Religious Survey

I agree, if you do not believe in Jesus, that He was sent here to die for our sins, then you won't go to Heaven.
(OrangeSquare @ Jul 24 said:
I agree, if you do not believe in Jesus, that He was sent here to die for our sins, then you won't go to Heaven.

So, if you spend every last ounce of energy you have serving your fellow man and being charitable, you are denied?
(therealUT @ Jul 24 said:
So, if you spend every last ounce of energy you have serving your fellow man and being charitable, you are denied?

That's my belief, yes.

Trust me, I am FAR from radical.

I label myself a Christian, and I stop there. I think that we, as humans label ourselves too much and I believe that labeling yourself a baptist, or catholic, or any of the other multiple denominations goes against God's Word. There is mention of not building seperation in the Church of God, and by that I believe the "church" is the body of believers.

Now, I'm not saying being a baptist, and going to a baptist church displeases God. I just do not think that pairing myself down is what is best for me. I remain open and although I do not attend as much as I should, or would like, I go to churches of all denominations.

I read the Bible and pray when I do that God gives me the meanings ad understandings he wants me to have, not the understandings of a man or woman behind a pulpit. I think sometimes Christians put too much faith in their human minister, and not enough in God Himself.

I'm not trying to condem you or anyone else, I just believe what I believe, and you of course, do the same.
(therealUT @ Jul 24 said:
Stating, with firm conviction, that someone who does not believe in Christ is going to hell is just one step away from then elimating that person. I understand that you cannot see that.

Also, stating that someone who physically abuses their children and/or others is less of a sinner than a homosexual is a very dangerous thought. Basically, you are stating that violence is less morally corruptible than sexual preference and or religious belief. That being said, it is not a large step for you to then rationalize and justify violence in order to rid the world of those who hold differing beliefs than you do.
I don't know what your smoking, but it must be some heavy stuff. I am not eliminating anyone. However, I am simply trying to present a message. The rest is up to them to either accept it or reject it. Also, violence is something that is part of the human nature. We have and always will have to deal with violence in our society. The overwhelming majority of Americans are against legalizing gay marriage because they know how damaging it would be to our nations health. Legislation needs to be in effect that will not allow these radical judges to rule against the majority.
(smoke_em06 @ Jul 24 said:
I don't know what your smoking, but it must be some heavy stuff. I am not eliminating anyone. However, I am simply trying to present a message. The rest is up to them to either accept it or reject it. Also, violence is something that is part of the human nature. We have and always will have to deal with violence in our society. The overwhelming majority of Americans are against legalizing gay marriage because they know how damaging it would be to our nations health. Legislation needs to be in effect that will not allow these radical judges to rule against the majority.

So, where are you different from the terrorists again? You are for forcing your beliefs on the infidels, are you not? And, well, violence is just part of society...that you can tolerate. However, you will not tolerate morally corrupt individuals, whether their actions directly affect your life or not.
(therealUT @ Jul 24 said:
So, where are you different from the terrorists again? You are for forcing your beliefs on the infidels, are you not? And, well, violence is just part of society...that you can tolerate. However, you will not tolerate morally corrupt individuals, whether their actions directly affect your life or not.
Is this really Ted Kennedy?
(therealUT @ Jul 24 said:
Don't dodge the question. Answer it.
What question? You just think of a different way to ask the same question. Do you work for CNN?? The Clinton News Network
In what fundamental ways do you differ from the terrorists? That is the question and you have yet to provide an answer.
(therealUT @ Jul 24 said:
In what fundamental ways do you differ from the terrorists? That is the question and you have yet to provide an answer.

Probably in that rather than blowing up the infidels, he'd just like to pursuade them.
(GAVol @ Jul 24 said:
Probably in that rather than blowing up the infidels, he'd just like to pursuade them.

I don't believe so. The terrorist's use violence because they have no other power to use against those they deem as 'infidels.' He still believes that his cause has the power of politics behind it. However, if it is ever realized that they do not have that power, then what?

During the Clinton Administration there were a lot more bombings of abortion clinics than during W's 6 years.
(utvolpj @ Jul 24 said:
You missed the point, he said that if you do not accept Jesus you will not go to heaven. The religions I mentioned also believe in a higher power and even the same God but, according to smoke, have no chance.

I didn't miss any point. The person I was responding to said that all of these people who believe in Jesus will go to heaven, and then these people who do great deeds, who are non-believers won't go to heaven.

