Religious Survey



The White Debonair
Nov 28, 2005
Do you have any kind of spiritual beliefs?

To you, who is Jesus?

Do you think there is a heaven or a hell?

If you died tonight, where would you go?

By the way, if what you were believing is not true, would you want to know?
(OrangeEmpire @ Jul 11 said:
Do you have any kind of spiritual beliefs?

Born and raised Roman Catholic. After 12 years of Catholic schooling, I had a lot of questions regarding my faith. Most of these revolved around the issue of certainty in God, i.e. did not the Greeks have certain faith in their gods, etc. Since then, I took it upon myself to study Greek philosophy and mythology, Islam, protestant doctrine, and the history and traditions of the Catholic Church.

(OrangeEmpire @ Jul 11 said:
To you, who is Jesus?
Jesus is the begotten Son of the Father. He was a man as well as he was God. Most importantly, which I feel many people lose sight of, he taught the importance of Justice first, Mercy second. People seem to get those two confused.

(OrangeEmpire @ Jul 11 said:
Do you think there is a heaven or a hell?
Indeed, and they are not only reserved for the afterlife. When someone does something righteous (which means it is for the right reasons also) they feel great about having done that. When someone does something that they know to be wrong and immoral, they are burdened with the guilt associated. Those are brief periods spent in heaven and hell, however, in the afterlife it is eternal and much more intense.

(OrangeEmpire @ Jul 11 said:
If you died tonight, where would you go?
(OrangeEmpire @ Jul 11 said:
By the way, if what you were believing is not true, would you want to know?
It would be nice to know if some non divine entity was able to be created out of nothing. I believe in evolution (as does the Catholic Church) and logically there is a point in every evolution theory at which one must accept that their is a divine power.

Luke 2:14

Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace to those on whom his favor rests."

I'd say that about sums it up.
Do you have any kind of spiritual beliefs?

Yes, I grew up in a "Dinstinctevly" Independant Missionary Baptist Church whose church slogan is, "What good Baptist Churches used to be, we still are.", needless to say I grew up with a legalistic background. I went through a period of about 6 years where I questioned every thing. I still attended church, but only to run the sound system. After those years of questioning and searching I found my home in the Southern Baptist Convention. *OH NO! HE IS SOUTHERN BAPTIST! LOL :birgits_giggle:

To you, who is Jesus?

On a peronal level is he my savior, on a broader level he is the son of God. Most important to me, I believe his message was Love.

Do you think there is a heaven or a hell?

I believe in a literal heaven and hell.

If you died tonight, where would you go?


By the way, if what you were believing is not true, would you want to know?


My scripture
In John 13:34 Jesus said A new commandment I give unto you, That you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another.

I tend to agree with George Carlin when it comes to Religion.

Especially this quote..

"If the churches want to play the game of politics, they should pay admission like everyone else."
To me, Jesus is the guy who prepares my empanada at the Spanish diner down the street.
(hatvol96 @ Jul 11 said:
To me, Jesus is the guy who prepares my empanada at the Spanish diner down the street.

Nice, does he walk on salsa?
I'm still not sure about the whole Jesus thing. I'd still consider myself Christian... But loosely so. That and being Christian is so hard through the ways man has effed with the related scriptures through the mellenia.

But, I have an absolute firm belief in karma. Whether or not it is an instrument of God is left to be determined. But it's there. And for me, retribution usually comes swift and hard. While it pisses me off sometimes, I'm thankful that it never lets me get away with stuff while others do for a while before everything comes crashing down later.
(OrangeEmpire @ Jul 11 said:
Do you have any kind of spiritual beliefs?
(OrangeEmpire @ Jul 11 said:
To you, who is Jesus?
The Son of God
(OrangeEmpire @ Jul 11 said:
Do you think there is a heaven or a hell?
(OrangeEmpire @ Jul 11 said:
If you died tonight, where would you go?
(OrangeEmpire @ Jul 11 said:
By the way, if what you were believing is not true, would you want to know?
Probably, but I'd say it's a little late for that.

Do you have any kind of spiritual beliefs?

To you, who is Jesus?
The Immortal Son of God, My Savior.

Do you think there is a heaven or a hell?

If you died tonight, where would you go?
Heaven even though as a man on earth, I do not deserve it. I know all my sins are forgiven because of the promise from God and the Ultimate Sacrifice made by Jesus Christ. Without Him, I could not enter the kingdom of Heaven.

By the way, if what you were believing is not true, would you want to know?
Yes, I'd want to know what the truth was, but I have 100% faith that what I believe is right.

My favorite scriptures are the Love scriptures. I Corinthians Chapter 13 Verses 4-8
"Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrong doing. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails. "
(Orangewhiteblood @ Jul 11 said:
I tend to agree with George Carlin when it comes to Religion.

Especially this quote..

"If the churches want to play the game of politics, they should pay admission like everyone else."

ditto that
(milohimself @ Jul 11 said:
I'm still not sure about the whole Jesus thing. I'd still consider myself Christian... But loosely so. That and being Christian is so hard through the ways man has effed with the related scriptures through the mellenia.

