Rep Massie posts gun photo

It is a creepy picture. It doesn't seem clever or funny or related to Christmas. It seems like people trying to hard.

Considering the cost/availability of ammo at the moment there really is a joke in there. I'm not concerning myself with other people's taste in "clever or funny" but for the target (sorry) audience they would understand the sentiment.
No it doesn’t you just don’t like the answer . Political parties trying to circumvent the the constitution by having judges chip away at our rights do not bring people closer together . Trying to keep adding laws or mandates that work against individual liberties and freedoms is not a way to bridge any gap , it only widens the gap and sets in stone how people view each other by their political affiliations .
I like my answer just fine.
Finding the proper balance between individual rights and a properly functioning society is what narrows the gap.
Never crossed my mind.
You've missed all of my previous gun debates? I have always claimed it is one of the rational and reasonable measures that would reduce the number of guns flowing into the hands of criminals and would be criminals.
We're so mired in whether or what we can or cannot do that we aren't thinking about the need to promote a healthy, respectful gun culture. "I've got mine, now **** you" isn't how you convince parents of small children to keep their firearms locked up when not in use.
Plus, gun panics are good for profits. I wouldn't be surprised if some firearms companies aren't behind pseudo-leftist social media accounts that foment fear around the time books need to be balanced.
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Plus, gun panics are good for profits. I wouldn't be surprised if some firearms companies aren't behind pseudo-leftist social media accounts that foment fear around the time books need to be balanced.

That's plausible.
We're so mired in whether or what we can or cannot do that we aren't thinking about the need to promote a healthy, respectful gun culture. "I've got mine, now **** you" isn't how you convince parents of small children to keep their firearms locked up when not in use.

I am not steeped in gun culture. All my firearms were lost in a boating accident.

Where do you see the "ive got mine..." on display?
We're so mired in whether or what we can or cannot do that we aren't thinking about the need to promote a healthy, respectful gun culture. "I've got mine, now **** you" isn't how you convince parents of small children to keep their firearms locked up when not in use.

Firearm safety and marksmanship should be taught in every school as part of PE.
Plus, gun panics are good for profits. I wouldn't be surprised if some firearms companies aren't behind pseudo-leftist social media accounts that foment fear around the time books need to be balanced.
Firearm safety and marksmanship should be taught in every school as part of PE.

I'm surprised it's not part of my kids' curriculum here in western Maryland. The school system doesn't give them Columbus Day off so they can give them the first day of hunting season off instead.

Mmm, deer jerky time...

My son, at least, has been steeped in it formally through Boy Scouts.
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I'm surprised it's not part of my kids' curriculum here in western Maryland. The school system doesn't give them Columbus Day off so they can give them the first day of hunting season off instead.

Mmm, deer jerky time...

My son, at least, has been steeped in it formally through Boy Scouts.

Boys got opening day of rifle season as an excused absence when I was in school.
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I can't remember what grade but the NRA Hunters Safety course was part of PE.
That's the one we took. Shot skeet on the practice football field behind the high school. White House High survived shooting with live ammo by students during the school day.
I don't have time to go down another of your rabbit holes Luther. Just enlighten us.
Regulating bulk firearm purchases is a straightforward, effective way to reduce gun trafficking and save lives.

Laws limiting the number of firearms a person can purchase within a certain timeframe help reduce the number of guns that enter the secondary market—weapons that are more likely to wind up at the scene of a crime. Only a handful of states limit bulk gun purchases, a policy that has been proven to reduce gun trafficking and consequently gun violence.

The pro-gun lobby attempts to dispute this fact in misleading and deceitful ways.

(Go back to the beginning of this part of the debate if you don't see the relevance.)

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