It's true, there is no heaven unless you believe in God.

Just like a college can't win the BCS National Championship if they don't have a football team.

I'm not arguing "to believe" or "not to believe."

Just because you don't believe doesn't make you a better person.

And just because you believe doesn't make you a better person.

The point I was trying to make is, there is no heaven unless you believe.

There is no hell unless you believe.

It's not forced upon us. We can decide for ourselves whether or not there is a heaven or not.

That's the whole point of being a Christian, to have faith that there is a heaven.

To say, "I don't believe in God, but there is a heaven" defeats the whole purpose of believing in the first place.

Some people are so ignorant that they don't know that God and Heaven go hand in hand.

They've never read one word of the Bible, and they don't know the first thing about being a Protestant or Cathlolic, or Jew, or being Islamic, etc.

Why would anyone think there was a Heaven without being a Christian?

(smoke_em06 @ Jul 24 said:
Is this really Ted Kennedy?
(smoke_em06 @ Jul 24 said:
What question? You just think of a different way to ask the same question. Do you work for CNN?? The Clinton News Network
:eek:lol: :eek:lol:

I can't help it, this is downright funny. Smoke keeps accusing realUT of being a democrat. Apparently smoke, you haven't read many of his posts, because he may be about the most conservative member of this board.

The day therealUT becomes a democrat will be the same day that hatvol publically declares that Fulmer is the greatest coach of all time :D
(MyBloodRunnethOrange @ Jul 24 said:
The day therealUT becomes a democrat will be the same day that hatvol publically declares that Fulmer is the greatest coach of all time :D

You hear that TRUT? You're going to be a Democrat at the end of this season.
(Jasongivm6 @ Jul 24 said:
I didn't miss any point. The person I was responding to said that all of these people who believe in Jesus will go to heaven, and then these people who do great deeds, who are non-believers won't go to heaven.

It's true, there is no heaven unless you believe in God.

Just like a college can't win the BCS National Championship if they don't have a football team.

I'm not arguing "to believe" or "not to believe."

Just because you don't believe doesn't make you a better person.

And just because you believe doesn't make you a better person.

The point I was trying to make is, there is no heaven unless you believe.

There is no hell unless you believe.

It's not forced upon us. We can decide for ourselves whether or not there is a heaven or not.

That's the whole point of being a Christian, to have faith that there is a heaven.

To say, "I don't believe in God, but there is a heaven" defeats the whole purpose of believing in the first place.

Some people are so ignorant that they don't know that God and Heaven go hand in hand.

They've never read one word of the Bible, and they don't know the first thing about being a Protestant or Cathlolic, or Jew, or being Islamic, etc.

Why would anyone think there was a Heaven without being a Christian?

By stating that only those that believe in Jesus will go to heaven, you are in fact saying that the fidelis are better people. At least be honest with yourself on that point.

Also, do you understand that the most likely way not to convert someone to your belief is to tell them that if they do not start believing they will go to hell? It is circular logic. They already do not believe what you do. So, why are they now going to believe that they will go to hell? It is asanine.
(therealUT @ Jul 25 said:
By stating that only those that believe in Jesus will go to heaven, you are in fact saying that the fidelis are better people. At least be honest with yourself on that point.

Also, do you understand that the most likely way not to convert someone to your belief is to tell them that if they do not start believing they will go to hell? It is circular logic. They already do not believe what you do. So, why are they now going to believe that they will go to hell? It is asanine.

This isn't from either a Christian stanpoint or non-Christian stanpoint:

One, I never said that people who believe in Jesus are better people. There are people out there who are non-christians who do great deeds, and in fact ARE better people than many Christians.

The fact that you are a better person doesn't have ANYTHING to do with getting into Heaven, UNLESS you believe there's a reason and way to get there.

Two, if you don't believe in God, you DON'T have to worry about going to Hell. It doesn't EXIST if you don't believe.

The whole point of believing that there is a God is to GET TO HEAVEN or HELL. Christians who BELIEVE think that they will go to HEAVEN. Christians who "say they believe", but live a contradictory lifestyle, and in fact, don't "really believe", will have a hard time getting in to Heaven.

That's why it's much easier to be Atheist.

If there was a Heaven, but you didn't have to believe there was a God, then most people, if not all, wouldn't believe that there was a God. It would be much easier than spending all of those hours praying, reading the Bible, tithing, etc.