But, I have an absolute firm belief in karma. Whether or not it is an instrument of God is left to be determined. But it's there. And for me, retribution usually comes swift and hard. While it pisses me off sometimes, I'm thankful that it never lets me get away with stuff while others do for a while before everything comes crashing down later.

Milo's next avatar.



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(therealUT @ Jul 11 said:
Born and raised Roman Catholic. After 12 years of Catholic schooling, I had a lot of questions regarding my faith. Most of these revolved around the issue of certainty in God, i.e. did not the Greeks have certain faith in their gods, etc. Since then, I took it upon myself to study Greek philosophy and mythology, Islam, protestant doctrine, and the history and traditions of the Catholic Church.
Jesus is the begotten Son of the Father. He was a man as well as he was God. Most importantly, which I feel many people lose sight of, he taught the importance of Justice first, Mercy second. People seem to get those two confused.
Indeed, and they are not only reserved for the afterlife. When someone does something righteous (which means it is for the right reasons also) they feel great about having done that. When someone does something that they know to be wrong and immoral, they are burdened with the guilt associated. Those are brief periods spent in heaven and hell, however, in the afterlife it is eternal and much more intense.

It would be nice to know if some non divine entity was able to be created out of nothing. I believe in evolution (as does the Catholic Church) and logically there is a point in every evolution theory at which one must accept that their is a divine power.
I'd say that about sums it up.

Amen!!! Its good to see another Catholic around. That is how I was raised, weather it is right or not, who really knows!!!! LOL We will all find out one day!!
(OrangeEmpire @ Jul 11 said:
Do you have any kind of spiritual beliefs?yes

To you, who is Jesus?he is the son of god, the spirit, and god himself, all three are one, as it says in the bible. its somewhere in matthew im ashamed no to know the verse.

Do you think there is a heaven or a hell?yes, both

If you died tonight, where would you go?
I have never cussed, never done anything real bad, i have recieved the holy ghost, and been baptized in jesus name, i have repented for my sins, but i have not read the Bible, all the way, and I have had time too so until then its a close call, but hell.
By the way, if what you were believing is not true, would you want to know?
yes i think anybody would, but it is true, there is written proof for all those none christians, what more proof do you need they didnt have cameras back then, and i still watch his miracles happen today.
(Orangewhiteblood @ Jul 11 said:
I tend to agree with George Carlin when it comes to Religion.

Especially this quote..

"If the churches want to play the game of politics, they should pay admission like everyone else."

I'm with George and Owb on this, especially a large portion of Carlin's "You Are All Diseased" special.
(OrangeEmpire @ Jul 11 said:
Do you have any kind of spiritual beliefs?

To you, who is Jesus?

Do you think there is a heaven or a hell?

If you died tonight, where would you go?

By the way, if what you were believing is not true, would you want to know?

Yes. Am a Baptist and was raised in a Baptist church.

Jesus died for our/my sins that others might have eternal life. He was born of a virgin. Jesus sits on the right hand side of God.
I believe in the Trinity-God, the Father; God, the Son & God the Holy Spirit.

Yes, I believe in heaven and hell. Heaven is where those who are believers in Christ and have accepted him as their savior go when they die. If a baby dies, they automatically go to heaven. There is also an age of accountability and it's different for different people. Only God knows that.

Hell is where those people go who are non believers and have not accepted Christ as their savior. People condemn themselves to Hell.

If I died, I'd go to heaven.

In answer to the last question, I know it's true because I have faith and trust and truly believe the Bible.
(bravevol @ Jul 20 said:
yes i think anybody would, but it is true, there is written proof for all those none christians, what more proof do you need they didnt have cameras back then, and i still watch his miracles happen today.

There is not proof Bravevol. If there was proof, then it would not be called 'faith.'
(TennFan @ Jul 22 said:
Yes, I believe in heaven and hell. Heaven is where those who are believers in Christ and have accepted him as their savior go when they die. If a baby dies, they automatically go to heaven. There is also an age of accountability and it's different for different people. Only God knows that.

Hell is where those people go who are non believers and have not accepted Christ as their savior. People condemn themselves to Hell.

If I died, I'd go to heaven.

So, if one does not believe in Christ, they go to hell? Guess your preacher forgot to inform his congregation of a little notion called 'faith through works.'
(therealUT @ Jul 22 said:
So, if one does not believe in Christ, they go to hell? Guess your preacher forgot to inform his congregation of a little notion called 'faith through works.'
I don't care who you are, there is no possible way that you can work your way to Heaven. Jesus is the only person to walk this earth as a sinless man, and he will be the only ever to do that. Please dont believe this lie.
(therealUT @ Jul 22 said:
There is not proof Bravevol. If there was proof, then it would not be called 'faith.'
What does that mean I know what faith is but there is proof what is the Bible, nothing.
(smoke_em06 @ Jul 22 said:
I don't care who you are, there is no possible way that you can work your way to Heaven. Jesus is the only person to walk this earth as a sinless man, and he will be the only ever to do that. Please dont believe this lie.

That is a very small way of looking at life. There are many people that walk the earth helping more people than some churches ever do and they will be denied?

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