Now, if we're to play so loosely with language as to make that statement reasonable ... I guess anything goes. But, let's pretend for a moment that we don't want to do that just yet.
First, and I have addressed this many times without a good response so I have to assume you're being lazy, the belief of the atheist and the belief of the christian are not both faith - not if you mean the same thing by faith. Faith for a Christian is the backbone of belief. It says something like "I don't have great evidence, and I don't need great evidence. I'm going to put myself as a firm believer in this proposition because it is meaningful and spiritually necessary. Empiricism or rationalism won't avail you in this arena". The atheist, if she is said to have faith, has something like "I can never know anything for certain, as human reason is fallible and many things thought to be true have been proven false. Because of this, I will tentatively hold hypotheses with the acknowledgement that they may be proven wrong."
Now tentative there doesn't mean waffling. You could hold it very firmly. What it means is that it is only prima facie belief in the proposition. It means that once new evidence comes up you will gladly embrace it for what it is worth.
Second, scientific evidence is not 'a book" like the bible, which is known as the word. The word is unchanging, the book is fixed. Scientific understanding is continually evolving and changing to meet new information. Your book was written almost two thousand years before we learned that the Earth wasn't the center of the universe! And, I know that this is rounding up - but I'm averaging out between the new and old testaments.
Scientific knowledge is subject to tests and scrutiny, and a scientific field of study is rejected if: a) it doesn't prove fruitful to predictive hypotheses, and b) if it shows itself to be utterly unfalsifiable.
I hope (and would pray) that you can see the clear difference.
Can we move on now from this absurdity that is the connection between the scientific mind and the religious mind? By all means, criticize the scientist, but don't pretend she is a metaphysician in empiricists clothing.