If people think there is a Hell, then they would also have to believe that there was a way to get there.

Atheists don't believe that there is a God, and know that they don't have to worry about going to Hell because there is no such thing.

Many people in the U.S., if not most, see Christianity as a mind-warping, Bible-thumping trap to get people to believe that there is a God.

Some people believe there is a God.

And for the umpteenth time, you don't have to be a Christian to do good deeds or be a great person. Just because you don't believe in God doesn't make you a "bad person." Just because you do believe doesn't make you a "good" person.

There is just no point in fearing that you won't go to Heaven if you're an Atheist.

If you did fear "not getting in", then you wouldn't be an Atheist.

You're coming across as if Christians think they are "better" people and will "go to Heaven," and the one's who don't believe are "bad" people and will go to "Hell."

That's not true at all, unless you "claim" to be a Christian and contradict everything that God and the Bible teaches.

Yes, there is a "Heaven" and "Hell" if you're a real Christian.

Yes, most Atheists are good people.

No, there is no heaven without faith.

No, not all Christians are good people.

If you are stating that only those who believe in Jesus have the possibility of making it into heaven, then at the same time you are stating that they are better people than those who do not call themselves Christian. It is that simple. You can hold that belief all you want, just be honest with yourself about it.
(therealUT @ Jul 25 said:
If you are stating that only those who believe in Jesus have the possibility of making it into heaven, then at the same time you are stating that they are better people than those who do not call themselves Christian. It is that simple. You can hold that belief all you want, just be honest with yourself about it.
I just wish you would quit telling people what to do. No one person is better than the other. Just because we believe that we will go to Heaven doesn't make us any better than someone who believes something else. I don't know who you think are.
(therealUT @ Jul 25 said:
If you are stating that only those who believe in Jesus have the possibility of making it into heaven, then at the same time you are stating that they are better people than those who do not call themselves Christian. It is that simple. You can hold that belief all you want, just be honest with yourself about it.

Are you blind? Can you give me an example of where I said Christians are better people?

Just because you think you can get into Heaven doesn't make you a better person. (It's a place where Christians think that they will go)

That's not something I made up. It's what Christians believe.

Do you not get it???

And yes, people who believe in God ARE the only ones who have the possibility of making it into Heaven. ( Which Heaven have you read about that doesn't involve 'believing' there is some way to get there without believing in God?)

I didn't make up the possibility of going to Heaven. It's what some people believe.

And for the UMPTEENTH TIME: You don't HAVE to be a Christian to be a GOOD person.

And, just because you're a Christian doesn't make you a BETTER person than anyone else.

What part of Heaven = being a Christian do you not understand?

Can the Atlanta Braves win the Super Bowl? NO

Why? Because they don't play football.

(Jasongivm6 @ Jul 25 said:
Are you blind? Can you give me an example of where I said Christians are better people?

Just because you think you can get into Heaven doesn't make you a better person. (It's a place where Christians think that they will go)
That's not something I made up. It's what Christians believe.

Do you not get it???

And yes, people who believe in God ARE the only ones who have the possibility of making it into Heaven. ( Which Heaven have you read about that doesn't involve 'believing' there is some way to get there without believing in God?)

I didn't make up the possibility of going to Heaven. It's what some people believe.

And for the UMPTEENTH TIME: You don't HAVE to be a Christian to be a GOOD person.

And, just because you're a Christian doesn't make you a BETTER person than anyone else.
What part of Heaven = being a Christian do you not understand?

Can the Atlanta Braves win the Super Bowl? NO

Why? Because they don't play football.
trust me jason, he doesn't get it.
(Jasongivm6 @ Jul 25 said:
What part of Heaven = being a Christian do you not understand?

I guess the part about Jews and Muslims also believing in heaven and hell...
An opinion found from a writer right here at home
(from whilst googling sites on religion and politics....

Religion And Politics Are Not A Football Game
posted July 12, 2006

With the shooting of the Quran here in the national news, as well as the reported flushing of the Quaran months ago in Guantanamo Bay Cuba, it's obvious now more than ever what's happening in our country. Some people aren't going to church to worship their God. They are going and cheering for their accepted religion like they do for their favorite football team.

Think about it. Everyday in traffic I see religious bumper stickers proclaiming, " Give your soul to Jesus," and then, sometimes on the same car another bumper sicker demanding, "Go Big Orange." People are rooting for Christianity or any other form of organized worship, like it's "WE" versus "They," and it is the reason so many of us are turned off by church.

