Rep Massie posts gun photo

Don't come to our place on Christmas. Everyone gets one.
I just do as the word tells me.
Luke 22:36
he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one.
Two verses later:
Luke 22:38

The disciples said, “See, Lord, here are two swords.” “That’s enough!” he replied.
There is a rather hilarious edited version of that family photo that people keep spamming in the Twitter thread. You’ll have to go to the thread to see it I’m not gonna post it because I don’t want to go to banned camp 😂
There is a rather hilarious edited version of that family photo that people keep spamming in the Twitter thread. You’ll have to go to the thread to see it I’m not gonna post it because I don’t want to go to banned camp 😂
The one where all the guns are big dildos? My wife showed me that one.
Oh you misunderstand. I'm Baptist I pick and choose the verses I follow. Kinda like most of the far left do the Constitution.
lol.....I grew up C of C where they took the whole Bible as literal and never to be viewed through the lens of the present, sort of like 2a nuts.
There is a rather hilarious edited version of that family photo that people keep spamming in the Twitter thread. You’ll have to go to the thread to see it I’m not gonna post it because I don’t want to go to banned camp 😂

Oh I wanna post two I seen so bad. I got a post removed for "bad" language, so I know the dildo one wont fly if I post it.
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Do you keep goats “available “ like the other Baptist

Money and food. Big time Baptist's have big church money and Small towns have fat Baptist's.
We tend to leave the goats to them people with those bath towels on there head, the snakes to them people on the side of Clinch MT, and those young boys at St Henry's that always are running around with that ole man.
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lol.....I grew up C of C where they took the whole Bible as literal and never to be viewed through the lens of the present, sort of like 2a nuts.
I’m sure you’ve laid it out many times, and I’m not looking for a discussion. Just curious -

Are you more the 2A is misinterpreted today by 2A protectionists?
Or the 2A could stand to be re-visited given where we are now 200+ years later?
Oh I wanna post two I seen so bad. I got a post removed for "bad" language, so I know the dildo one wont fly if I post it.
Some people find dildos offensive.....smh
They should understand, dildos do nothing, it's the person holding the dildo.
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I’m sure you’ve laid it out many times, and I’m not looking for a discussion. Just curious -

Are you more the 2A is misinterpreted today by 2A protectionists?
Or the 2A could stand to be re-visited given where we are now 200+ years later?
If it's not being misinterpreted (which I think it is), then it certainly needs to be re-visited.
Rep. Thomas Massie posts family gun photo for Christmas, asks Santa for ammo days after school shooting in Michigan - CNN

Just incredibly wrong to post that photo. Hope even the gun folks here see his post as utterly tasteless.


Admittedly I am currently standing on my porch and I've this moment several shots rang out in the distance in a middle class neighborhood with affordable apartment housing and possibly some section 8 less than 1/4 of a mile away. I'm suspecting it's not from upstanding citizens in the community just wanting to shoot randomly in the neighborhood. This is what's unacceptable.
Some people find dildos offensive.....smh
They should understand, dildos do nothing, it's the person holding the dildo.

I agree. Someone hits someone with a pink dong its the person that is swinging it. Maybe we get stricter dildo reform?
Kinda like the left yelling for more gun laws, while "looking over" Wisconsin dropping a felony on Grosskreutz days before a trial while having a illegal gun at a riot.
Hard not to let it fall on deaf ears, while you let your "hero's" get by with breaking the law and yelling at us to stick more laws on the books.

While we are are on the offensive talk lets go with Free speech, I don't get peoples freak out with gamer words. Let people say and do what they want. You call someone a name and get the snot knocked out of you, oh well.
I know the Freak has rules on what & what not to say. I still look at the fact we are on a Political forum and "should" be grown adults. I don't see the need to police speech and "funny" pictures so strictly here, but that's just me.
If it's not being misinterpreted (which I think it is), then it certainly needs to be re-visited.

It’s revisited several times a year , what more do you want ? You know how to change it , our founders were brilliant men that gave us the ability to amend it any time we want . Sooo what’s the hold up ? 😂
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Don't come to our place on Christmas. Everyone gets one.
I just do as the word tells me.
Luke 22:36
he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one.
Are we sure that says what we think it means?
This guy's purpose is twofold and it accomplishes both objectives. It's a plea for attention by an obscure member of the House minority, while also pandering to the Republican Party base.

"Hey, look at me! I'm trolling the libs."

It would be best for democrats/liberals to ignore it, but we never do... so the guy gets what he wants.
This is actually a perfect analysis of what this is for the right and the reaction (or over-reaction) on the left.

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