Religious debate (split from main board)

A pointless point because, first, the list isn't exhaustive. Second, I don't see the connection to me. It is not logically impossible to have fit #4 and then come to a point years later when you don't believe.

You said the you had an experience, you almost did this and you almost did that. These 4 things that I posted are explainations in the Bible that explain what its like when someone was in your and my positions. That position is before Christ comes into ones life. It explains how people come to Christ and if it "sticks" or not. My case it stuck, your case it didn't. One of these 4 explains just what kind of experience that you had.
No, because I have more respect for you than you have for yourself. Arguing in a vicious circle is generally frowned upon, and assuming the very thing you are trying to prove is arguing in a vicious circle.

In other words, no...i don't want you to use the bible verses because the bible is not the word of god because there is no god, so youre doing nothing important in arguing that.

To you, its not the word of God, but to me it is! How could I witness to anyone without using the Word of God. That just doesn't make sense. Out of curiosity, just how would you expect someone to witness for God without using what is written? I assume that you would use a science text to teach evolution.
A pointless point because, first, the list isn't exhaustive. Second, I don't see the connection to me. It is not logically impossible to have fit #4 and then come to a point years later when you don't believe.

You need to stick to what you know, whatever that is. It seems the subject of belief is not your strong point.

Later guys.
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A pointless point because, first, the list isn't exhaustive. Second, I don't see the connection to me. It is not logically impossible to have fit #4 and then come to a point years later when you don't believe.

I doubt if you really got to point #4. From what you have spoken, I'm leaning more towards 2 or 3. I'm not saying this to be mean or hurtful, I'm just stating it as what the Bible says. Sorry if you're offended by this, that not my intentions at all.
It's mind boggling that people are resorting to "the bible says so."

This thread went down hill when things got backed into a corner. Then it became a good ole fashioned revival, rational comments that actually address the counter-arguments in the thread be damned (literally)!

God is real because the Bible said so, and the Bible is true because God said so! C'mon 666!

I'm so convinced now. If you're not, you must have "rocky soil." Of course, never mind how you got rocky soil. I mean, God is all powerful and created everything, but that rocky soil you somehow inherited for your seeds (you must take seed, no matter how homo-erotic that sounds) is on YOU, buddy. Quit being such a poor receptacle for seeds.
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This thread went down hill when things got backed into a corner. Then it became a good ole fashioned revival, rational comments that actually address the counter-arguments in the thread be damned (literally)!

God is real because the Bible said so, and the Bible is true because God said so! C'mon 666!

I'm so convinced now. If you're not, you must have "rocky soil." Of course, never mind how you got rocky soil. I mean, God is all powerful and created everything, but that rocky soil you somehow inherited for your seeds (you must take seed, no matter how homo-erotic that sounds) is on YOU, buddy. Quit being such a poor receptacle for seeds.

Yeah, this was largely my fault. Apologies. I just don't do well when confronted with condescending hypocritical presumptions and anti-intellectualist attempts at argument.

I don't know how many times I've heard that tired argument.
I was watching something on Nat Geo and it got me to a wonderin. Where did the "stuff" come from to make our solar system, galaxy, whatever you want to call it?

How big is space, if space is x large then there is a good possibility that Earths are being formed across the solar system around suns like our system was created.
Yeah, this was largely my fault. Apologies. I just don't do well when confronted with condescending hypocritical presumptions and anti-intellectualist attempts at argument.

I don't know how many times I've heard that tired argument.

Sounds like your toes have been stepped on there alittle!:)
if you ask me personally, i wish we could just find a way to abolish religion as a whole. Thousands of people dieing from warfare in the name of that culture's particular "God". Thousands of people dieing from sickness all over the world because of the choice of prayer rather than medicine. And to top it all off, the Church takes in Billions of dollars every year, pays none of the taxes, and yet they always need a little more.
if you ask me personally, i wish we could just find a way to abolish religion as a whole. Thousands of people dieing from warfare in the name of that culture's particular "God". Thousands of people dieing from sickness all over the world because of the choice of prayer rather than medicine. And to top it all off, the Church takes in Billions of dollars every year, pays none of the taxes, and yet they always need a little more.

and then have these guys after me? No way

I was watching something on Nat Geo and it got me to a wonderin. Where did the "stuff" come from to make our solar system, galaxy, whatever you want to call it?

How big is space, if space is x large then there is a good possibility that Earths are being formed across the solar system around suns like our system was created.

Some scientests say that there is about a 99.9999999 percent chance that there are plenty more earth-like planets out in the universe that possibly support life that has evolved as far as or past that of the human race. Kind of an interesting thought in and of itself.
Sounds like your toes have been stepped on there alittle!:)

I wouldn't say stepped on, more like pissed on during an intelligent conversation. I know that's surely what it seems like to me when i'm trying to have a decent conversation with a fundamentalist Christian. And i mean no offense by that. :good!:
I wouldn't say stepped on, more like pissed on during an intelligent conversation. I know that's surely what it seems like to me when i'm trying to have a decent conversation with a fundamentalist Christian. And i mean no offense by that. :good!:

The truth will set you free! But it has to tick you off first!
The truth will set you free! But it has to tick you off first!

Is not truth to me without scientific evidence that actually manifests itself in the physical world. Not a book(bible), and not nature(what you believe to be God) is proof to me. Every single religion on earth believes it is the right one, every single religion on earth has followers who believe they have felt "supernatural" tendencies, or God you might say. Each religion was formed in different parts of the world in different cultures with different Gods with the exception of the 3 Abrahamic religions Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, which all started in the same basic area, and feed off stories from one another. I.E. Christianity was formed off the feedings of Judaism, Islam was formed off the feedings of Christianity, and yet each of the three religions consciously contradict each other. Contradiction=why I'm an atheist. Every religion on earth contradicts all the other ones by claiming they are the right one. Well, not all of them can be right, but they CAN all be wrong. So you tell me, what makes your God that you supposedly "feel in your everyday life" anymore real than all the other people of all other religion's gods that they also "feel every day in their life". What if you're God is the wrong one? It would suck to go to "hell" for worshipping the wrong God wouldn't it?

Sorry, I'm rambling. It just all seems ludacris and absurd to me. No offense to any of you, I'm just explaining why i have my own beliefs or lack there of.:)
Is not truth to me without scientific evidence that actually manifests itself in the physical world. Not a book(bible), and not nature(what you believe to be God) is proof to me.

So if my faith/beliefs comes from a book (the Bible) its bad, but if yours (faith/beliefs) comes from a book (scientific evidence) , its good! Interesting!!!!
if you ask me personally, i wish we could just find a way to abolish religion as a whole. Thousands of people dieing from warfare in the name of that culture's particular "God". Thousands of people dieing from sickness all over the world because of the choice of prayer rather than medicine. And to top it all off, the Church takes in Billions of dollars every year, pays none of the taxes, and yet they always need a little more.

That wouldn't solve the problem. The problem is that religions aren't interesting in tolerating other religions. Religion can do both good and bad, but more good than bad, which is why I think it is important to promote religion rather than go secular. Multiple religious beliefs should be encouraged, but again it goes back to tolerance for other religions. Faith based grants, and initiatives are excellent ideas that can spur on economic growth and opportunity. I think the characterization of people dieing from sickness because of prayer over medicine is not accurate, I'm positive that some people are in favor of this "Christian Science", and the recent case of the Neumanns', but the overwhelming trend is the embracement of medicine and science.

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