I see Jesus t-shirts and I see UT Vols t-shirts. The messages conveyed are nearly the same. I see "Jesus is my co-pilot" on a truck, and I see "Tennessee 199? National Champions" on a car. Is this really a way to tactfully convey your belief in an almighty (God, not the Big Orange)?

Thankfully, I am assuming Jesus never told of his favorite color. Let's for the heck of it say that in the book of Ezekemus (made up) Chapter 47 verse 8 it read, "And Jesus said to the multitudes my favorite color shall be purple." Every Sunday we would see thousands of people walking into church wearing purple suits and dresses, just like we do on Saturday with the disciples of Phil Fulmer walking into Neyland Stadium cloaked in orange.

Politics has become a team sport as well. There have always been political bumper stickers, but in the last decade people discuss their vote as they would their favorite team. "I voted for Bush and he's my man right or wrong," I have now heard a gazillion times. About as many times in fact as I have heard this: "My blood runs orange win or lose." I can accept the second saying a lot easier than the first. Worshipping a chosen god or backing a national leader is important business. Being a fan of a football team is supposed to be for fun and recreation. Let's separate how we advertise them.

Parker Smith
(OrangeSquare @ Jul 23 said:
Ok, on the subject of missionaries.

This one bothers me, and I'm Christian.

Why do we travel to the far reaches of the earth to "help those in need" when there are PLEANTY of people here in East Tennessee that could use our food, water, and the Word of God?

Why send our money to the guy on tv building wells in Africa, instead of helping the family in the mountains with their grocery bill?
You got a good point, but the people in Tennessee have been given the oppurtunity to go to church and live for God. They have all knids of churches to choose from and they just dont. It is still our duty to invite them but a lot of them do not go. Missionaries are sent across the Earth to find people in dyer need to hear the word of God. If we start churches in these countries the word of God will spread across the country and we need as many believers as we can get. Our chruch recently had a missionary from Australlia, and he said he is in the outback were hardly any people live and he has a whole town of like 300 people attending church, thats what we need.
(Jasongivm6 @ Jul 25 said:
This isn't from either a Christian stanpoint or non-Christian stanpoint:

One, I never said that people who believe in Jesus are better people. There are people out there who are non-christians who do great deeds, and in fact ARE better people than many Christians.
The fact that you are a better person doesn't have ANYTHING to do with getting into Heaven, UNLESS you believe there's a reason and way to get there.

Two, if you don't believe in God, you DON'T have to worry about going to Hell. It doesn't EXIST if you don't believe.

The whole point of believing that there is a God is to GET TO HEAVEN or HELL. Christians who BELIEVE think that they will go to HEAVEN. Christians who "say they believe", but live a contradictory lifestyle, and in fact, don't "really believe", will have a hard time getting in to Heaven.

That's why it's much easier to be Atheist.

If there was a Heaven, but you didn't have to believe there was a God, then most people, if not all, wouldn't believe that there was a God. It would be much easier than spending all of those hours praying, reading the Bible, tithing, etc.

If people think there is a Hell, then they would also have to believe that there was a way to get there.

Atheists don't believe that there is a God, and know that they don't have to worry about going to Hell because there is no such thing.

Many people in the U.S., if not most, see Christianity as a mind-warping, Bible-thumping trap to get people to believe that there is a God.

Some people believe there is a God.

And for the umpteenth time, you don't have to be a Christian to do good deeds or be a great person. Just because you don't believe in God doesn't make you a "bad person." Just because you do believe doesn't make you a "good" person.

There is just no point in fearing that you won't go to Heaven if you're an Atheist.

If you did fear "not getting in", then you wouldn't be an Atheist.

You're coming across as if Christians think they are "better" people and will "go to Heaven," and the one's who don't believe are "bad" people and will go to "Hell."

That's not true at all, unless you "claim" to be a Christian and contradict everything that God and the Bible teaches.

Yes, there is a "Heaven" and "Hell" if you're a real Christian.

Yes, most Atheists are good people.

No, there is no heaven without faith.

No, not all Christians are good people.
Ok you just said if you do not know about Heaven or Hell you willnot go to either are you saying they go to what they believe? And if they have been introduced to God and find out about the truth and they still dont believe than their going to Hell. You also said not all Christians are good people. Well thats true in some ways not all people who say they are Christians are good people, but a real Christian is a good person.

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