that apply to illegal immigrants?
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Not just about how many people they are associated with. Associated AND implicated in scandals with them. Run cover for the Clinton mafia all you want, but it isn't convincing.

Lots of made up "connections" and made up "facts."

But of course you believe that if I order a small pizza with sausage it means I want a young boy sent to my house and if I order a small pie no sauce it means I want a young girl, right?
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Lots of made up "connections" and made up "facts."

But of course you believe that if I order a small pizza with sausage it means I want a young boy sent to my house and if I order a small pie no sauce it means I want a young girl, right?

No. I order pizza all the time. Goes well with Sweetwater ipa. I don't use the word out of the context of food, however. Pedophiles do. So does John Podesta. Quacks like a duck...
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Of course all you righties have a double standard for anything and everything. The only conspiracy that currency matters involves russia. If HC had any contact with russians during the campaign she should go to jail with the tRumps. Actually she should've been stripped of the nomination following the revelation that she received aide from the former chairman and the acting chairman. No one in this country is above it's laws.

Again..what lies?
Again, what's so hard about grasping the number of people associated with them that have either committed suicide or were murdered. Like Sam alluded to, the probability of them not being involved in at least a few is ZERO.

Why can't you use the same logic when it comes to Trump and his families dealings with Russia. I'm not saying Russia hacked voting booths but his entire staff was dealing with Russia prior to the election.
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Why can't you use the same logic when it comes to Trump and his families dealings with Russia. I'm not saying Russia hacked voting booths but his entire staff was dealing with Russia prior to the election.

I will wait for the outcome on Trump, but so far we actually had a Democrat on the IC (Feinstein) say there wasn't evidence of anything. Hillary and Bill are above the law.
Thats cute. Immigration has been an issue since before Reagan so we can dispense with your standard tactic of pointing fingers at Rs.

It isnt off topic because you said, "No one in this country is above it's laws.". You didnt say citizens of a country. You said IN a country.

Again, simple question for the thrid time; does that apply to illegal immigrants?

:horse: More concerned about Russia russia russia. Millions off illegals have been deported the last 3 /4 years and it ain't fake news.
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I will wait for the outcome on Trump, but so far we actually had a Democrat on the IC (Feinstein) say there wasn't evidence of anything. Hillary and Bill are above the law.

While I agree about waiting, she said that in May, which was before Muller started digging.
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Lots of made up "connections" and made up "facts."

But of course you believe that if I order a small pizza with sausage it means I want a young boy sent to my house and if I order a small pie no sauce it means I want a young girl, right?

:lolabove::lolabove: You broke the code!
Little late Ras. I already posted this. They dismissed it. The clintons don't kill folks. Everyone who was ever going to testify against them, decided it was best to end their life than ruin that good family name.

Oh. In that case, Clintons are good people.

Carry on.

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